Sith Order

      The Sith Order is a vital part of the Empire. They serve the Emperor and the Empire through espionage, assassinations, and Military Command. To be a member of the Sith Order is to be feared but respected throughout the galaxy.
      Training is a long and difficult task. Only the most dedicated will make their way through the training necessary to be considered a Sith. However, for those who make it through the training, the rewards will be great.

Joining the Sith Order
      The Empire will be very selective when it comes to choosing members for the Sith Order. For the most part, candidates for the Sith Order will be chosen from the lower ranks of the Military. Those who are chosen will begin their training and continue to serve the Empire through their military position. If their training is continued they will eventually be transferred outside of the Military and be made an Official member of the Sith Order.
      When an individual joins the sim they may wish to express interest in becoming a Sith in the future. Their progress will be closely watched and if they show potential, they may be offered a position within the Sith Order. However, simmers will still be offered invitations to join the Sith Order without previous requests to join. Only rarely will simmers ever be offered a position without some previous military service within the Empire.

        Training will be a long process but one that is very important for any potential Sith. Its duration depends on the abilities of the simmer and how quickly he grasps the information that is being presented to him. It may take only a matter of weeks for a prodigy to become a Knight while it may take another several months of long training.
        Training begins with a general introduction. It consists of emails explaining powers and the idealologies of the Sith as well as chat room sessions teaching general combat techniques and discussing Sith philosophy. Storylines will also be very important at this stage of the training.
        Once a simmer has reached the rank of Knight, he will begin to focus heavily on Chat Room sparring and combat. It is here that he will learn how to defend from attacks quickly and learn the most about the force. In general most of what he learns will be simplistic attacks and light saber combat. Even on the boards he will not use the force in overly complex ways.
        When a simmer has reached the rank of Master he will then begin to learn how to use the force to twist his enviorment to his advantage and defeat his enemies without the use of physical weapons. His chat room base will allow him to learn how to use complex combinations to defeat Jedi in duels and escape plots against his life on the boards. Masters also will begin to learn much more about Sith Magic and other more difficult concepts.

        The Sith Order requires Warriors not diplomats. As most of its training will consist of live battle, a Sith will always be prepared to fight his enemy. Yet honor is also an important part of Sith Tradition. Theirfore, any member of the Sith Order may challange another to a Duel if ones honor has been violated in some matter. Such a challange cannot be refused. Internal strife and rivalry will be discouraged by the Dark Lord of the Sith but it will not always be preventable. If a character dies in an Honor Duel then he is invited to rejoin the sim and join the Sith Order once more; however, since he has already been trained he will only go through storyline training on the boards.

Goals of the Sith Order
-The Primary Goal of the Sith Order is to serve and protect the Emperor while pursuing his enemies throughout the Galaxy.

-The Protect the Empire from internal strife and plots. Members of the Sith Order must be on the guard at all times for plots against the Emperor or the Empire. They will punish the treacherous and seek at all times to preserve the stability of the Empire.

-Engage the enemies of the Empire through all means possible. This includes assassinations, espionage, ground combat, and naval engagements.

-Destroy the Jedi Order

Sith Order ranks as they relate to the Military

Dark Lord of the Sith- The leader of the Sith Order and supreme Master of the Sith. The Dark Lord of the Sith is must be respected by all and all Imperials must bow in his presence with the exception of the Emperor and Prince Regent.

Sith Order: Dark Council- Members of the Dark Council are the highest ranking Sith within the Empire. They advise the Dark Lord of the Sith and are involved in setting Sith policy. They also are appointed to high positions within the Empire such as Procurator of Justice, Inquisitor, and others. Dark Council members are equal to the full Admirals in rank and any below that rank must bow to them. Most often a member of the Dark Council is a Grand Master of the Sith and at times a Master.

Sith Order: Shadow Circle- Members of the Shadow Circle are the backbone of the Sith Order. They rank equal to Fleet Captains and those beneath that rank must bow to them. Most often members of the Shadow Circle are Sith Masters, Knights and below.

Sith Order: Initiate- Those who are receiving training but are still under military position are considered potential candidates and so referred to as Initiates. Their status is only their military rank and they are not bowed to.

Examples of Rank Signatures:

Tarcil Annatar                                      Izlude Voros                              Loki Connacht
Grand Master of the Sith                      Sith Knight                               Sith Apprentice
Sith Order: Dark Council                      Sith Order: Shadow Circle      Sith Order: Initiate

Sith Ranks
Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Sith
Sith Master
Sith Knight
Sith Apprentice
Sith Initiate

Explanation of Sith Ranks
The Rank of Grand Master of the Sith is given to the two most powerful Sith Lords under the Dark Lord of the Sith. From one of them comes the next Dark Lord of the Sith. They are masters of both Magic and the Dark Side of the Force.

The rank of Sith Master was given to a powerful Sith who had acquired ability beyond that of a Sith Warrior. Like most ranks it was opposite to a Jedi rank; however in general a Sith Master is slightly weaker than the Jedi equivalent.

The rank of Sith Knight is given to a Sith who had finished the basic training in the Force and has become strong enough in the Dark Side to be the equal of a Jedi Knight.

The rank of Sith Apprentice is given to any Sith with little training. The Sith is put under the teachings of a stronger Sith to learn.

The rank of Sith Initiate is not necessarily the weakest rank in the Order, but the lowest. Sith Initiates are often new recruits who are given the rank upon entering the Order. However, the rank is also given to fallen Jedi who do not receive a rank relative to their strength until they understand the Sith better.

Note: Those Sith who do not make use of the Dark Side of the Force are known as the Sith Magicians rather then Sith Lords.

For more information Please read the Force Rules in the Warbook

Created by
Krator Vespasian
Dark Lord of the Sith