As part of the Imperial war machine, we have an extensive bureaucracy, which aides the Imperial family in the administrative tasks involved with managing the vast amount planets under Imperial control.  These bureacrats, appointed directly by the Emperor, Regent, and Grand Moffs, ensure that planets remain loyal the Empire and are provided with all that they need.  As well, the bureaucrats are responsible for the recruitment and enlistment of officers and warriors from these planets to help boster the ranks of the Imperial military.  The ranking list of the bureacracy, as well as what it corresponds to in the military, is also included.  Any questions should be sent directly to the Regent.
      If you feel that you have what it takes to be part of the bureacracy, then you may request to be considered directly to the Regent.  Not all requests will be read, and even then not all will be considered.  If you do not receive acnowledgement of your request, do not request again.  Being in the bureaucracy is an honor, not a privilege. Often times the Regent will ask you, not the other way around.  It is not common for a military officer to attain a position in the bureaucracy, unless he is retired.

For the Glory and Honor of the Empire


Lord Lucius Hadrian Nack
Prince Regent, Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire Bureaucracy Mission Statement
1. To directly control both the planets and resources of the military; this includes ship production and resource management.

2. To defend any and all Imperial planets when under attack.  This will normally be the task of the Sector Govern or Planetary Governor.  If the planet is extremely valuable, the Moff of the Grand Moff may oversee this task.

3. To serve the Empire. This job is the most important of them all. You must work  for the common goal of the Empire, not your own personal motives.  Often times bureacrats are found vying for their own power.  If the Regent or Emperor so much as suspects you of doing this, you will be executed without trial.  The perks of being a bureacrat are high, but so are the responsibilites.  Serve the Emperor above all others.

4. To conduct trade with any of the Empire's allies or, sometimes even, opponents (e.g., delivering a hidden strike force onboard a Rebel commandship). This will include both the dropping off of and picking up of goods that are being traded.  Depending whoever is closer, quicker to respond, and avaliable, this job will be assigned to one person.  Often times, military will be attached to help the bureacrat in this task.

5. To conduct negotiations with enemies. There will come a time during the period of Galactic War, where the either the Rebels or pirates will want to negotiate a treaty.  This will happen when we have beaten them so badly that both their manpower and ship power has been severely defeated.  They will want to spare their lives, as the cowards that they are.  During this glorious occasion, a select group of bureacrats will be present to speak on behalf of the Emperor and the Imperium as a whole. There will also be other kind of treaties.  One's in which we may offer something in a exchange for resources or something else. Assignments to these negotiations will be made on an individual basis.

6. Assisting the Armed Forces. The nureaucracy of the Empire does not just sit around managing planets all day; they also take part in the battles.  Although the bureucracy does not have the most heavily armed ships in the Fleet, they have powerful one's nonetheless.  Time and time again, the bureaucracy will be called on to help the Armed Forces when attacking or defending a planet.  It is the duty of the bureaucracy to commit as many forces as possible to the conflict.  

Ranks of the Bureaucracy

The bureaucracy is overseen directly by the Regent of the Empire.  All iniquries, including requests to be part of the bureaucracy, should be sent to the Regent.

Grand Moffs(GMF)- The highest leaders of the Imperial bureaucracy.  They are in charge of administrating all the planets under the control of the Empire.  They reports directly to the Regent. This Position carries much prestige and power when appointed. In addition, it is anticipated that aGrand Moff will be given a flagship to maintain a small Sector Fleet, pending available Imperial resources, with which to patrol and garrison the our territory. A Grand Moff may also choose to pick one world as his capital world to rule on.  The Empire does not have many Grand Moffs.  Those that achieve this rank are to be respected as would be a Grand Admiral or Field Marshall.  Grand Moffs not only have bureacratic prowess, but also military prowess.  They aide the Regent in allocating the Imperial budget.

Moff (MF)- In the old days of the Imperium, a Moff was in charge of an entire sector of known space, consisting of hundreds ofsSystems. This much remains true today, for the most part.  Appointed Moffs, will control an entire system within Imperial territory. However, they still retain civilian (and some military) command over individual Sector and Planetary Governors within their Sector. A Moff holds no other rank and reports directly to his Grand Moff.  For disciplinary and command purposes, however, a Moff is to be treated with the same respect that would be a Rear Admiral.  Thus, saluting a Moff would be prudent.  The Moff may also choose one planet to govern as their as own, on top of the system they command.  Moffs may requisition items to be placed in the Imperial budget, through his or her Grand Moff.  

Sector Governor (SG) - A SG is appointed by the Regent or Grand Moff to rule over a sector.  A Sector Governor differs from a Planetary one in that he or she has more experience, and thus more privileges.  Often times, Sector Governors are being trained for the Moffdom, but as of yet do not have much experience.  Sector governors retain civilian command over Planetary Governors.

Planetary Governor (PG)- A Planetary Governor (PG) is appointed by the Regent, Grand Moff, or Moff to every habitable world within the confines of known Imperial space. The Planetary Governors hold direct and absolute authority over the planets they rule. This includes all garrison forces, TIE Squadrons, stormtroopers, AT-AT and AT-ST squadrons, and liasons with the native ruling governments. The PGs can be virtual dictators or benevolent rulers. Many a Moff's career was made or broken by their performance as a Planetary Governor. It should be noted that a PG is a civilian/government Position, not a military one. Consequently, a PG has no direct command over military members. However, if a PG is strongly supported by a capable military force (as in the case of the PG of Mordor), his word is regarded as law. The PG reports directly to his Sector Governor.