Officers of the Empire,

      We are an Empire.  Consequently, we shall act like one.  Military discipline is important in any SIM, because it allows the SIM to run most smoothly.  Additionally, it provides for a more realistic and exciting simulation environment.  I know many of you dislike the idea of having to salute and bow and such, but keep in mind: one day, you'll be the one they're saluting!
      Please be certain to follow this protocol at all times.  It really does help the SIM run well and ensure that everything is conducted at maximum possible efficiency (read: this is the way to ensure a maximum aggregate happiness for all of the simmers).  If you have any questions on any part of this document, be certain to contact your immediate commanding officer.  
      On that note, it is important that the chain of command is followed.  While I'm sure the Emperor would love to chat with all of you, he just simply does not have the time.  Nor do I, for that matter.  Consequently, I must act that each of you only contact your immediate superior.  If he or she cannot help, then the question will be forwarded along until it can be answered.  Logistically speaking, the highest level command officers simply do not have the time to deal with issues that could be easily resolved by a Battle Group Executive Officer.
      I thank you all for taking the time to familiarize yourself with this document, and urge you again to contact your superiors if you have questions or concerns.

For the Glory and Honor of the Empire


Lord Lucius Hadrian Nack
Prince Regent, Galactic Empire

This file best if maximized to fit the entire viewing window.

Standard Operating Procedures:

1)  Whenever you are in a Chat room and a superior officer comes in call the
room to attention.  This should not be done if the entering officer is lower
in rank from anyone in the room.  For example:  You are in a room with a
Captain.  Suddenly an Admiral comes in, immediately call the room to
attention.  He should then tell you to be at ease.  Now if the situation is
reversed and you are in the room with the Admiral and a Captain comes in, you
will not call the room to attention because the Admiral is present.  Should
the Emperor come in, call it to attention *immediatly*! ((Note this refers only to SIM Related chat-rooms))

2.) Saluting:
      When you address a superior officer in any in character (IC) conversations, you
will begin it with a salute.  Do nothing else until that officer salutes
      When sending an Instant Message, you are considered to be IC, so
salute.  Once a meeting or conversation is finished, salute the officer, and
wait for his return salute.  After he does, you may leave.  If you are
anywhere else, and you begin talking IC, then these rules apply.
Anything pertaining to the SIM is considered IC domain.  If a
group of officers arrives on the scene, you salute the highest ranking
officer only, not each member.  He or she will then respond.  

3.) Kneeling:
      Only a select few have the honor and duty to kneel before the
Emperor.  They are his Warlords, Grand Admirals/Field Marshalls/Wing Commanders, Sith Members, High Command officers, Department heads, and Sector Governors.  No one else shall kneel before him, as no one else is entitled to direct audience with the Emperor. If you are not on the above list... come to attention immediately!!!!!

4)  We are a military.  As such, we have a chain of command.  Follow it! If
you have comments, questions, or suggestions, send them to your superior.  If
you feel that the comments were not acted on or were not passed along
properly, then go to his superior.  But never approach the Regent of Emperor.
An ensign should not be talking to the Warlord...he is just too busy.

Our chain of command goes as follows:

                    Emperor Resquerat------------------------------------------------------------
                              |                                                                             |
                              |                                                                             |
                        Lord Nack   -------------------------------------------------------------------
                      /                   \                                         |                       |
                  /                          \                                      |          Imperial Royal Guard
              /                                 \                                   |                       
 Dark Lord Vespasian            Grand Moff(s)     Military Chain of Command (see file)
            |                                        |
            |                                        |
Order of the Sith (see file)               /  \
                                                /        \
                                              /             \
                       Imperial Departments      Moffs
                                                         Sector Governors
                                                       Planetary Governors  

5)  If for any reason you cannot be at a SIM, practice SIM, or meeting you
MUST contact your commanding officer at least 24 hours ahead of time.  In
cases of family emergencies we understand that sometimes this is not
possible...but please inform us ASAP.  This makes it easier for all involved.  It is also common courtesy, something that is often forgotten when dealing with others over the Internet.

6)  You will always address any superior officer as Sir.  You may use their
full title and name... such as Grand Admiral Thrawn, Warlord Thrawn, or
Sir, but answer questions using Sir.

7)  If you say you are going to do something then DO IT!  The Empire cannot tolerate
slackers or liars and there is no place in the Empire for these kind of
people.  Lying to a superior officer is grounds for demotion and court
martials.  Serious offenses may even lead to expulsion.

8)  Despite whether or enemies want to be called the New Republic, the New Democracy, or the New Libertarian League, they are Rebels.  Refer to them as such.  To call them anything but Rebels would bring undeserved legitimacy to their petty Rebellion.  If not Rebels, then our enemies are pirates (or smugglers, if you prefer).  I don't want to hear them referred to as organized crime or gangsters...they are pirates, simple.  The Hapans are Hapans as long as they are allies.  If they are not allies, then they are Rebels.

9)  Battles have been won or lost based on the presence or absence of a
single ship.  Therefore it is imperative that your ship is where it is
supposed to be.  During a SIM you should follow our battle plans to the
letter.  Order and regimentation are what keep battles from being truly
chaotic.  Deviation from the plans will be viewed as dereliction of duty
which is grounds for immediate expulsion or even termination.  In fighter
combat they stressed staying close to your wingman.  This is the same for the
fleet and your commanding officers.  You are to stay close to your division
or fleet XO.  If he gives you an order OBEY it!

10)  There is to be NO vulgar postings!  Doing so is in bad taste and reflects
poorly on the Empire.  Also, you will NEVER disagree, contradict, or argue
with a superior officer in public, or in a post.  Doing so is insubordinate
and insolent.  Do not discuss plans or future military actions in any post or
chat room.  Another thing about posts, DO NOT get into arguments with rebels
or Hapan or pirate members.  I do not care if they start it, WE will not
continue it.  In other words, do not respond to harassment or name calling.
We are above all of that.  If you are offended or attacked unjustly in a post
contact your superior officer.  If you do desire to respond to the attack do
so in the form of E-mail, at least this keeps it private.  Be sure to carbon copy it to your superior.

11)  As Imperial Officers you serve the Empire.  We all took an oath of
loyalty to uphold the precepts of the New Order and to support our Empire
even until death.  This oath extends to your commanding officers as well.
Obey them as if they are the Emperor, for they are acting under his

12)  Due to our current sociopolitical status, our most important resource is
manpower.  Treat your subordinates appropriately.  Avoid chastising them in
public whenever possible.  Praise in public at any given opportunity.  Morale
can make up for numbers.  As an officer it is incumbent upon you to keep
morale high.  Do not abuse your powers as a commanding officer.  If you are found to do so, your tenure as a commander will not be a long one.

13)  Treason and traitors will not be tolerated!  I cannot stress this
enough!  If I find any member of the Empire to be a traitor, I will not rest
until they are hunted down and destroyed!  This is the lowest level a person
can sink to, do not let it happen to you.  Think of the adverse impact it
would have on your comrades, family, and friends.  Our Empire has a very
strict policy towards spies and traitors and mine is even harsher!  Keep a
close eye out for these scum.

14)  Assaulting an officer, even in jest, is in very bad taste, and will lead
to immediate court martial or even execution.

15)  Duty is the most sublime word in our language.  You can never do more.  You
should never do less!!

16)  You are replaceable.  Remember that always.  As the Prince Regent, I reserve the right to be your executor, at any time.  I may extend this right to other officers of the Empire as I see fit.  So be certain that you don't violate any of the above rules, thereby warranting your execution.  There is no need for me to execute anyone besides Rebel scum.  Don't make me have to do otherwise.