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The Television of the Future

Rogers, Michael.
Newsweek 31 Jan. 2003. 18 Feb. 2004

Although many people think that AMerica is very advanced in its technological knowledge, it's very easy to look past the fact that other countries such as Japan, China and Thailand have been sweeping pasts us for years in their advancements. A perfect example of this is the fact that in the later eighties, Japan's Hi-Vision television system swept the market, leaving America in the past. Fortunately for us, the U.S. ended up using a digital standard which forced Japan to follow in its lead. This amazing couch-potato heaven is the "biggest change since the invention of color broadcasting." Only recently has this amazingly real television experience wandered into the homes of many Americans. The odd thing about HDTV is the fact that in 1988 it was precdicted to come to the United States from Japan within five years. Let's do the math, that was 1988, its 2004; not exactly five years. Why so long? Money is the answer. American's don't have the money to spend on this extremely expensive new advancement.