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06.JUL.2001 - 0222 - editor Tiderius

Creation of the Galactic Empire Home Page...

06.JUL.2001 - 1524 - editor Tiderius

Updated Rules page, seperated Point System Charts and gave it its own page.

Updated Member page.

Updated Ship page.

Ship Specs should be up tomorrow morning.

07.JUL.2001 - 1241 - editor Tiderius

Updated Ship page, this now contains Ship Specs. All Imperial Ships Specs are up. All other factions ships are listed, specs will be up shortly.

07.JUL.2001 - 2129 - editor Tiderius

Updated Ship page, all factions are completed. However load time is slow due to the fact that the specs are *.doc so html versions will be replacing them as time goes by.

11.JUL.2001 - 0703 - editor Tiderius

Updated Member page.

Updated Ship page, all Ship Specs are now html instead of doc files.

All graphics and code owned and designed
by Patrick Driggett