Season 7
Conversations With Dead People
BUFFY: Who's got the power, Dawn?
DAWN: Well ... I've got the stake.
BUFFY: The stake is not the power.
DAWN: But, he's new. He doesn't know his strength. He, he might not know all those fancy martial-arts skills they inevitably seem to pick up.
BUFFY: Who's got the power?
DAWN: He does.
BUFFY: Never forget it. Doesn't matter how well-prepped you are or how well-armed you are ... you're a little girl.
DAWN: Woman.
BUFFY: Little woman.
DAWN: I'm taller than you!
BUFFY: He's a vampire, okay? Demon? Preternaturally strong, skilled with powers no human could possibly ever-
VAMP: Excuse me. I think I'm stuck.
BUFFY: You're stuck?
VAMP: My foot's caught on a root or something. I don't even know how I got down there. If you girls could just give me a hand...
DAWN: Hmm. So, he's got the power.
BUFFY: Zip it.
BUFFY: So you're the new principal. I ... expected you to be more ... aged.
WOOD: You seem a bit young to have such a grown-up daughter.
BUFFY: No! Uh, uh, no, I mean ... sister.
WOOD: Oh, right, um, of course.
BUFFY: You didn't really think she's my... It's my hair. I, I have mom hair.
ANYA: Six weeks tops, and she's calling on me for vengeance.
HALFREK: Ooh, he better run for cover.
ANYA: What's that supposed to mean?
HALFREK: Oh, sweetie, you know exactly what it means.
ANYA: 'Scuse me?
HALFREK: It's the talk of the Order. They're calling you Miss Soft-Serve. Tell me you don't know this.
ANYA: But ... who?
HALFREK: Listen, Anya. I know I've always been a little competitive with you, I mean, there was that thing in the Crimean War, we laugh about it now... But the fact is, I've actually always looked up to you. You were the single most hard-core vengeance demon on the roster, and everybody knew it. Do I have to mention Mrs. Cholgosh?
ANYA: Good times.
HALFREK: And then you lost your powers. It happens, and ... you fell for this Xander guy...
ANYA: It was a glitch. A summer thing. I am *so* back in the vengeance fold.
HALFREK: No deaths. No eviscerations. You're not goading women into anything inventive, and you're not delivering when it is.
ANYA: I don't even know what-
HALFREK: Waitress downtown wished her husband was a frog? You made him French!
ANYA: He's smelly! A-and with a little mustache, she-
HALFREK: Listen, Anya. If it was just me...
ANYA: What do you mean, if it was just you?
HALFREK: D'Hoffryn? The lower beings? They're all feeling the heat. Something's rising. Something older than the Old Ones, and everybody's tail is twitching. This is a bad time to be a good guy.
ANYA: What is this, an intervention? Shouldn't all my demon friends be here?
HALFREK: Sweetie... They are.
WILLOW: I felt the earth. It's all connected. It is, but ... it's not all good and ... pure and rootsy. There's ... deep ... deep black, there's ... I saw, I saw the earth, Giles. I saw its teeth.
GILES: The Hellmouth.
WILLOW: It's gonna open. It's gonna swallow us all.
BUFFY: Dawn? I'm close by.
DEAD MAN: Too late. But then, you're always too late, aren't you? Sure as hell didn't save me.
BUFFY: Where's my sister?
DEAD MAN: I think she's lost.
BUFFY: I'm the one who let you die, why take it out on her? I'm right here. Come on, what are you after? Fear, revenge? Tasty brains?
DEAD BOY: I think I'd like Dawn to be my girlfriend.
BUFFY: Again, wrong sister. I'm the one that dates dead guys. And no offense, but they were hotties. I mean, I-I'm sure you had a great personality...
DEAD GIRL: Were you busy making out with your dead boyfriend while I was ripped to death by a werewolf? Is that why you let me die?
DEAD BOY: I was screaming for help when they pulled me-
BUFFY: Hello! Not making myself clear. I don't care how you died. I'm sorry for your loss, but where is my sister? Dawn!
DEAD MAN: She's not gonna hear you. This place is like a maze.
DEAD GIRL: This place is ours now. It was built on our graves.
DEAD MAN: All we want is for you to leave, so we can rest again.
BUFFY: Probably show up in a sec.
SPIKE: Nobody comes in here. It's just the three of us.
BUFFY: Spike, did you see Dawn? She came down here with some kids.
SPIKE: Don't you think I'm trying?! I'm not fast. Not a quick study. I dropped my board in the water and the chalk all ran. Sure to be caned. Shoulda seen that coming.
BUFFY: What did you do?
SPIKE: I tried ... I tried to cut it out.
BUFFY: You know what they are?
SPIKE: Manifest spirits controlled by a talisman, raised to seek vengeance. A four-year-old could figure it.
BUFFY: (Into phone) Hang tight. I'll find you. These things can hurt you. You could hurt them too. Find a weapon. I'll come for you. Spike, you gonna help me out?
SPIKE: This is my home. I belong here. Always been here. Cheers for stopping by. ...It's in the wall.
BUFFY: I'll ... get back to you.
WOOD: Listen, I know this school's reputation. What, you think I got this job based on seniority? We got a lot of troubled students here, and just enough money to keep this place from caving in.
BUFFY: Yeah, you might need a little extra there.
WOOD: Well, we do have a community outreach program ... and the money we could pay you wouldn't even fold... but it would just be a couple of days a week.
BUFFY: Are you ... asking me to be a counselor?
WOOD: Well, I have a guidance counselor, but I was thinking the kids could use someone, you know, closer to their age who still-
BUFFY: I'm in.
WOOD: Are you serious? You you did hear the part about the money, right?
BUFFY: Yeah, I heard. My schedule might be a little funtastic ... but, uh, I'll work it out. I'd like to keep an eye on this place.
WOOD: That's great. Look at that, it's not even noon and I've already bullied my first family member into helping out. I'm gonna be the best principal ever.
SPIKE: Uh, the thing is... I had a speech. I learned it all. Oh, god, she won't understand, she won't understand.
WARREN: Of course she won't understand, Sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl! Sugar and spice and everything... useless unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...
GLORY: ...more than blood. I'm ... you know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips. Assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's all right though...
ADAM: I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be. And so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong.
MAYOR: So what'd you think, you'd get your soul back and everything would be jim-dandy? Soul's slipperier than a greased weasel, why do you think I sold mine? Well, you probably thought that ... you'd be your own man. And I respect that. But you-
DRUSILLA: -never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me. Singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them, right from the beginning. And that's where we're going.
MASTER: Right back to the beginning. Not the bang ... not the word ... the true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride. And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck ... if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you. Tried to do what's right. Just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right. Not about wrong.
BUFFY: It's about power.
SPIKE Now is not the time, you know it, I know it, making them understand - a totally different matter. No manners, is the problem, proper breeding, respect for etiquette, all of it lacking... All of it lost on 'em ... Bye-bye, lunchtime. Not the time. Not hardly ready... Stop. Please, mum. Begging now, make it stop. Make it ... God ...
DAWN 'Cause, seriously, just speaking for all the people who are me in the car? We're very excited.
BUFFY Well, I'm glad for all of you then.
DAWN It's just so cool. You're coming to school with me! You'll be like, right there, the whole time. You understand you can never talk to me, look at me, or hang out anywhere near my friends, right?
BUFFY You've been very specific.
DAWN It's just, I don't want my big sister humiliating me five days a week.
BUFFY Three. Three days a week. I'm only doing this community counseling gig part time, so if you want to be embarrassed Tuesdays and Thursdays? You're on your own, Missy. I doubt you'll see me at all, assuming I even half-understand my fuzzy job description ...
DAWN It's not fuzzy. You're what, dealing with "troubled" kids?
XANDER At a spanking new Hellmouth High. Please. Outside of drugs, violence, unwanted pregnancy and the unleashed hordes of Armageddon that come pouring out the school's foundation every now and then ... what kind of "trouble" could these kids have?
XANDER I dunno what's not clicking for me right now.
BUFFY Well, that thing with Anya...
XANDER The leaving her at the altar thing?
BUFFY Yeah, that one. That's not something you just bounce right back from.
XANDER Sure it is. She bounced back to being a Vengeance Demon and I bounced back to being a dateless nerd.
DAWN Do you guys talk at all?
XANDER I've seen her at The Bronze a couple times... guess there's a lot of scorned women there making Vengeance wishes on their exes.
BUFFY That's where I go to get my scorn on...
DAWN You guys should really ease up with the whole "dating demons" thing.
BUFFY Hello, I'm sorry wasn't that you having the smoochathon with teen vampire last Halloween?
DAWN See? This is why I don't want you talking to my friends!
BUFFY Can I give detention?
PRINCIPAL WOOD Okay by me. A little authority can be a wonderful thing. Just remember that while you're here to help, you're not their friend. Trust me, open that door, these students will eat you alive.
BUFFY You heard about Principal Flutie, right?
BUFFY Forget it.
GILES Try to be very specific. What is it, exactly, you're afraid of?
WILLOW Ho. Well. For starters? How about the Hellmouth's getting all rumbly again and now I know it's got teeth and are those literal teeth 'cause I don't know if I can handle it, and what if I can handle it? Does that mean I have to be a bigger, badder badass than the source of all badness? What if I have to give up all this control stuff and go all veiny and homicidal and what if ...
GILES ... They don't take you back?
GILES Willow. We could remain another two years here, training and practicing, learning to hone your powers. And still, you'd be no way of knowing for sure if the friends you left behind are still your friends at all.
WILLOW Well ... sure. I mean you put it that way - duh.
GILES I would offer some guarantee you'll be welcomed back in Sunnydale with open arms. But I can't. You may not be wanted. But you will be needed.
WILLOW That all you got?
GILES For the moment, yes.
BUFFY We're going to get into this. And if your dog's alive, we'll find him. I promise. The only thing we need ...
SPIKE What you need is help. Fortunately ... you've got me.
BUFFY You've changed.
SPIKE I have.
BUFFY Nice clothes. Better hair. And not so much with the crazy, I like it. Now what do you want?
SPIKE Easy. If you think I like putting myself here, surrounded by people who don't particularly like me. ...You'd be wrong.
XANDER If you're uncomfortable, we could make you leave.
SPIKE I'll be quick. We need to talk. Want to do that here, or privately?
XANDER I'm thinking here - in the company of good friends and pointy weapons.
BUFFY Don't start out by saying you're sorry.
SPIKE I didn't come to atone.
BUFFY Then what the hell do you want?
SPIKE Only to help you.
BUFFY Help me what?
SPIKE I was kinda hoping you'd tell me. You're the Slayer. Connected to visions, the long line of worthies. Riqht? I'm just a guy with his ear to the ground, but even I can feel it: something's coming. Don't know what, exactly, but something's brewing and it's so big, ugly and damned, it makes you and me look like little bitty puzzle pieces. If I'm wrong - say so. Lovely. No hard feeling. I go out that door and you can lock it behind me with any spell you like. So. Am I wrong?
BUFFY Everything about you is wrong, Spike. But something is coming.
SPIKE You're gonna need help.
BUFFY Since when did you become the champion of the people?
SPIKE I didn't. I'm just a guy who can lend a hand, if you let me. Ball's in your court, Slayer.
BUFFY Xander. Take Nancy home. Drive, don't walk and try not to stop 'til you get there.
XANDER Understood.
NANCY Is your girlfriend always this ... commanding?
XANDER Who - Buffy? Oh, she's not ... I mean, she's a girl, and a friend, but she's not my ...
DAWN Xander? Little drool?
BUFFY Spike and I'll check out the site of the attack.
XANDER O-kay ... Buffy, in the biggest way, I am not loving this plan. I'm not loving Spike. He ... He tried to rape you.
BUFFY And failed. I know I can take him.
DAWN Spike? You sleep, right? You, Vampires. You sleep.
SPIKE Yeah. What's your point, nibblet?
DAWN Well, I couldn't take you in a fight or anything, even with that chip in your head. But you do sleep. And if you hurt my sister, at all, if you touch her -- you're gonna wake up on fire.
SPIKE You're awfully quiet.
BUFFY I wouldn't know what to say.
SPIKE Fine with me. I was more than half expecting to get an earful anyway and when exactly'd your sister get unbelievably scary?
BUFFY What are you doing?
SPIKE What? Told you once. Straight up. I'm here to help. And that's all.
BUFFY So, what happened to you?
SPIKE You saw yourself. Those ghostly types down in the school basement got in my head. Made me flat-out, bug- shagging crazy. And I'm not exactly bragging about it, but they were ... stronger than I was. Made me see things. Do things. ...And how come you didn't tell anyone you saw me?
BUFFY Dunno. I guess ... I was partly hoping you were some kind of mirage.
SPIKE Sorry to disappoint.
SPIKE Look. I can't blame you for being all skittish.
BUFFY "Skittish?" That's not a word I'd use for it. You tried to rape me. I don't have the words.
SPIKE Neither do I. I can't say "sorry" and I can't use "forgive me." All I can tell you, Buffy, is I've changed.
BUFFY I believe you.
SPIKE Well, that's something.
BUFFY I just don't know what you've changed into. You come back to town, you make with the big surprises - twice - and I don't know what your game is, Spike, but I know - there's something you're not telling me.
SPIKE You're right. There is. But we're not best friends anymore, so too bad for me - I'm not sharing. We've been through things. The end of the world and back. I can be useful, because honestly? I've got nothing better to do. Make use of me if you want.
NANCY Well ... thanks. And that's a couple levels of lameness right there, isn't it? Me saying "thanks," after all you've done tonight ...
XANDER Well you could slip me a twenty, but then I'd have to act all offended.
NANCY Got it. So, you think I might, instead, give you a call sometime?
XANDER Just to check in.
NANCY No, I'm actually hitting on you.
XANDER Even better. I'm very listed.
NANCY And I'm very pushy, so that works out, then.
BUFFY Anya, that thing you created burst through solid pavement and ate her dog.
ANYA Aww. Puppy ...
XANDER Wait. That gets your sad noise? People's lives are in danger and you give it up for the yorkie?
ANYA You never understood me, Xander.
ANYA Ow! Hands off the merchandise Spike- you don't get to go there again.
SPIKE Please - I've already forgotten our little time together.
NANCY I thought you were Xander's ex- girl friend.
ANYA I am.
NANCY But you and Spike ...?
ANYA We had a thing.
SPIKE Didn't last.
NANCY But weren't you Buffy's ...
SPIKE Briefly.
BUFFY Never serious.
NANCY Are there any of you who haven't slept with each other?
ANYA Oh my God ...
SPIKE What are you staring at?
ANYA Oh my God ...
SPIKE Right - let's go.
ANYA How did you do it ... ?
BUFFY Spike. What's she talking about?
ANYA I can see you ...
SPIKE Nothing. Let's go. Got some worm hunting to do ...
ANYA How did you do it?
SPIKE Shut up.
ANYA It shouldn't be possible ...
SPIKE Shut your mouth, you.
ANYA How did you get ...
SPIKE I said you shut UP!
BUFFY You haven't changed, Spike.
SPIKE Ooh, working out some personal issues, are we? Guess this'd be first contact since you-know-when ... up for another round in the balcony, then? Right you are, Love. I haven't changed, Not a lick. And watching your face, trying to figure me out was absolutely delicious.
ANYA What do you want me to do?
XANDER Reverse the spell.
ANYA It's not that easy, Xander!
XANDER You can do it.
ANYA Sure, the spell part. But what about afterwards? What about me? I'm in enough trouble as it is. Halfrek's all over my case, D'Hoffryn is not pleased with my work and you don't want to see him unhappy, trust me ...
XANDER Nice friends you got.
ANYA Nice friends I had. Chums, co- workers, bridesmaids ... oh I had the whole package until something fell apart, now what could that be, Xander?
XANDER You saying this is my fault?
ANYA All I'm saying is, none of this happened until you dumped me at the altar.
XANDER And sooner or later, Anya, that excuse just stops working.
SPIKE Too much pain and damage, up close, right inside me. All the way, deep, deep inside me ...
BUFFY Spike! Whatever you're doing ...
BUFFY Do it somewhere else. I'm through with this.
SPIKE Oh, Lucky Girl. Call it quits, now there's an option. If only it were so easy, if only, if only and ... What the hell are you screaming about? I can hear you, no need to SHOUT!!! I get it, joke's on me, lotsa laughs. Bring the wife and kiddies, come and see the show, 'cause it's gonna be a circus. This? Just the beginning, love. A warm up act. The real headliner's coming and when that band hits the stage, all this ... ALL THIS ... will come tumbling in death and screaming and horror and bloodshed. From beneath you it devours. From ... beneath ... Poor Rocky.
SPIKE It didn't work.
BUFFY What the hell are you
SPIKE It didn't work. Costume. Didn't help. Couldn't hide.
BUFFY No more mind games, Spike.
SPIKE No more mind games. No more mind.
BUFFY Tell me what happened to you.
SPIKE Hey, hey! No touching! Am I flesh? Am I flesh to you? Feed on flesh. My flesh. Nothing else. Not a spark. Oh, fine. Flesh, then. Solid through. Get it hard, service the girl.
BUFFY Stop it! You
SPIKE Right. Girl doesn't want to be serviced. Because there's no spark. Ain't we in a soddin' engine?
BUFFY Spike, have you completely lost your mind?
SPIKE Well, yes. Where have you been all night?
BUFFY You thought you could just come back here and be with me?
SPIKE First time for everything.
BUFFY This is all you get. I'm listening. Tell me what happened.
SPIKE I tried to find it, of course.
BUFFY Find what?
SPIKE The spark. The missing the piece. That fit. That would make me fit. Because you didn't want god I can't! Not with you looking. I dreamed of killing you. I think they were dreams. So weak. Did you make me weak? Thinking of you, holding myself and spilling useless buckets of salt over your ending. Angel, he should have warned me. He makes a good show of forgetting but it's here in me all the time. The spark. I wanted to give you what you deserve. And I got it. They put the spark in me and now all it does is burn.
BUFFY Your soul
SPIKE A bit worse for lack of use.
BUFFY You got your soul back. How?
SPIKE It's what you wanted, right? It's what You wanted, right? And now everybody's in here, talking. Everything I did, everyone I and Him and it the other. The thing beneath beneath you. It's here, too. Everybody. They all just tell me go. Go to hell.
BUFFY Why? Why would you do that?
SPIKE Buffy, shame on you. Why does a man do what he mustn't? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would nev To be a kind of man. And she shall look on him with forgiveness and everybody will forgive and love and he will be loved. So everything's okay, right? Can we rest now? Buffy, can we rest?
Buffy: Yeah. It's gonna be weird seeing her. What do you say to someone in this situation?
Xander: I'm gonna say "Hi, Willow."
Buffy: C'mon. You're saying it's not going to be the least bit strange? We saw her kill someone. She was about to kill Dawn
Xander: And Giles wouldn't let her leave unless she completed that whatever recovery course.
Dawn: Right. Right?
Buffy: She kinda didn't finish.
Dawn: She didn't finish? She didn't finish being not evil?
Willow: Anya, don't! Don't run away.
Anya: What are you doing here? I thought you were with Giles studying how to not kill people.
Willow: I just got back.
Anya: Just got back, as in you're all better, or just got back to bring about a fiery apocalypse of death.
Willow: Neither, but I-I have been studying, working real hard, and I-I'm gonna be fine.
Anya: Oh. Good. 'Cause I remember the last time you said that. I've spent a lot of time since them cleaning the debris out of my ex-livelihood. Stuff like that.
Willow: Well, yeah, I wanna help any way I can with that. I-I feel really responsible.
Anya: You feel really responsible? You are really responsible!
Willow: I-I know I hurt you andand everyone. I'm sorry.
Anya: Here's something you should know about vengeance demons: We don't group with the "sorry." We prefer "Oh, God, please stop hitting me with my own rib bones."
Willow: Go on. Say whatever you want. Rib bones and so forth. I-I deserve it.
Anya: Then you won't mind? Well, then, that's no fun.
Buffy: No skin.
Xander: Tough to look at.
Buffy: And yet my eyes refuse to look away. Stupid eyes.
Xander: I found it first thing this morning. I gave my crew the day off, and I called you right away.
Buffy: I got to get a job where I don't get called right away for this stuff.
Spike: You go off and try to wall up the bad parts and put your heart back in where it fell out. You call yourself finished, but you're not. Worse than ever, you are... You went away. You've been gone since...
Willow: I needed to go, but I'm back now. And I found... There's a body.
Spike: Tragedy. Is there blood?
Willow: Uh, I, Yeah, and I can't find Buffy or Xander or Dawn. And there's this thing killing people. And the victim was... skinned. What could do that?
Spike: You did it once. I heard about it.
Willow: Anything otherother than me?
Spike: Look at you... glowing. What's a word means "glowing"? Gotta rhyme.
Willow: Spike?
Spike: Oh, ah, no. I-I-I should hide. Hide from you. Hide my face. You know what I did.
Willow: What you did? You didn't do anything... did you?
Spike: Everyone's talking to me. No one's talking to each other.
Willow: Spike, please try to listen to me.
Spike: Someone isn't here. Button, button... who's got the button? My money's on the witch.
Spike: You went away. You've been gone since...
Buffy: The church. You scared me a little. I didn'tI didn't know what to think.
Xander: We're here for a reason, Spike.
Spike: Tragedy. Is there blood?
Xander: He knows. He must have seen the body.
Spike: You did it once. I heard about it.
Buffy: Spike, we need to know who did this.
Spike: Look at you... glowing. What's a word means "glowing"? Gotta rhyme.
Buffy: Spike, please...
Spike: I-I-I should hide. Hide from you. Hide my face. You know what I did.
Xander: Boy, he's extra-useful today.
Buffy: This isn't the time.
Spike: Everyone's talking to me. No one's talking to each other.
Buffy: Might as well go.
Spike: Someone isn't here. Button, button... who's got the button? My money's on the witch. Red's a bad girl.
Buffy: He's talking about Willow.
Xander: And that means something because he's chock-full-o-sanity.
Buffy: Maybe he saw her.
Spike: They think you did it. The slayer and her boy. They think you took the skin.
Buffy: Is there something here? Something that killed?
Xander: Her boy? I'm her boy?
Anya: This isn't going to get all sexy, is it?
Willow: I'd be shocked. OK, do you have your powder?
Anya: Oh, I ate that... I have it.
Willow: OK, we scatter it over the map, and everywhere there's a demon, a little light appears.
Anya: Oh, pretty! Will it hurt the carpet? Hey lookthat's me! Hello. What's that huge clump?
Willow: It's the high school. It's all hellmouthy is underneath.
Anya: Things have been stirring there lately. Is it getting brighter?
Willow: Smoke!
Anya: Ah! OK. Remember our talk about the carpet?
Anya: Well, as it turns out, teleporting isn't a right, it's a privilege. I withdrew a vengeance spell last week, and this is my punishment. I can only teleport for official business. I have to file a flight plan and everything.
Willow: Oh. I'm sorry. That must be hard.
Anya: Yeah, it bites a pretty big one. And the vengeance itself, i-it's not as fulfilling as I remember.
Willow: Really? 'Cause I got the impression that you enjoyedyou know, inflicting.
Anya: Well, causing pain sounds really cool, I know, but turns out it's really upsetting. Didn't use to be, but now it is.
Willow: Is it like you're scared of losing that feeling again. And that having it be OK to hurt people. And then you're not in charge of the power anymore because it's in charge of you?
Anya: Wow, that was really over-dramatically stated, but, yeah, that's it.
Willow: I get it. Believe me.
Anya: I'm sorry, Willow. I wish it were better for you.
Willow: You too.
Anya: It did get a little sexy, didn't it?
Dawn: OK, so I looked up demons that skin their victims and demons that flay their victims 'cause, you know, same thing. There's a ton of prospects. Anything else gone? Uh, eyeballs, toenails or viscera? That's guts.
Buffy: She knows about viscera. Makes you proud.
Spike: William's a good boy. Carries her water, carries her sin. Supposed to get easier, isn't it. Supposed to help to help, but it doesn't. Still so heavy.
Xander: Should've put a leash on him.
Buffy: Yes, let's tie ourselves to the crazy vampire.
Xander: You really think it's gonna work?
Buffy: It's pretty easy. Spike follows the exciting smell of blood, and we follow the fairly ripe smell of Spike.
Dawn: It's smellementary. Also, I'm sure there's tons of stuff like this. You know, procedures we can use that don't involve magic spells. Just good solid detective work. And we can develop a database of tooth impressions and demon skin samples and I could wear high heels more often.
Buffy: Wow, that was so close to being empowered.
Dawn: Everybody loves a slender ankle.
Buffy: That's a rock cliff.
Xander: Well, give him a break, Buffy. Maybe it's a vicious skin-eating rock cliff.
Spike: There's a cave in it. Look. I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Gnarl: Look at the shorn lamb. See how it trembles. Is it the cold wind? Ah! Or is it that the flock is nowhere to be seen?
Gnarl: No way out now. No way out.
Willow: Protect me, Goddess. In thy name, I supplicate myself. Take the powers from my enemy, and lay him lower than the lowest field.
Gnarl: Gnarl loves spells. He keeps them as pets. They love him. And they leave him alone.
Willow: You may be immune to magic, but I've got more than that. You wanna fight?
Gnarl: Your friends left you here. No one comes to save you. They wanted me to have you.
Gnarl: Did they leave you as a gifty for me? Are you a tasty little gifty?
Willow: Stop it!
Gnarl: Or did they just throw you away?
Willow: Were they here? Were my friends really here? I heard something.
Gnarl: They were here, here they were, and there they went... Gone all gone what a pretty song! The sealed you in with me. I love a gifty. Can't wait to unwrap it.
Willow: Wouldnt leave. Theyll return.
Gnarl: They dont want you. Lock you in, nice white skin. And if they do return, where would they find you? Inside me youll already be.
Buffy: I didn't realize meditating was such hard work.
Willow: I'm healing. Growing new skin.
Buffy: Wow. That's magic, right? I mean, when most people when they meditate don't get extra skin, right. 'Cause Clem should, like, cut back.
Willow: It's magic. I'm drawing power from the earth to heal myself.
Buffy: We're on the second floor.
Willow: You know Giles says everything's part of the earth. This bed. The air. Us.
Buffy: Explains why my fingernails get dirty even when I don't do anything.
Willow: Plus you stuck your thumbs in a demon.
Buffy: True.
Buffy: I have a confession to make. I thought it might be you. With the flaying.
Willow: I know.
Buffy: I wanna be the kind of person that wouldn't think that. Xander never thought it.
Willow: He did, a little. Heck, I did a little. Xander has the luxury of not saying it, but you're the slayer. You have to say stuff like that. It's OK. It's OK too if you still don't think I can recover from this magic stuff, 'cause, honestly, I'm not that sure about it either.
Willow: It just takes so much strength. I don't have that much.
Buffy: I got so much strength, I'm giving it away.
Willow: Are you sure? Buffy: Will it help?
Willow: Much.
Buffy: Good.
Xander: From beneath you, it devours. It's not the friendliest jingle, is it? It's no "I like Ike" or "Milk: it does a body good."
Willow: I know. It's gonna be bad. It's gonna be real bad. And I wonder, will I Well, if it comes When it comes, will I be able to help?
Xander: I think so.
Willow: I don't know. I don't know what I can do. I mean, frankly, I'mI'm scared of what I might do.
Xander: Yeah, I get that. Figuring out how to control your magic seems a lot like hammering a nail. Well, uh, hear me out. So you're hammering, right? OK, well at the end of the hammer, you have the power, but no control. It takes, like, two strokes to hit the nail in, or you could hit your thumb.
Willow: Ouch.
Xander: So you choke up. Control, but no power. It could take like ten strokes to knock the nail in. Power, control. It's a tradeoff.
Willow: That's actually not a bad analogy.
Xander: Thanks.
Willow: Except... I'm less worried about hitting my thumb, and more worried about going all black-eyed baddy and bewitching that hammer into cracking my friends' skulls open like coconuts.
Xander: Right. Ouch.
Willow: Sorry. Xander, being back here... I don't know...
Xander: It'll take time.
Buffy: I know high school can seem kind of frustrating. But if you just get through it, then you can go to college, you know, or you can join the French Foreign Legion, or anything you want.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna do all that stuff.
Buffy: OK, no Foreign Legion. I get that. I mean all the changing your name, and being indentured for all those years, and occupying Algeria...
Cassie: It's just that I'm not graduating from high school.
Buffy: Why not?
Cassie: I really like that shirt. Where'd you get it?
Buffy: Cassie, don't change the subject. Why won't you graduate?
Cassie: Because next Friday I'm gonna die.
Willow: The sheets above me cool my skin like dirt on a mad woman's grave
I rise into the moonlight white and watch the mirror stare
Pale fish looks back at me
Pale fish that will never swim
My skin is milk for no man to drink
My thighs unused unclenched
This body is not ready yet
But dirt waits for no woman and coins will buy no time
I hear the chatter of the bugs. It's they alone will feast.
Xander: OK, death is really on her brain.
Dawn: We all deal with death.
Xander: This girl isn't just dealing, she's giving death a long, sloppy word-kiss. She has a yen for the big dirt-nap.
Willow: I don't know. I mean, a lot of teens post some pretty angsty poetry on the web. I mean, I even posted a melodramatic love poem or two back in the day.
Xander: Love poems?
Willow: I'm over you now, sweetie.
Cassie: There's no point. I told you
Buffy: This doesn't sound like someone who really wants to live.
Cassie: You think I want this? You think I don't care? Believe me, I want here, do things. I want to graduate from high school, and I want to go to the stupid winter formal... I have this friend, and it would be fun to go with him. Just to dance and hear lame music to wear a silly dress and laugh and stuff. I'd like to go. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to do. I'd love to ice skate at Rockefeller Center. And I'd love to see my cousins grow up and see how they turn out 'cause they're really mean and I think they're gonna be fat. I'd love to backpack across the country or, I don't know, fall in love, but I won't. I just never will.
Buffy: You will. Cassie, you will. You just have to tell us what you know. You have to tell us everything. Please, help us.
Cassie: I can't. I just know it's gonna happen. I don't know why and I don't know how, but something out there is gonna kill me.
Buffy: Is there something evil in the school? Down here, maybe. Spike, please, do you know anything?
Spike: Yes. There's evil. Down here. Right here. I'm a bad man. William is a baaad man. I hurt the girl.
Buffy: Spike, stop it! What did you do?
Spike: I hurt you, Buffy, and I will pay. I am paying because I hurt the girl.
Buffy: Spike. No. It's not me. It's a different girl, OK? Her name is Cassie Newton. Please, do you know anything specific?
Spike: Don'tdon't leave me. Stay here, and help me be quiet.
Buffy: I think it's worse when I'm here.
Spike: Don't let him hurt the girl.
Willow: How is her mom?
Buffy: OK. As OK as... she told me that her family had a history of heart irregularities, but she never told Cassie.
Willow: Cassie didn't know? Then it was fate?
Xander: I think she was gonna die, no matter what, wasn't she. Didn't matter what you did.
Buffy: She just knew. She was special. I failed her.
Dawn: Uh-uh. No. You didn't, 'cause you tried. You listened, and you tried. She died 'cause of her heart, not 'cause of you. She was my friend because of you. I guess sometimes you can't help.
Buffy: So what then? What do you do when you know that? When you know that maybe you can't help?
BUFFY I just dont want you to get your hopes up.
XANDER Hopes? Oh, no, no. There are no hopes. Anya and I are done. I love being single. Im a strong, successful male who is giddy at the thought of all the women I will no doubt be dating in the near future.
BUFFY Strong, successful males say giddy?
SPIKE I dont trust what I see anymore. I dont know how to explain it, exactly. Its like Ive been seeing things. Dru used to see things, you know? Shed always be staring up at the sky, watching cherubs burn or the heavens bleed or some nonsense. I used to stare at her and think shed gone completely sack of hammers. But shed see the sky when we were inside and itd make her so happy. Shed see showers. Shed see stars. Now I see her.
SPIKE Im in trouble, Buffy.
BUFFY I can help you.
SPIKE I could never ask. Not after
BUFFY Its different. Youre different.
SPIKE I could never ask.
BUFFY Spike, its me. Its you and its me and well get through this.
BUFFY Well get through this.
REAL BUFFY Spike. This basement is killing you. This is the Hellmouth. There is something bad down here, possibly everything bad.
SPIKE Cant hear you. Cant hear you.
BUFFY You have a soul? Fine. Show me.
SPIKE Scream montresor all you like, pet.
BUFFY Get up and get out of this basement.
SPIKE I dont have anywhere else to go.
RACHEL I take it back. I take it back. I take it back.
WILLOW Its okay. Youre okay.
RACHEL I take it back.
WILLOW What do you take back?
RACHEL Its gonna be a party. Everyones gonna be there. Everyones bringing a date. Ill have a great time. But it was just me. And them. He broke up with me in front of them. I was a game. It was all a game.
WILLOW Its okay. Youre okay now.
RACHEL They laughed and they laughed and I cried and they laughed. And I yelled, Just once, I wish you could all feel what its like to have your hearts ripped out. Just once. I wish And it came.
WILLOW Okay, come on. What came? What did this?
RACHEL A spider.
WILLOW Where did it go?
RACHEL What do you mean?
WILLOW The spider. Where is it now?
DHOFFRYN What is that? A Woodlow Transmogriphic spell?
AUD Thorntons Hope.
DHOFFRYN Thorntons Hope but how did you get the troll element?
AUD Eelsbane.
DHOFFRYN Eelsbane. Brilliant! Whatd he do?
AUD Bar matron. A load-bearing bar matron.
DHOFFRYN Is there any other kind? Im sorry. How rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is DHoffryn.
AUD I am Aud.
DHOFFRYN Are you? Hmm. Im afraid you dont see your true self. You are Anyanka. Im a patron of a family of sorts. Were vengeance demons. Im sure youve heard of us.
AUD No, Im sorry.
DHOFFRYN Oh, well, thats quite
AUD Oh, no, dont feel bad. I dont talk to people much. I mean, I talk to them but they dont talk to me. Except to say that your questions are irksome and perhaps you should take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river.
DHOFFRYN I get the sense that your talents are not fully appreciated here, Anyanka. Wed like you to join us.
AUD Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Aud.
DHOFFRYN Perhaps but Anyanka is who you are.
AUD What would I have to do?
DHOFFRYN What you do best. Help wronged women punish evil men.
AUD Vengeance.
DHOFFRYN But only to those who deserve it.
AUD They all deserve it.
DHOFFRYN Thats where I was going with that, yeah.
WILLOW Anya, you have to stop this.
ANYANKA Do you know what they did to her? Do you? It was a game. They were humiliating her.
WILLOW Anya, listen to me. Youre in trouble. You know it. Im here to help you.
ANYANKA Youre here to well, thats great, Willow. Flayed anybody lately, have you? How quickly they forget!
WILLOW I havent forgotten one second of it.
ANYANKA What do you want?
WILLOW I want to help you.
ANYANKA They got what they deserved.
WILLOW No, they
ANYANKA I am a vengeance demon! Do you understand that?
ANYANKA Try! They got what they deserved.
XANDER How could you not have told me?
BUFFY Xander, its okay. She didnt tell us for a reason. She didnt tell us because she knows what I have to do. I have to kill Anya.
BUFFY Dont act like this is easy for me. You know its not.
XANDER There are other options.
BUFFY Ive considered them.
XANDER When? Just now? Took you all of ten seconds to decide to kill one of your best friends?
BUFFY The thought that it might come to this has occurred to me before. Its occurred to you, too.
XANDER But we can change what she did. Fix it. These are mystical deaths, right? There has to be something.
WILLOW I dont have anywhere near that kind of power. I didnt have that kind of power when and I dont think I trust the power I do have.
BUFFY Its okay. Xander, I know this is hard for you to hear but its what I have to do.
XANDER Hard for me to hear? Buffy, you want to kill Anya!
BUFFY I dont want to.
XANDER Then dont! This isnt new ground for us. When our friends go all crazy and start killing people, we help them.
WILLOW Sitting right here.
XANDER Im sorry but its true.
BUFFY Its different.
XANDER Because you dont care about her the same way I do. Buffy, I still love her.
BUFFY I know. And thats why you cant see this for what it really is. Willow was different. Shes a human. Anyas a demon.
XANDER And youre the Slayer. I see now how its all very simple.
BUFFY It is never simple.
XANDER No, of course not. You know, if theres a mass-murdering demon that youre, oh say, boning, then its all gray area.
BUFFY Spike was harmless. He was helping.
XANDER He had no choice.
BUFFY And Anya did! She chose to become a demon. Twice.
XANDER You have no idea what shes going through.
BUFFY I dont care what shes going through!
XANDER No, of course not. You think we havent seen all this before? The part where you just cut us all out. Just step away from everything human and act like youre the law. If you knew what I felt
BUFFY I killed Angel! Do you even remember that? I would have given up everything I had to be with I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life. And I put a sword through his heart because I had to.
WILLOW And that all worked out okay.
BUFFY Do you remember cheering me on? Both of you. Do you remember giving me Willows message: kick his ass.
WILLOW I never said that
XANDER This is different.
BUFFY It is always different! Its always complicated. And at some point, someone has to draw the line and that is always going to be me. You get down on me for cutting myself off but in the end the Slayer is always cut off. Theres no mystical guidebook. No all-knowing council. Human rules dont apply. Theres only me. I am the law.
XANDER There has to be another way.
BUFFY Then please find it.
DHOFFRYN Behold, DHoffryn. Lord of Arashmahar. He that turns the air to blood and rains Miss Rosenberg. How lovely to see you again. Have you done something with your hair?
WILLOW Hello, DHoffryn.
DHOFFRYN I figured Id be hearing from you soon. The flaying of Warren Mears? Oh, truly inspired. That was water cooler vengeance. Lloyd has a sketch of it on his wall.
WILLOW Thats not me anymore.
DHOFFRYN Is that right? So I didnt feel your presence earlier today? I didnt feel a bit of the old you?
XANDER I thought I might find you here. Have you forced yourself to look at the bodies yet?
ANYANKA What do you want?
XANDER I want to help you.
ANYANKA Everyone is so considerate today. I shouldve slaughtered people weeks ago.
XANDER Im sorry. Im sorry for everything I did to you. Everything I put you through.
ANYANKA Thank you. All better. Thank goodness you got here in time.
XANDER You dont understand. This isnt an intervention. Buffys coming to kill you.
ANYANKA Shes coming to try.
XANDER Did everybody have their crazy flakes today? You guys are friends. How could you talk like this?
ANYANKA I have a job to do. And so does Buffy. Xander, youve always seen what you wanted to but you knew, sooner or later, it would come to this.
ANYANKA This is getting to be a pattern with you, Buffy. Are there any friends of yours left you havent tried to kill? Cmon, Buffy. Dont you have a clever retort for me?
DHOFFRYN Oh, please, dont mind me. Continue with whatever it was you were doing. Oh, breathtaking. Its like somebody slaughtered an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. Easy now. Id be gone before you could swing. Isnt that just like a Slayer? Solving all her problems by sticking things with sharp objects. I talked to your friend, Miss Rosenberg. Shes a firebrand. I have high hopes for her.
XANDER Stay away from Willow.
DHOFFRYN Oh, hes gallant, isnt he? I understand what you saw in him. Look, Miss Rosenberg seems to think Anyanka would be better suited outside the vengeance fold. I think we already know what Lady Hacksaway wants. And the young man, he sees with the eyeballs of love. But Im not sure if anyones bothered to find out what Anyanka herself really wants.
XANDER Her name is Anya.
DHOFFRYN Actually, funny historical side-bar, her original name was
ANYANKA I want to take it back.
DHOFFRYN Im sorry. What was that?
ANYANKA I want to take it back. I want to undo what I did.
DHOFFRYN Hmm. You want to take it back. Must be twelve bodies in there. Such a thing not easily done. But not impossible. Youre a big girl, Anyanka. You understand how this works. The proverbial scales must balance. In order to restore the lives of the victims, the fates require a sacrifice. The life and soul of a vengeance demon.
DHOFFRYN Who did you think you were dealing with? Did you think it would be that easy to get away?
DHOFFRYN Why? Because you wished it!
ANYA But she was yours.
DHOFFRYN Like you were mine? Havent I taught you anything, Anya? Never go for the kill when you can go for the pain. ...Hold him back, Slayer. Wouldnt want anyone to get hurt. Ive got plenty of girls. There will always be vengeance demons. But now you, Anya, youre out. Congratulations. Your wish is granted.
ANYA You should have killed me.
DHOFFRYN Oh, I wouldnt worry about that. From beneath you, it devours. Be patient. All good things in time.
ANYA Xander what if Im really nobody?
XANDER Dont be a dope.
ANYA Im a dope?
XANDER Sometimes.
ANYA Thats a start.
XANDER Youre going to live in that small room over there. I know it looks like a closet but its a room now. Youre not going to touch my food. I take the first shower in the morning and if I use up all the hot water, thats your tough noogies. And I hate this plan. Are you keeping up or do you need some kind of English-to-Constant-Pain-in-My-Ass translation?
BUFFY Invitation?
XANDER Is there something more emphatic than hate? Can I revile the plan? Fine. I invite you in. Nimrod.
SPIKE Dont want your soddin food anyway.
XANDER I just dont understand when his problems became your problems more specifically mine.
BUFFY The school basement is making him crazy. We cant just leave him there.
XANDER Why not? Crazy Basement Guy is better than Stalking Buffy Guy.
DAWN Its true. You guys arent youre not starting up again with the whole
BUFFY No! A thousand gallons of no, okay. Its just things are different now. He has a soul.
XANDER Im sure thatll be a real comfort when he soulfully attacks you again.
DAWN Yeah, what does that mean exactly? That Spike is all soul-having?
BUFFY I dont know but hes been through a lot, okay, and nobodys attacking
SPIKE Buffy sorry.
BUFFY No, its me. I just
SPIKE Ill go. This cant work.
BUFFY It will. It already is. Okay, youve been out of the basement for half an hour and youve already stopped talking to invisible people.
SPIKE Bollocks.
BUFFY Okay, so there was that one episode in the car but
SPIKE No, bollocks to the whole thing. I dont need your mollycoddling.
BUFFY Its not coddling. Now go to your closet.
DAWN So what is it?
BUFFY Whats what?
DAWN Last night. You said you werent helping Spike out of pity. What is it?
BUFFY Its a good question.
DAWN Is sitting there drinking soda some kind of a Zen non-answer?
BUFFY No, I just I dont know what Im feeling. I think I cant stand him but sometimes
DAWN You love him?
BUFFY No. I feel for him.
DAWN Feel what, exactly?
DAWN No, Im just trying to understand. I mean, none of it makes sense. First you say Spike disgusts you but secretly you two are doing it like bunnies. And then Spike says hed die for you but he tries to rape you.
BUFFY For the record, Spike knew how wrong it was. Thats why he went away.
DAWN But to get a soul? Like that would make him a better man? Xander had a soul when he stood Anya up at the altar. And now he says he still wants her? I just dont think its the school basement thats making people crazy.
BUFFY Come on, Dawnie. Come out. Dawn, sweetheart, its not that bad.
DAWN How would you even know? RJs never going to notice me now.
BUFFY From what you said, Im sure he already noticed you. I mean, with the falling and the Spirit! Spirit. They said you were spirited, right?
DAWN Go away!
XANDER Its the jacket. Its true. Something about the big letter on the chest makes girls get all swoony and crushy. I saw it all the time in school. And you couldnt just pin any old felt letter to your coat and get play. Not that I tried.
XANDER Well, Spike definitely seems a little more cogent, less nuts. Im just saying once you get back the soul, doesnt that mean you start like picking up your own wet towels off the floor?
WILLOW No, but maybe you start to feel really bad about leaving them there.
BUFFY At least hes showering and thats a refreshing and delightful change.
BUFFY So do you have plans later or are you just going to go down to the docks and wait for the fleet to come in?
DAWN What?
BUFFY Where do I start with the bad? First, you told me you were going to the library. Second, you do not go out on a date without informing me first. Third, Anna Nicole Smith thinks you look tacky.
BUFFY Okay, first with the lap dance, now with the cat fight. Hey, you want to get drunk and barf next?
DAWN Oh, my god! Im the pushy queen of Slut Town.
XANDER Buffy, I think Dawn needs y ahh!
BUFFY Xander, hi. This is RJ.
RJ Hey, guy. Its called knocking.
XANDER (to RJ) Im sorry. Its just checkout time was an hour ago. We were hoping to make up the bed. Also, its a classroom, you chowderhead! Now get off the boy, Buffy. Were going home.
WILLOW Damn love spell. I have tried every anti-love spell spell I could find.
ANYA Even if you find the right one, the guy would probably just do an anti-anti-love spell spell spell.
WILLOW But you dont even know him!
ANYA Yes, I do. I looked into him and saw his soul.
WILLOW He was walking away, so unless his soul was in his ass
ANYA AJ is my best friend and my dearest darling.
WILLOW Its RJ and what you were picking up on was his deep caring and devotion to me.
DAWN Whats going on?
ANYA Willow thinks shes in love with my boyfriend, RJ.
DAWN What? No! You two cant do this.
BUFFY Willow, youre a gay woman and he isnt.
WILLOW This isnt about his physical presence. Its about his heart.
ANYA His physical presence has a penis!
WILLOW I can work around it!
WILLOW Theres a simple answer to this. Just think about who loves him the most. Clearly I do, since Im willing to look past the whole orientation thing.
DAWN I need him.
ANYA Well, youre going to have to do better than that. Id kill for him.
WILLOW Youd kill for a chocolate bar.
BUFFY No. Yes! Kill for him. Im the Slayer. Slayer means kill. Oh! Ill kill the principal.
ANYA Oh, that is hard to top.
WILLOW Yeah, well I have skills. I can prove my love with magick.
ANYA Yeah, right. Whatre you going to do? Use magick to make him into a girl? Damn!
WILLOW Oh, Hecate, I call on you. I humbly ask your will be done. Hear my request, a simple change, create a daughter from a s Oh, man! Now Ive gotta start all over. Hecate hates that.
XANDER What the hell are you doing?
WILLOW Proving I love RJ the most!
XANDER Will, honey RJs a guy.
WILLOW I did notice that, yeah. Its why Im doing my spell, because, you know, he doesnt have to be.
BUFFY You realize that Anyas probably seducing RJ even as we speak.
WILLOW My god. You think so?
BUFFY Well, I wouldnt put it past her. Shes recently evil, you know.
WILLOW Well, so am I. Why should I miss out?
BUFFY Xander, be honest. You didnt think about slipping that jacket on just a little bit?
XANDER I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it didnt fit.
Conversations With Dead People
JONATHAN Desde abajo te debora.
ANDREW It eats you starting with your bottom.
JONATHAN Gonna make it right.
ANDREW Were outlaws with hearts of gold.
DAWN Taste my blade, spawn of evil!
CASSIE So this is the UC library, huh? Its so big. Hey.
WILLOW I know you. I mean, I saw your picture.
CASSIE Yeah, I know. Its kinda weird cause we never really met.
WILLOW Or kinda weird because youre really dead.
CASSIE Remember that time on the bridge when you sang to each other? Well, she says even though you cant hear it, she still sings to you.
HOLDEN Well, you were never around. A lot of kids thought you were dating some really old guy or that you were just heavy religious. Scott Hope said you were gay.
BUFFY What? I dated that ringworm.
HOLDEN He says that about every girl he breaks up with. And then last year, big surprise, he comes out.
BUFFY Men. Do I know how to pick em.
ANDREW We find it. We alert the Slayer. We help her destroy it. We save Sunnydale. Then we join her gang and possibly hang out at her house.
ANDREW You keep leaving me. I hate it when you leave me. One time you died and I ended up a Mexican.
WARREN Weve been over this. Now that death thing was all part of the master plan. Come on, If you strike me down
ANDREW I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Of course. Do you think maybe Willow could kill me, too?
WARREN Hey, dont worry. If Short Round pulls off his end of the bargain, well both become gods.
ANDREW That boy is our last hope.
WARREN "No, there is another."
ANDREW Wait, really? Whos our last hope?
WARREN No, I was just going with it. It was a thing. Hes our last hope.
CASSIE You killed people. You cant see her. Thats just how it is. Im sorry.
WILLOW But but shes talking to you? And she can hear me? Tara? Tara, I miss you. I miss you so much. Can she hear me? Whats happening? Did she say anything? What? Did she go away?
CASSIE Shes crying.
WILLOW No. No, dont cry. Dont cry, sweetie. Talk to me.
CASSIE She misses you, too. She wishes she could touch you.
WILLOW Me, too. Oh, me, too. Oh, god, Tara, it hurts so much. Everyday its like this giant hole and its not getting better.
HOLDEN Oh, I have so much to learn. Come on, isnt this insane? I mean, I was afraid to talk to you in high school and now were like mortal enemies. Hey, wouldnt it be cool if we became nemeses?
BUFFY Is that how you say the word?
HOLDEN Were going to have to fight to the death, arent we?
BUFFY Its the time-honored custom.
HOLDEN I was just wondering, is it possible, even a little bit, that the reason you have trouble connecting to guys is because you think maybe theyre not worth it? Maybe you think youre better than them.
BUFFY Say, theres that bloodlust I was looking for.
HOLDEN Struck a nerve.
BUFFY Im going to strike a nerve cluster in a minute, you dont get off this. I dont remember you being this annoying.
HOLDEN You dont remember me at all.
BUFFY Yes, I do.
HOLDEN Yeah, like after 30 minutes of reminding. And I dont take it personally because clearly you were in your own little world in high school. All Chosen. All destiny. Who could live with that for seven years and not feel superior?
BUFFY Im not. My god, if anything, I
BUFFY I just If you knew what Ive done, what Ive let myself become. My best friends dont even youd laugh if you heard some of the things Ive done to them.
HOLDEN Buffy, Im here to kill you, not to judge you.
BUFFY The last guy I was with, it got really I behaved like a monster, treated him like but at the same time, I let him completely take me over. Do things to me that Im sorry. Wow, I didnt mean to get all true-confessions there. I dont know whats wrong with me.
HOLDEN Theres nothing wrong with you. Everyones got issues.
CASSIE She says
CASSIE Youre not going to be okay. Youre going to kill everybody.
JONATHAN No, Im serious. I really miss it. Time goes by and everything drops away. All the cruelty, all the pain, all that humiliation. It all washes away. I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day. I miss the people who never knew I existed. I miss em all. I want to talk to them, you know. I want to find out how theyre doing. I want to know whats going on in their lives.
ANDREW You know what? They dont want to talk to you all those people you just mentioned. Not one of them is sitting around going, I wonder what Jonathans up to right now. Not one of them cares about you.
JONATHAN Well, I still care about them. Thats why Im here.
DAWN I cast you from this place. It is your poison and your bane. It is the skin that is cut from your flesh!
BUFFY And the joke is he loved me. I mean, in his own sick, soulless way, he really did care for me. But I didnt want to be loved.
HOLDEN Didnt you?
BUFFY I have all this power. I didnt ask for it. I dont deserve it. Its like I wanted to be punished. I wanted to hurt like I thought I deserved. I sort of think you know, this is complicated. If youd rather just fight
HOLDEN Tell me.
BUFFY I feel like Im worse than anyone. Honestly, Im beneath them. My friends, my boyfriends. I feel like Im not worthy of their love. Because even though they love me, it doesnt mean anything because their opinions dont matter. They dont know. They havent been through what Ive been through. Theyre not the Slayer. I am. Sometimes I feel this is awful. I feel like Im better than them. Superior.
HOLDEN Until you cant win. And I thought I was diabolical. Or at least I plan to be. You do have a superiority complex. And youve got an inferiority complex about it. Kudos.
BUFFY It doesnt make any sense.
HOLDEN Oh, it makes every kind of sense. And it all adds up to you feeling alone. But Buffy, everybody feels alone. Everybody is, until you die. Speaking of you ready for our little death match?
BUFFY I suppose. Thanks for listening.
HOLDEN You know, theres some things you can only tell a stranger.
BUFFY Youre not a stranger. That stuff with Spike is pretty
HOLDEN Hold it.
HOLDEN Did you say Spike?
DAWN I cast you out with every prayer from every god that walked the Earth and crawled beneath. I cast you out with the strength of those who love me. I cast your out with the strength I have inside me! I cast you out into the void. Thats right! Die, you bastard!
CASSIE You cant. If you do so much as another spell
WILLOW I tried to stop. I tried. What if I cant do this?
CASSIE Dont think that way.
WILLOW Well, how can I not? Youre telling me Im going to murder all my friends. Im not strong. Im not an Amazon. Im just me.
CASSIE Well, there is one thing. One thing you could do to stop it.
WILLOW What? Anything.
CASSIE And you could see her. You wouldnt have to talk through me.
CASSIE Thats what you want, isnt it?
WILLOW Of course.
CASSIE So go. Be with her. Everybody will be safe and youll be together again. Its not that bad. Really. Its just like going to sleep.
WILLOW Who are you?
BUFFY What do you mean? How do you know Spike?
HOLDEN What do you mean how? He was the guy that oh, whats the word?
BUFFY Sired.
HOLDEN Yeah, he was the guy that sired me.
JOYCE Things are coming, Dawn. Listen, things are on their way. I love you and I love Buffy but she wont be there for you.
DAWN What? Why are you ?
JOYCE When its bad, Buffy wont choose you. Shell be against you.
CASSIE Suicide thing was too far, huh? Hmm. You seemed so ripe.
WILLOW Tell me who you are.
CASSIE I stand by my opinion. The world would be a better place if you took a razorblade to your wrist
CASSIE I can see it now. Candlelight, the Indigo Girls playing, picture of your dead girlfriend on your bloody lap.
WILLOW Stop it!
CASSIE Oh, baby, you left such a big hole. It hurt so bad. You dont know hurt. This last years going to seem like cake after what I put you and your friends through and I am not a fan of easy death. Fact is, the whole good-versus-evil, balancing the scales thing Im over it. Im done with the mortal coil. But believe me, Im going for a big finish.
WILLOW From beneath you, it devours.
CASSIE Oh, not it. Me.
XANDER Why would a vampire lie about who sired him. Whats that? Some kind of status symbol for the undead? My sire can beat up your sire.
ANYA What? Thats it? Youre not at least going to like leave me a crossbow or a flame thrower? Something to protect myself?
XANDER We dont want him to know we suspect anything. Besides, if he tries to leave, I dont want you confronting him. Call Buffy and just let her know that hes on the move. Youre going to be fine.
ANYA Better be, because if I get vamped, Im going to bite your ass.
XANDER Wouldnt be the first time.
ANYA What was that?
BUFFY What the hell happened? Downstairs looks like
WILLOW Hell happened? Yeah. This big evil thats been promising to devour us well I think its started chomping.
BUFFY Oh, god. And it started with Dawn?
WILLOW Both of us. Buffy, this thing knows us. It made us think that we were talking to people we knew. Mine said it came with a message from Tara. But Dawn actually saw your mother. This thing, it had me for a while. I mean, before it started letting loose with the pulse-pounding terror. But before that, the lies were very convincing. It just seems real.
WILLOW I mean, maybe maybe to confuse us, to mess us up. Or maybe just to be cruel.
BUFFY Vampire I killed last night told me Spike sired him two nights ago.
WILLOW Well, thats impossible, right? So maybe it was another one. A fake-out. You got one, too. It wasnt a real vamp.
BUFFY It dusted real enough.
WILLOW Buffy, do you think Spike is
BUFFY I cant. I hope not. But if Im wrong and he is, then I have to see it for myself. I have to be there to stop it.
SPIKE Anya, do be specific and tell a fellow just exactly what youre doing here.
ANYA Well, Spike Im here, obviously for sex.
SPIKE Beg pardon?
ANYA You and me. Here and now. Lets go. Lets get it on, you big bad boy.
SPIKE Wait, wait, Anya. Just a minute. This is not exactly is that a stake?
ANYA Yes. Kinky.
SPIKE Well, yeah, but what do you
ANYA Shh. No questions. No talking. I cant help it. I cant stop thinking about you and us and our brief but unforgettable time together. I mean, its why else would I be here? I mean, its not like Im snooping around looking for proof that youre some sort of wacked-out serial killer. I dont know why I said that. Forget I said that. Its craziness talking. Its just nerves. Nerves. Nerves and horniness. Oh, just shut up, William, and take me. Take me now.
SPIKE Its not that Im not tempted. Obviously, if things were different, youre a right catch.
ANYA I got it. No problem, I understand. You think Im fat.
ANYA Well, its either that or the haircut.
SPIKE Ridiculous. The dos quite fetching.
ANYA Oh, right. Now you like the haircut.
SPIKE Love it.
ANYA Sure, as a friend.
ANYA You know, you were a lot more fun when you didnt have a soul.
SPIKE Oh, come on. Now Ive just explained to you
ANYA All Im saying is soulless Spike would have had me upside down and halfway to Happyland by now.
SPIKE Did you are you following me?
BUFFY Answer the question. Where is she?
SPIKE Who knows? I talked to her is all.
BUFFY Really. Looked like more than talking to me.
SPIKE Well, I certainly didnt off her. Where are you getting this? You know I cant.
BUFFY Right. The chip.
SPIKE No, not the chip! Not the chip, damn it. You honestly think Id go to the end of the underworld and back to get my soul and then Buffy, I can barely live with what I did. It haunts me. All of it. If you think that I would add to the body count now, you are crazy.
BUFFY So what? You just troll the Promenade looking for drunk co-eds because youre hungry for conversation?
SPIKE Oh, is that what this is? Right.
SPIKE Youre jealous!
BUFFY Dont play games. Not now.
SPIKE Yeah, you saw me chatting up another bird, giving the eye to somebody else. Touched a nerve, didnt it?
BUFFY Dont flatter yourself.
SPIKE It burns, huh? But you cant admit it, so you trump up some charge about me being back on the juice.
BUFFY This vampire I killed told me
SPIKE Told you what? That I go out? Yeah, I talk to people. Women. Talk to them cause I cant talk to you.
BUFFY Oh, Spike, save it.
SPIKE As daft a notion as Soulful Spike the Killer is, it is nothing compared to the idea that another girl could mean anything to me. This chip, they did to me. I couldnt help it. But the soul I got on my own for you.
BUFFY I know.
SPIKE So yeah. I go and pass the time with someone. But thats all it is is time because god, help me, Buffy, its still all about you.
BUFFY Spike, this vampire told me you sired him.
SPIKE That doesnt mean
BUFFY He said you killed him. Dumped him in a parking lot somewhere.
SPIKE And you believe him? Vampires arent
BUFFY I did follow you last night and you know what? You didnt look lonely or casual to me. You looked like you were on the prowl.
SPIKE You cant know that.
BUFFY So then tell me. Tell me what happened. You talked to her, then what?
SPIKE We talked. Thats all I remember.
BUFFY All you remember?
SPIKE I dont know. I go out. I talk to people or I dont. Its boring. It all bleeds together.
BUFFY Well, if you seem to forget that much, then
SPIKE Not that. The taste of human blood. That Id remember.
BUFFY You were camped out on the Hellmouth talking to invisible people. Recently. How can you be sure of
SPIKE No! You are wrong. Youve got an accusation from a pile of dust and not a shred of proof.
BUFFY So Ill get some.
BUFFY Okay, guys, find me some evidence that he did this.
ANYA Really? Are you sure thats what you want.
BUFFY Find me the proof that he didnt.
DAWN You only think Spike is turning people because that vampire told you so, right? But that night we were all told things that werent true.
DAWN What? What maybe?
WILLOW Well, just because those werent the spirits of, you know, our people just because it was some evil thing, doesnt mean what they said cant be true.
ANYA I used to tell the truth all the time when I was evil.
BUFFY Oh, actually, I need some help. Im looking for this guy. Bleachblonde hair, leather jacket, British accent? Kind of sallow but in a hot way?
BOUNCER Yeah, yeah, I know the guy. Billy Idol wannabe?
BUFFY Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from never mind. Has he been here?
BOUNCER This guy your boyfriend or something?
BUFFY No, I just I need to find him as soon as possible.
BOUNCER Yeah, he comes in here a lot lately. Every night leaves with a different girl. Chicks like Billy Idol.
BUFFY How many girls?
BOUNCER Look, this guy this not-your-boyfriend guy if I were you, Id lose him. Hes a real player.
SPIKE Ive been remembering. The girl. I walked her home. The one you saw. And the one before that. And I think I killed her. And I think I I think I killed the lady who lived here. And there might be others.
BUFFY Oh, my god.
SPIKE Here. I think I buried them here.
BUFFY Spike, why?
SPIKE Well, I dont know, do I? I dont even know how. Shouldnt be able
SPIKE DOUBLE (sings) Early one morning, just as the sun was rising, I heard the fair maid sing in the valley down below. Oh, dont deceive me. Oh, never leave me. How could you use a poor maid so?
SPIKE DOUBLE Theyre waiting for you. Take her, taste her, make her weak.
BUFFY Spike, no!
SPIKE I remember.
SPIKE DOUBLE You failed them. Now shes going to kill you. You lose, mate.
SPIKE Do it fast, okay? He said youd do it.
BUFFY Who said?
SPIKE Me. It was me. I saw it. I was here the whole time, talking and singing. There was a song.
BUFFY What are you talking about?
SPIKE I dont know. Please, I dont remember. Dont make me remember. (to double) Make it so I forget again! I did what you wanted!
BUFFY Theres something here.
SPIKE Oh, god, no, please. I need that. I cant cry the soul out of me. It wont come. I killed and I can feel them. I can feel every one of them.
BUFFY Theres something playing with us. All of us.
SPIKE What is it? Why is it doing this to me?
BUFFY I dont know.
SPIKE Will you help me? Can you help me?
BUFFY Ill help you.
ANYA And you believe him?
BUFFY You didnt see him down there. He really didnt know what hed done. It wasnt in his control.
XANDER Oh, an out of control serial killer. Youre right. That is a great houseguest.
DAWN Wait, is he is he staying here?
BUFFY I dont know. But Im not letting him out of my sight, thats for sure.
WILLOW Buffy, hes been feeding on human blood. Thats gotta do stuff.
BUFFY Im not keeping him around just to help him. I think there was something there, talking to him, making him do things.
WILLOW Something like what was talking to us?
BUFFY Maybe. But if it was, its been screwing with Spike big time.
XANDER So you want him around because ?
BUFFY Look, theres something evil working us and if we are ever going to have a chance to fight it, we need to learn everything we can about it. This thing has been closer to Spike than any of us.
WILLOW And if you want to understand it
BUFFY Im going to have to get close to Spike.
XANDER No, its too dangerous.
BUFFY I dont have a choice. Whatever this thing is, from beneath us, its bad and its only getting worse.
DAWN So the basement was filled with bodies?
WILLOW Apparently.
DAWN And Spike couldve sired countless others and buried them around town. And were waiting for him to do what, exactly? Do something crazy?
WILLOW Its not that simple.
ANYA Shouldnt we stab him through the chest? Isnt that what we do when these things happen?
DAWN I just wanted to tell you that Buffy wont be coming in today. Shes really sick.
WOOD Oh, no.
DAWN Yeah, last night she was vomiting and then this morning she was vomiting some more and then just when we thought she was done, she was vomiting again.
WOOD Yeah, weve got that stomach flu going around.
DAWN Her exact words were, Ive got stuff coming out of both ends.
BUFFY Hes been feasting on humans for weeks. Hes having some pretty bad withdrawals. I think we need to get him some blood.
WILLOW Do you want me to kill Anya?
ANDREW I am bad. Im bad, Im evil, but Im protected by powerful forces. Forces you cant even begin to imagine, little girl. If you harm me, you shall know the wrath of He That is Darkness and Terror. Your blood will boil and you will know true suffering. Stand down, she-witch. Your defeat is at hand
WILLOW Shut your mouth. I am a she-witch, a very powerful she-witch or witch, as is more accurate. Im not to be trifled with.
WILLOW Im talking. Dont interrupt me, insignificant man. I am Willow. I am Death. If you dare defy me, I will call down my fury, exact fresh vengeance and make your worst fears come true. Okay?
BUFFY How did you do it? Howd you get your soul back?
SPIKE Saw a man about a girl... I went to seek a legend out. Traveled to the other side of the world, made a deal with a demon.
BUFFY Just like that?
SPIKE No, not just like that. There was a price. There were trials, torture, pain and suffering of sorts.
BUFFY Of sorts?
SPIKE Well, its all relative, isnt it?
BUFFY Meaning?
SPIKE Meaning I have come to redefine the words pain and suffering since I fell in love with you.
BUFFY How can you say that?
SPIKE Apparently, I just slaughtered half of Sunnydale, pet. Im not really worried about being polite anymore.
BUFFY So thats what this is about? You feeling sorry for yourself, Spike?
SPIKE Im feeling honest with myself. You used me.
SPIKE You told me that, of course. I never understood it, though. Not until now. You hated yourself and you took it out on me.
BUFFY You figured that out just now?
SPIKE A souls not all about moonbeams and pennywhistles, luv. Its about self-loathing. I get it. Had to travel round the world but I understand you now. I understand the violence inside.
BUFFY Violence? William the Bloody now has insight into violence?
SPIKE Not the same. As bad as I was, as evil and as wretched as I was, I never truly hated myself back then. Not like I do now.
BUFFY Who were you talking to?
SPIKE Whats that?
BUFFY I heard you through the door. Who were you talking to?
SPIKE Nobody. I was just keeping myself company.
BUFFY Are you okay?
SPIKE Fine. How are you?
BUFFY He was talking to someone. I heard through the door, he was having this conversation. And then he started singing.
ANYA Maybe its another musical. A much crappier musical.
BUFFY He mentioned something about a song in the cellar. And he changed there, too. I mean, instantly became another person.
XANDER Trigger.
ANYA The horse?
XANDER No, in his head. Its a trigger. Its a brainwashing term. Its how the military makes sleeper agents. They brainwash operatives and condition them with a specific trigger, like a song, that makes them drastically change at a moments notice.
WILLOW Is this left over from your days in the Army?
XANDER No, this is left over from every Army movie Ive ever seen. But it makes sense. Weve had ghosts or something haunting us, right? Well, what if Spikes ghosts have figured out a way to not only haunt him, what if they figured out how to control him?
SPIKE Buffy, I dont know why.
BUFFY We think we do. Somethings playing you. Some ghost or demon has figured out how to control you. Got the gang researching it right now. Xander has this theory that youre being triggered.
SPIKE Kill me.
SPIKE Buffy, you have to kill me.
BUFFY You dont understand. When I left the room earlier, I heard you talking to someone
SPIKE Do you have any idea what Im capable of?
BUFFY I was in the cellar with you. I saw what you did.
SPIKE Im not talking about the cellar. The people in the cellar got off easy. Im talking about me. Buffy, you have never met the real me.
BUFFY Believe me, Im well aware of what youre capable of.
SPIKE No, you got off easy, too. Do you know how much blood you can drink from a girl before shell die? I do. You see, the trick is to drink just enough to know how to damage them just enough so that theyll still cry when you cause its not worth it if they dont cry.
BUFFY Its not your fault. Youre not the one doing this.
SPIKE I already did it. Its already done. You want to know what Ive done to girls Dawns age? This is me Buffy. Youve got to kill me before I get out.
BUFFY We can keep you locked up. Keep you here and well figure out
SPIKE Have you ever really asked yourself why you cant do it? Off me? After everything Ive done to you, to people around you. Its not love. We both know that.
BUFFY You fought by my side. Youve saved lives. Youve helped
SPIKE Dont do that. Dont rationalize this into some noble act. We both know the truth of it. You like men who hurt you.
SPIKE You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the Slayer.
BUFFY No. I dont hate like that. Not you or myself. Not anymore. You think you have insight now because your souls drenched in blood? You dont know me. You dont even know you. Was that you who killed those people in the cellar? Was that you who waited for those girls?
SPIKE Theres no one else.
BUFFY Thats not true. Listen to me. Youre not alive because of hate or pain. Youre alive because I saw you change. Because I saw your penance.
SPIKE Window dressing.
BUFFY Be easier, wouldnt it, it if were an act? But its not. You faced the monster inside of you and you fought back. You risked everything to be a better man.
BUFFY And you can be. You are. You may not see it but I do. I do. I believe in you, Spike.
BUFFY They were after Spike all along.
XANDER And we were just in the way.
BUFFY I know these guys. Ive fought them before. We arent being haunted. This isnt some demon. Its all the same thing. Spikes ghosts, the people you guys saw, from beneath us its all the same thing. I know what were up against. The First.
TRAVERS Ladies and gentlemen, our fears have been confirmed. The First Evil has declared all-out war on this institution. Their first volleys proved most effective. I for one think its time we struck back. Give me confirmations on all remaining operatives, visuals and tacticals. Highest alert. Get them here as soon as possible. Begin preparations for mobilization. Once were accounted for, I want to be ready to move.
TRAVERS Well be paying a visit to the Hellmouth. My friends, these are the times that define us. Proverbs 24:6: For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war.
SPIKE/FIRST Oh, dont look at me that way. I wanted to do this more subtlelike. My Harbingers have a tendency to call attention to themselves. Youre the one who couldnt hold his end of the bargain. Youre the one who couldnt take care of whats-his-name. Youre the one who had to make breakthroughs and learn something about himself. So now, fittingly, youre the one who gets to do the honors.
BUFFY/FIRST I have to admit, Im glad it worked out this way. I was going to bleed Andrew but you look a lot better with your shirt off. To be honest, Im getting a little tired of subtle. I think its about time we brought some authority to our presence. Now Spike, want to see what a real vampire looks like?
ANYA Nothing and nothing, Cliff Notes to nothing, nothing abridged
WILLOW Yeah, my search isnt turning anything up either. Are you sure this thing called itself The First?
BUFFY Pretty sure. It claimed to be the original evil, the one that came before anything else.
ANYA Please, how many times have I heard that line in my demon days? Im so rotten, they dont even have a word for it. Im bad. Baddy bad bad bad. Does it make you horny? Or terrified. Whatever.
GILES Sorry to barge in. We have a slight apocalypse.
DAWN Theyre all Slayers?
GILES Potential Slayers. Waiting for one to be called. There were many more like them all over the world, but now theres just a handful and theyre all on their way to Sunnydale.
BUFFY The others were murdered.
GILES In cold blood. As well as their Watchers. We always feared that this day would come, when there would be an attack against not just an individual Slayer but against the whole line.
BUFFY The First. Thats what it wants.
GILES Yes, to erase all the Slayers in training and their Watchers along with their methods.
BUFFY And then Faith, and then me. And with all the potentials gone and no way of making another, its the end. No more Slayer. Ever.
BUFFY But what do these records say about The First?
GILES Very little. It can change form. It only appears in the guise of someone who has passed away.
WILLOW Our ghosts.
GILES Also its not corporeal. It cant touch or fight on its own. It only works through those it manipulates. And its followers, the Bringers.
KENNEDY Those freaks in the black robes.
MOLLY Yeah, with the hoodies and the crazy alphabet eyes. I never saw em, I just heard
ANNABELLE Shh! Molly, Mr. Giles doesnt need us prattling on.
GILES The First is unlike anything weve faced before. I mean, theres evil and then theres the thing that created evil, the source.
BUFFY And thats what this thing claims to be?
GILES Thats what it is. It has eternities to act, endless resources. How to defeat it I honestly dont know. But we have to find a way. If the Slayer line is eliminated, then the Hellmouth has no guardian. The balance is destroyed. Im afraid it falls to you, Buffy. Sorry. I mean, well do what we can but youre the only one who has the strength to protect these girls and the world against whats coming.
XANDER But no pressure.
GILES What you fought was a vampire but it was something more than that. It was a Turok-han. As Neanderthals are to human beings, the Turok-han are to vampires. Primordial, ferociously powerful killing machines, as single-minded as animals. They are the vampires that vampires fear. An ancient and entirely different race and, until this morning, I thought they were a myth.
WOOD Im only saying that once you see true evil, it can have some serious afterburn and then you cant unsee what you saw. Ever. Thats just one opinion.
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA Think of it as a game. A fun, funny game. Without all the rules or any of the bothersome winning part. But still, there are sides. You have to choose a side, Spike. Then we can fly, be free and visit all our friends as they come squirming up from out the earth. I know you like a good wriggle and a giggle and a squiggle.
SPIKE Youre not Drusilla.
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA No, Im really not.
SPIKE She was crazier than you.
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA Oh, daddy. No kicking. Its almost Christmas day today and youve gone spoiling it. Ive been so very good all year. But I could be bad if you like. Bad daddy. Needs a caning. Never learned his headmasters lesson while all the school bells ring and ring and ring and ring and ring Choose a side. Choose our side. You know that its delicious. What do you say?
SPIKE Dru, luv
SPIKE Get bent.
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA Stupid, stubborn daddy.
JOYCE Are you worried about the sun going down? Because theres some things you cant control. The sun always goes down, the sun always comes up.
BUFFY Everyones counting on me.
JOYCE Well, they do that and Im sorry, Buffy, but these friends of yours put too much pressure on you. They always have.
BUFFY Something evil is coming.
JOYCE Buffy, evil isnt coming. Its already here. Evil is always here. Dont you know? Its everywhere.
BUFFY And I have to stop it.
JOYCE How are you going to do that?
BUFFY I dont know yet but
JOYCE Buffy, no matter what your friends expect of you, evil is a part of us. All of us. Its natural. And no one can stop that. No one can stop nature, not even
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA Do you know why youre alive?
SPIKE Never figured you for existential thought, luv. I mean, you hated Paris.
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA Youre alive for one reason and one reason only. Because I wish it. Do you know why I wish it? Because Im not done with you.
SPIKE Give it up. Whatever you are, whatever you got planned, Im out. You cant pull this puppets strings anymore.
THE FIRST/DRUSILLA And what makes you think you have a choice? What makes you think you will ever be any good at all in this world?
SPIKE She does. Because she believes in me.
GILES Im not sure. The First predates everything weve ever known or can know. Its everywhere. Its pure. I dont know if we can fight it.
BUFFY Youre right. We dont know how to fight it. We dont know when itll come. We cant run, cant hide, cant pretend its not the end, because it is. Somethings always been there to try and destroy the world. Weve beaten them back but were not dealing with them anymore. Were dealing with the reason they exist. Evil. The strongest. The First.
GILES Buffy, I know youre tired
BUFFY Im beyond tired. Im beyond scared. Im standing on the mouth of hell and it is going to swallow me whole. And itll choke on me. Were not ready? Theyre not ready. They think were going to wait for the end to come, like we always do. Im done waiting. They want an apocalypse? Oh, well give em one. Anyone else who wants to run, do it now because we just became an army. We just declared war. From now on, we wont just face our worst fears, we will seek them out. We will find them and cut out their hearts one by one until The First shows itself for what it really is. And Ill kill it myself. There is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil and thats us. Any questions?
RONA Youre youre her!
BUFFY Her is me.
RONA Yeah. You know, I thought well, they told me Id be safe here.
BUFFY Right. Well, you are. I mean you will be. Safer. With me around.
RONA Thats good.
BUFFY Next time youre attacked
RONA Whoa, whoa! Next time? You saying Im gonna get attacked again?
BUFFY Welcome to the Hellmouth.
GILES Molly, why dont you show our new houseguest where the kitchen is? Im sure shes hungry after her travels.
MOLLY Fair enough. A bit peckish myself.
RONA A bit what myself?
ANYA Thats English for hungry.
RONA Oh Here I thought hungry was English for hungry.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Dreaming of me again, arent you? Poor Spike. He still thinks I believe in him. Be realistic. I dont even believe in myself. At least not enough to risk my skin to save your ass. Not enough to face that. Im sorry, Spike. But you need to accept this. You know it never would have worked out. Its time to let go so we can both move on. I promise, soon it will all be
SPIKE She will come for me. She will come for me. She will come for me.
BELJOXAS EYE It cannot be fought. It cannot be killed. The First Evil has been and always will be. Since before the universe was born, long after there is nothing else, it will go on.
GILES I refuse to believe that. There must be some way to destroy it.
BELJOXAS EYE What? Am I talking to myself here? Theres no way.
ANYA Okay, we tried. Lets go, Giles.
GILES Are you saying that The First will succeed in wiping out the line of Slayers?
BELJOXAS EYE The Eye sees not the future. Only the truths of the now and before.
ANYA Yes, weve all got that. Its called memory! Can you help us out with something a little bit more demony?
GILES If The First has been around for all time, then why hasnt it attempted something like this before? Why now?
BELJOXAS EYE The opportunity has only recently presented itself.
GILES Opportunity?
BELJOXAS EYE The mystical forces surrounding the Chosen line have become irrevocably altered, become unstable, vulnerable.
ANYA Something The First did?
BELJOXAS EYE The First Evil did not cause the disruption, only seized upon it to extinguish the lives of the Chosen forever.
GILES Then what has caused the disruption? What is responsible for letting this happen?
WILLOW I needed to make sure. The last time I tried using magick, The First it turned it around on me, got inside. I felt it surging through me, every fiber of my being. Pure, undiluted evil. I could taste it.
KENNEDY How does evil taste?
WILLOW A little chalky.
ANYA Yeah I just I dont understand how Buffys death mucked up the whole Slayer mojo. You know, its not like she hasnt died before.
GILES Its not because she died. The Beljoxas Eye was quite clear about that in its enigmatic way. Its because she lives. Again. Buffys not responsible for that.
ANYA Oh. No. Willow and me and Xander and Tara were the ones who brought Buffy back. Were the reason The First is here, the reason those girls were murdered. Its our fault. The world would have been better off if Buffy had just stayed dead.
XANDER Come on, people. We gotta move.
ANDREW Im moving. Climbings not my thing. Ive got an inner-ear condition.
XANDER Is falling your thing? Because if you dont pick up the pace, Im gonna come up there and drop your ass.
ANDREW Good way to keep up morale in a crisis. No wonder Buffys the leader.
BUFFY (to Turok-han) Looks good, doesnt it? Theyre trapped in here. Terrified. Meat for the beast and theres nothing they can do but wait. Thats all theyve been doing for days waiting to be picked off, having nightmares about monsters that cant be killed. But I dont believe in that. I always find a way. Im the thing that monsters have nightmares about. And right now, you and me are going to show them why. Its time. Welcome to Thunderdome.
ANDREW (to himself) Two men enter, one man leaves.
BUFFY See? Dust. Just like the rest of em. I dont know whats coming next but I do know its going to be just like this. Hard. Painful. But in the end, its going to be us. If we all do our parts, believe it, well be the ones left standing. Here endeth the lesson.
SPIKE Okay, these two are dead. Why?
RONA Cause the black chick always gets it first?
BUFFY Are you okay?
SPIKE Fine. A couple of ribs aint quite set right since Im fine.
BUFFY Let me see.
SPIKE Ill be okay.
RONA Thats hot.
MOLLY So were supposed to like make out with them or something?
BUFFY Youre all going to die. But you knew that already because thats the cool reward for being human. The big desert at the end of the meal. Dont kid yourselves, you guys. This whole thing is all about death. You think youre different because you might be the next Slayer? Death is what a Slayer breathes, what a Slayer dreams about when she sleeps. Death is what a Slayer lives. My death could make you the next Slayer. Oh, goody. Rapt attention. I love that so much.
AMANDA Do people ever think youre weird?
BUFFY I guess sure. In a charming, endearing, lovable yeah.
AMANDA I feel like people think Im weird and so they pick on me. But I might be. Weird.
BUFFY Amanda, why do you think youre weird?
AMANDA One of the boys who picks on me I kind of see, if a guy picks on you, is it weird to think hes cute?
AMANDA Its just the last few times Ive seen him, Ive wanted to, you know, pick on him. Extra. More.
BUFFY Uh-huh.
AMANDA The thing is, I cant tell. My mom says when a guy teases you, it means he likes you.
BUFFY Sometimes thats true.
AMANDA Is it weird? Were mean to each other and we like each other.
BUFFY Well, it depends. I mean, sometimes thats how people relate. Being mean to each other even mortal enemies. Then with the and that leads to no good absolutely no good and much confusion, and then its over absolutely, seriously, definitely over and thats confusing, too the over part which it is. Over. So maybe.
ANDREW Im not begging!
BUFFY Youre like a small dog dancing for Snausages.
ANDREW You dont want me coming along because you think Im evil.
VI He doesnt seem evil exactly.
BUFFY Hes not evil but when he gets close to it, he picks up its flavor, like a mushroom or something.
ANDREW But Im reformed! Im like Vegeta on Dragonball Z. I used to be a pure Saiyan and now I fight on the side of Goku.
BUFFY Still not coming.
XANDER Wow, she youre a potential. You could be the next Slayer.
ANYA Yes, its like one second youre this klutzy teenager with fake memories and a history of kleptomania and then suddenly youre a hero. A hero with a much abbreviated life span.
XANDER This is huge! We have to think about this.
DAWN I cant think about this! It doesnt fit in my head.
WILLOW A Slayer makes sense, I guess. Remember that thing about they share the same blood or whatever?
ANYA Yeah, I never got that.
DAWN She has to die. I mean, if I was ever the Slayer, it would mean she died.
AMANDA So if he scratched me with a tooth, am I Im not going to turn into one, am I?
DAWN Only if he slashed open one of his own veins and led you to drink deep of his blood.
DAWN Good. Youre lucky he didnt hurt you way more than that.
AMANDA Right. He can do that. So I was thinking. We dont have to kill the vampire, do we?
DAWN What?
AMANDA Just suppose he got out and was maybe like encouraged toward the gym while the marching band was playing because the way they look down on the Swing Choir, it might be, you know, funny. Im just sayin
RONA Its a nest.
BUFFY How can you tell?
KENNEDY Only a vamp could live like this.
SPIKE Some, yeah. I mean, as a group were not known for our tasteful décor but in all fairness to the race, this place is seriously lacking in style.
BUFFY Thank you, Spike.
SPIKE Merely saying.
BUFFY He has a point. Vampires can live anywhere any way they want. Tastes, fashions, living conditions they can vary. The animal inside? Always the same.
MOLLY Whered you live?
SPIKE What, you mean before? A crypt, actually, but nicer. A bit more I dont know if posh is the right word but it was more like
BUFFY Comfy.
KENNEDY Excuse me? When did you find it comfy?
DAWN Amanda, listen to me. Do you remember when you said I was special? Well, Im not. But the thing is, you are. This is your battle, Amanda.
AMANDA No, I cant!
DAWN You can! Youve got to. Look, Ive got your back but this is something you have to do. Its something you were born to do.
AMANDA Okay one minute Im in Swing Choir and the next what the hell is going on? You tell me to come to you with problems. Turns out a vampire attacked me! Problem. So I go to your house, only when I get there, this orange cloud hits me.
DAWN She was at the doorway.
AMANDA And I dont know if youre into the drugs but thats not my deal, all right? That cloud hit me and I got a little dizzy and discombobulated.
DAWN It was Willows spell. Shes the potential Slayer.
DAWN Whats up?
XANDER Oh, Im just thinking about the girls. Its a harsh gig, being a potential. Just being picked out of a crowd. Danger, destiny plus, if you act now, death.
DAWN They can handle it.
XANDER Yeah. Theyre special, no doubt. And the amazing thing is, not one of them will ever know. Not even Buffy.
DAWN Know what?
XANDER How much harder it is for the rest of us.
DAWN No way. Theyve got
XANDER Seven years, Dawn. Working with the Slayer. Seeing my friends get more and more powerful. A witch, a demon. Hell, I could fit Oz in my shaving kit but come a full moon he had a wolfy mojo not to be messed with. Powerful, all of them. And Im the guy who fixes the windows.
DAWN Well, you had that sexy Army training for a while and the windows really did need fixing.
XANDER I saw what you did last night.
DAWN Yeah, I I guess I kinda lost my head when I thought I was the Slayer.
XANDER Well, you thought you were all special, Miss Sunnydale 2003. And the minute you found out you werent, you handed the crown to Amanda without a moments pause. You gave her your power.
DAWN The power wasnt mine.
XANDER Theyll never know how tough it is, Dawnie. To be the one who isnt chosen, to live so near to the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. I see more than anybody realizes because nobodys watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. Youre not special. Youre extraordinary.
DAWN Maybe thats your power.
DAWN Seeing. Knowing.
XANDER Maybe it is. Maybe I should get a cape.
DAWN Cape is good.
GILES Do you think they appreciate the gravity of what were undertaking? Its frightening and its difficult. And then apparently someone told them that the vision quest consists of me driving them into the desert, doing the hokey-pokey, until a spooky Rasta-mama Slayer arrives and speaks to them in riddles.
BUFFY Thats not exactly how I put it. I (to Willow) Hey! Hows Kennedy?
WILLOW Still fluey. Bummed about missing the field trip. (to Giles) She says she wants you to meditate extra hard for her and bring her back some Smores.
GILES Ah, yes. Smores. Im going to end up singing campfire songs, arent I?
BUFFY Oh, yeah.
WILLOW Hey, how is he?
BUFFY In the goes part of comes and goes.
WILLOW Well, there seems to be a definite lack of screaming. That has to be good.
BUFFY Youd think. That for the other patient?
WILLOW Yeah. Thought Id bring her some tea. Help her feel better.
BUFFY Mm-hmm.
WILLOW Its just tea.
BUFFY Will, how much do you know about the chip?
WILLOW Spikes chip? Well, I remember trying to dig up stuff back then but turns out when a secret government agency studies vampires and puts chips in their brains that keep them from hurting people, they dont really build web sites. Why?
BUFFY Even with the chip, Spike was able to hurt all those people when he was brainwashed.
WILLOW Yeah, but he was under the control of The First.
BUFFY Maybe somethings wrong with it.
WILLOW The chip was misfiring all on its own, then. Well, thisll be fun.
BUFFY Remember when things used to be nice and boring?
BUFFY Have fun delivering the tea.
WILLOW Okay, not when you make it sound all dirty like that. Its just tea.
KENNEDY Okay, one drink. I can work with that. Lets start with the easy stuff. How long have you known? That you were gay?
WILLOW Wait, thats easy? And, wait, you just assume that Im that Im gay? I mean, presume much?
KENNEDY Okay, sorry. How long have you enjoyed having sex with women?
WILLOW Hey! What? You think you have some kind of like special lesbidar or something?
KENNEDY Okay, you know theres a better word for that, right? You really havent been getting out there that much, have you?
WILLOW Well, I just can you always tell? Just by looking at someone?
BUFFY Theres gotta be a reason why the chip is going all wonky. Maybe its related to the trigger or maybe it has something to do with the new soul.
SPIKE Or maybe I wasnt meant to last this long. One more thing you and I have in common, eh, pet?
BUFFY Well, well fix it. Well hit serious research mode
SPIKE Good. Try behavioral modification software through the ages.
BUFFY Okay, youre right, its not a book thing. Its a phone thing.
SPIKE Whore you gonna call? God, that phrase is never going to be usable again, is it?
BUFFY Doubt it.
KENNEDY It was Gone With the Wind. I saw that and I knew I wanted to sweep Scarlett off her feet.
WILLOW You were five.
KENNEDY Well, Im not saying the sweeping would have been easy. What?
WILLOW No, its just I still dont get it. Why you like me. I mean, you dont even know me.
KENNEDY Have you seen you? And we like the same things. Italian. Skate punk. Robert Parker mysteries. Fighting evil.
WILLOW I dont like any of that stuff. Except the fighting evil part. And even then Id prefer a nice foot massage.
KENNEDY Okay I dig the way you always turn off the Moulin Rouge DVD at chapter 32 so it has a happy ending. I like the way you speak. Its interesting. And your freckles lickable. Im not so into the magick stuff seems like fairy tale crap to me but it matters to you. You care about it, so its cool.
XANDER Are you sure?
WILLOW/WARREN There are other stories from kindergarten non-yellowcrayon stories in which you dont come out in such a good light. An incident involving Aquaman Underoos, for example. You want me to start talking?
XANDER Hey! Willow!
XANDER He was attacked, this Robson guy. In England. And Giles was there, helping him, and there was a Bringer
ANYA Xander?
XANDER Robson blacked out but the last thing he remembers was that Giles head was about to get real familiar with the Bringers very sharp axe.
DAWN Oh, my god.
ANYA Giles never mentioned any of this.
XANDER Robson said that by the time he came to, theres no Giles.
DAWN So what are we saying?
XANDER Maybe Giles just didnt want to talk about it.
ANYA Or maybe he didnt make it. Look, Im not saying its a happy scenario but were dealing with a big bad that can be any dead person it wants.
XANDER Because if you wanted to infiltrate the inner circle of the Slayer
ANYA you become the one person she trusts more than anybody else.
DAWN But theres no way that we can know
ANDREW Actually, thats not true. The First cant take corporeal form so it cant touch anything.
ANYA Well, its not like Giles hasnt touched anything, right? Has anyone seen Giles touch anything since he got back? Hold anything? Has anybody hugged him? Think very hard.
ANDREW Where are you
XANDER Desert. Were going to find Giles.
AMY It didnt work?
WILLOW/WARREN No, it didnt, you dumb bitch!
AMY You you slapped me.
WILLOW/WARREN No. I didnt. It wasnt me. It was Warren.
KENNEDY Okay. Youre upset.
WILLOW/WARREN Upset? Upset! Are you just tuning in? Did you not see that? Im turning into him. Its not a trick, its not a glamour. Im becoming him. A murderous, misogynist man. Do you understand what he did? What I could do? I killed him for a reason.
KENNEDY Getting angry isnt helping. We can still try to
WILLOW/WARREN You understand nothing about magick. And in case you didnt notice, our date is over.
AMY Youre really worried about her? Look, shes gonna be fine, really. Shes good at this. Shes strong. And shes dealt with a lot worse. Long before she ever went out and found herself a big old potential slayer bodyguard, okay? Just have a little faith in her.
KENNEDY I never said I was a potential Slayer.
AMY Oh. No, I think you did. When first got here, you told us
KENNEDY No. I didnt. How did you know who I was?
AMY Oops.
GILES We all feel each other. Including some of us who dont know each other well enough to take such liberties, thank you. I assume theres a perfectly reasonable and not at all insane explanation here.
ANYA We thought you might be non-corporeal evil.
DAWN We got a call. We couldnt remember you touching anything.
XANDER We had to come make sure you were okay. We were worried.
GILES Oh. Thats very sweet. Now wait a minute. You think Im evil if I bring a group of girls on a camping trip and dont touch them?
GENERAL Ms. Summers. Agent Finn reported that you tried to contact him earlier today.
BUFFY I knew it! Government conspiracy.
GENERAL He indicated you might be needing our assistance. Were to provide you anything you need to help Assface here. Those were his exact words, maam.
GENERAL Med team tells me they took a look at the chip. You were right. Its degraded. Leave it as it is much longer, itll be fatal to him.
BUFFY Okay, so how long until
BUFFY Right. Of course What do we do next?
GENERAL Agent Finn said it was your call, maam.
BUFFY My what was my call?
GENERAL All decisions regarding Hostile 17 are to be left in your hands. This chip. We can either repair it or remove it.
KENNEDY What did you do to her?
AMY What, to Willow? Oh. Just your standard penance malediction is all.
KENNEDY Okay, and thats magick crazy talk for what?
AMY I put a hex on her.
KENNEDY I got that part. But why Warren? And why did it happen after we kissed?
AMY Oh, thats rich. That mustve been some kiss. You must be good.
KENNEDY Answer me.
AMY The hex I cast lets the victims subconscious pick the form of their punishment. Its always better than anything I can come up with. Elegant, you know?
KENNEDY Undo it. Let her out.
AMY Okay. Oh, wait, I forgot. No.
KENNEDY Why would you do this to her? You really hate her that much?
AMY This is not about hate. Its about power. Willow always had all the power, long before she even knew what to do with it. Just came so easy for her. The rest of us we had to work twice as hard to be half as good. But no one cares about how hard you work. They just care about cute, sweet Willow. They dont know how weak she is. She gave in to evil stuff worse than I can even imagine. She almost destroyed the world! And yet everyone keeps on loving her. So whats wrong with having a little fun, huh? Taking her down a peg or two?
KENNEDY Fun? Shes disappearing fading away in that creep and you think its fun?
AMY It was just a game. Its not my fault shes losing herself.
KENNEDY Im going to stop you now, you know.
AMY Hey, Im not the bad guy here. But I wonder where hed be right about now?
WILLOW/WARREN You think you can just do that to me? You think Id let you get away with that? Think again.
KENNEDY Do get away with (sees gun) Okay, lets not get excited.
WILLOW/WARREN Its too late for that. This is what I am. I made it happen and Ill make it stop.
KENNEDY Willow, what did you make happen?
WILLOW/WARREN You were there, bitch, you saw it! I killed her!
KENNEDY You mean him.
WILLOW/WARREN Him! Her! You know what I mean.
KENNEDY You said her.
WILLOW/WARREN No. That was Warren
KENNEDY No. No, it wasnt. You said I was there. Who did you kill, Willow?
WILLOW/WARREN It was your fault. Slut. You tricked me, got me to forget.
WILLOW/WARREN Shut up! Shut! Up! You do not get to say her name! Offering it up to whoevers there. Tricking me into kissing you I I didnt mean that. What Im saying I cant make it Kennedy? I cant hold on hes winning.
WILLOW/WARREN Im being punished. I kissed you, just for a second, but it was just enough. I let her go. I didnt mean to.
KENNEDY Kissing me didnt mean th
WILLOW/WARREN No, she was never gone. She was with me. We should have been forever and I I let her be dead. Shes really dead. And I killed her.
KENNEDY Willow, no
WILLOW/WARREN Please, baby, Im so sorry. Come back. Im sorry. Im sorry! Come back
KENNEDY Willow, I dont think you did anything wrong. This is just magick and I think Im figuring the whole magick thing out. Its just like fairy tales.
WILLOW/WARREN What are you doing?
KENNEDY Bringing you back to life.
SPIKE Anya said you were The First. Said you were evil. Youre supposed to be all go-through-able.
GILES Then why the hell did you tackle me, you berk? What was that supposed to do?
SPIKE Yeah didnt think of that.
GILES And, more importantly, you just hit me! Why didnt your chip go off?
SPIKE Yeah, well
BUFFY Well, when we were at the Initiative
SPIKE there was a choice.
BUFFY Right. To either repair the chip or to remove it.
GILES You had it removed? You removed the chip?
SPIKE Had to make a choice.
BUFFY It really is okay.
AMANDA Whats a chip?
GILES You know this is very dangerous.
BUFFY Youve just heard horror stories. Wear hoops, theyll catch on something, rip your lobe off, lobes flying everywhere.
GILES Thats not what Im talking about.
BUFFY You mean Spike not having a chip. Free-range Spike.
GILES I have to ask. Why on earth did you make that decision?
BUFFY I guess it was instinct, like you were talking about.
GILES I made that up! I knew the Bringer was there because his shoes squeaked. Buffy, its crucial that we keep these girls safe and I cant count the dangers: The First, the Bringers, random demons and now Spike?
BUFFY And the principal.
BUFFY Oh, nothing much. He was in the school basement holding a shovel, acting kind of evasive. Plus hes got that whole too charming to be real thing going on. Im looking into it.
GILES Well, that sounds very responsible of you. Balances out the vampire-on-the-loose issue.
BUFFY Nothings changed, Giles. Spike had a chip before, remember? When The First had him kill and sire all those people.
GILES We have no idea if his chip was working then. A new chip might restrain him should The First attempt to activate him again.
BUFFY Spike has a soul now. Thats whats going to stop him from hurting people.
BUFFY He can be a good man, Giles. I feel it. But hes never going to get there if we dont give him the chance.
GILES Buffy, I want more for you. Your feelings for him are coloring your judgment. I can hear it in your voice. And that way lies a future filled with pain. I dont want that for you.
BUFFY We havent things have been different since he came back.
GILES It doesnt matter if youre not physical with each other anymore. Theres a connection. You rely on him, he relies on you. Thats whats affecting your judgment.
BUFFY You think Im losing sight of the big picture but Im not. When Spike had that chip, it was like having him in a muzzle. It was wrong. We cant beat evil by doing evil. I know that.
GILES Well, I hope youre right. Youre gambling with a lot of lives.
LYSSA Lyssa. And I guess I could use some advice. I cant even figure out if Ive got the right kind of rope.
XANDER That depends what you need it for. Something like functional around the house or, you know, recreational? By which I mean, for example, boating or mountain climbing, not for tying someone up for sexy funky fun.
WOOD Hey, Buffy.
WOOD What are you doing tonight?
BUFFY Preparing for tomorrows counseling sessions.
WOOD No, really.
BUFFY Watching a reality show about a millionaire.
WOOD Well, then Id like to take you out to dinner if thats all right with you. I mean, you dont have to. Im certainly not saying come to dinner if you enjoy having a job. You know, I may have to make up a little document saying I didnt just say that and have you sign it.
BUFFY Sure, Id be happy to have dinner with you.
WOOD Great. Ill draw up the paperwork.
WILLOW So he asked you out to dinner?
BUFFY Yeah. Isnt that weird? Hes a principal. Hes a young hot principal with earrings but hes a principal. Why do you think he asked me out? He could be interested, right?
WILLOW Yeah, sure. Youre a frisky vixen.
BUFFY Or it could be work-related. Maybe Im getting promoted for doing such a good job.
WILLOW Oh. Right. That would make sense, too.
BUFFY Or maybe he knows that I suspect hes up to something and hes taking me out to kill me.
WILLOW Well, youll have to dress for the ambiguity.
BUFFY You know, its not even that hes acting that suspicious. Its just there he is, on the Hellmouth, all day every day. Thats got to be like being showered with evil, only from underneath.
WILLOW Not really a shower.
BUFFY A bidet, then. Like a bidet of evil.
WILLOW Buff, if he really is interested are you interested back?
BUFFY I dont know. Hes good-looking and hes solid, hes smart, hes normal, so not the wicked energy, which is nice, cause I dont want to only be attracted to wicked energy or what if he is wicked, in which case, is that why Im attracted to him?
WILLOW Im going to wait for that sentence to come around again before I jump on.
XANDER Guys! Guess what happened?
WILLOW Buffy got a date!
XANDER No, I did! Fine. Way to steal my thunder.
BUFFY Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, its Principal Wood and I think hes aligned with The First.
XANDER Also, like ten years older than you, right?
WILLOW Which is like a hundred years younger than your type.
BUFFY Yay, someone who doesnt remember the Industrial Revolution.
WILLOW I think theyre going to end up making out. Oh, Principal Wood, shell gasp, I love your lack of wicked energy.
THE FIRST/JONATHAN Theres a button marked clock set, for pitys sake. What kind of a nerd are you? No wonder you crashed your jet pack.
ANDREW Oh! Get thee behind me! I rebuke thee! Take that, The First!
THE FIRST/JONATHAN Look, you monkey Oh! Ahh it burns as it ineffectually passes through me. Im not corporeal, remember? Also, not a vampire, so a cross?
SPIKE You look nice.
BUFFY Oh, thanks. Traditionally, one wears something over this.
SPIKE Heard you got a date.
BUFFY Well, its unclear. I have this whole theory about a promotion. Or hes evil.
SPIKE Buffy, Im all right.
BUFFY You dont have to
SPIKE What? Be noble? Im not. I really am all right. You think I still dream of a crypt for two with a white picket fence? My eyes are clear.
BUFFY Good. Im glad. Thank you.
SPIKE Never much cared for picket fences, anyway. Bloody dangerous.
BUFFY So you knew who I was before you even came here.
BUFFY How? How do you know about Slayers?
WOOD Right. Okay. See, when I was a little boy, my mother was one. The one, actually. The Slayer.
BUFFY Youre mother? Wow. I didnt know that any Slayers had children.
WOOD I dont know of any others. She was killed when I was four. I still remember her but its a little fuzzy, you know?
BUFFY Something got her? A demon
WOOD A vampire. Man, I went through this whole avenging son phase in my 20s but I never found him. So now I just dust as many of them as I can find. Figure eventually Ill get him. Thats probably why we got jumped outside. Im not very popular with the bumpy-forehead crowd. I bet you arent, either.
BUFFY No, not most of em. So do you have Slayer powers? Im sorry, Im just so floored, I have no idea what to ask.
WOOD No, I dont have powers. No super-strength or mythic responsibilities. Im just a guy with a few skills because her Watcher took me in and raised me.
BUFFY So you decided to tell me.
WOOD Thats right.
BUFFY In a darkened little romantic French restaurant.
WOOD Yeah. Not really sure how that happened but yeah.
XANDER This cant just happen. It cant just keep happening that demon women find me attractive! Theres gotta be a reason.
LYSSA You just seemed like a nice guy, thats all. And I wanted to get to know you.
XANDER And kill me?
LYSSA Sure. Do the ropes hurt?
WILLOW No. Its a text message. Oh, its from Xander. Its one of our signals.
AMANDA Signals?
WILLOW We have a system we set up a while back. Like codes. This ones either I just got lucky, dont call me for a while, or my dates a demon whos trying to kill me.
KENNEDY You dont remember which?
WILLOW It was long time ago.
DAWN Well, if we play the percentages
GILES somethings eating Xanders head.
ANYA Say, thats gratifying.
XANDER Look, Ive I know what happens if that seal down there gets all excited. I dont think you understand what youre getting yourself into.
LYSSA The seal opens up and a vicious feral vampire creature comes out.
XANDER Well, then you do understand but what makes you think thats like a good idea?
LYSSA The end is coming. The final fight. And everyone is hearing the drumbeat. Its telling us to pick our partners, align ourselves with the good or the evil. Couldnt have done it without you, Xander. Thanks for the great date.
ANYA Where are they? Its after two. I cant believe Buffy hasnt brought him home yet. His slut ate him up.
WILLOW His slut didnt eat him up. Besides, I thought you were all angry at him.
ANYA My feelings are changeable but intense.
WILLOW What happened?
XANDER What do you think happened? Another demon woman was attracted to me. Im going gay. Ive decided Im turning gay. Willow, gay me up! Come on, lets gay!
XANDER You heard me. Just tell me what to do. Im mentally undressing Scott Bakula. Thats a start, isnt it?
ANDREW Captain Archer
XANDER Come on, Willow, lets get this gay show on the gay road. Help me out here.
BUFFY What if you just start attracting male demons?
DAWN Clem always liked you.
ANYA Would serve you right.
GILES Children, enough.
XANDER Ill need some stylish new clothes
GILES Enough! Have you learned nothing from tonights assorted chaos? Theres no time for fun and games and quips about orientation. These arent a joke. This happens. Girls are going to die. We may die. Its time to get serious.
SPIKE Anybody tell you about what happened around here tonight?
BUFFY Willow did. The First is back in the mix.
SPIKE It talked to the little boy. Said it wasnt time for me yet. I should move out. Leave town. Before it is time for me.
BUFFY No. You have to stay.
SPIKE You got another demon fighter now.
BUFFY Thats not why I need you here.
SPIKE Is that right? Whys that, then?
BUFFY Because Im not ready for you to not be here.
ANYA Thanks for having me along.
SPIKE Dont mention it.
ANYA At first I thought, Its weird. Is Spike asking me out on a date? Because that would just be nuts.
SPIKE Right. Im just out for the alcohol.
ANYA Right there with you, scooter. Tonight I plan to drink you under the table.
SPIKE Youre on, then.
ANYA Good. Of course, once youre down there, I could join you. Kidding. I like my sex on top of the table.
SPIKE Would you let it go? Youre like a dog with a bone.
ANYA So what?
SPIKE Its my bone. Just drop it.
ANYA Okay, okay. I wasnt proposing. Time goes by, a girl gets hungry. You should know.
SPIKE Oh, thank god.
ANYA What?
SPIKE Demon.
WILLOW Oh. Hi. Hey. Well, Buffy I see that our preparation for the school pep-dance-cheer-drill-contest are are coming along. Bring it on!
BUFFY Its okay. I filled him in on everything.
WILLOW Oh, thank god. If I had to explain all these weapons, I had nothing.
WOOD She really almost destroyed the world?
WOOD Remind me not to make her crabby.
BUFFY Might be better if you did.
WOOD Hows that work?
BUFFY Oh, I dont know. Its just The First is coming and then look at us. The army. Weve got a bunch of fighters with nothing to hit. A Wicca who wonta and the brains of our operation wears oven mitts.
WOOD Well, youre redefining the job, Buffy, and that takes guts. This isnt your full arsenal, anyway. Show me the vampire.
BUFFY Dawn, get a knife. Im cutting her down.
THE FIRST/CHLOE Good thinking. But on the other hand, why rush? Up or down, Ill still be dead.
BUFFY Youre not Chloe.
THE FIRST/CHLOE Yeah, well neither is she anymore. Now shes just Chloes body.
KENNEDY What did you do to her?
THE FIRST/CHLOE Nothing. We just talked all night. Well, I did most of the talking. But Chloe is Im sorry, was a good listener. Till she hanged herself. Like when you called her maggot. She really heard that.
BUFFY Dont listen to it. Any of you. Its The First.
THE FIRST/CHLOE Oh, let em. The only reason why Chloe offed herself was because she knew what youre not getting. Im coming. Youre going. All this? Its almost over.
BUFFY Well be here.
THE FIRST/CHLOE All of you? But wait, I thought (Buffys voice) theyre not all going to make it. Some will die and nothing I can do will stop that. (Chloes voice) Hey, I didnt say it. But Ill be seeing all of you. One by one. TTFN.
RONA Its ta-ta for now. Its what Tigger says when he leaves.
AMANDA Chloe loved Winnie the Pooh.
BUFFY Dawn, wheres that knife?
BUFFY Where are you going?
SPIKE Out. Since Im neither a girl nor waiting. All this speechifying doesnt really apply to me, does it?
BUFFY Fine. Take a cell phone. That way if I need someone to get weepy or wailed on I can call you.
SPIKE If youve got something to say
BUFFY Just said it. You keep holding back, you might as well walk out that door.
SPIKE Holding back? Youre blind. Ive been here. Right in it. Fighting, scrapping
BUFFY Since you got your soul back?
SPIKE Well, as a matter of fact, I havent been quite relishing the kill the way I used to.
BUFFY You were a better fighter then.
SPIKE I did this for you! The soul, the changes its what you wanted!
BUFFY What I want is the Spike thats dangerous! The Spike that tried to kill me when we met.
SPIKE Oh, you dont know how close you are to bringing him out.
BUFFY Im nowhere near him. Dawn, get the potentials upstairs and break out that emergency kit.
DAWN What are you going to do?
BUFFY Im declaring an emergency.
WILLOW I dont even know what magick to use.
KENNEDY Why not just try all 32 flavors? The worst thing that happens is you go brunette.
WILLOW Thats not the worst thing that can happen.
ANYA Shes right. And you know we have a choice. We can risk Willows life and the rest of our lives to get Buffy back or we leave her out there.
WOOD If we play it safe back here, Buffy could stay lost.
ANYA You missed her everyone sucks but me speech. If shes so superior, let her find her own way back.
SHADOW MAN #3 You are the Hellmouths last guardian.
BUFFY Latest. You mean latest guardian.
BUFFY What is this?
SHADOW MAN #3 We are at the beginning. The source of your strength. The well of the Slayers power.
SHADOW MAN #1 This is why we have brought you here.
BUFFY I thought I brought me here. Look, listen you guys, Im already the Slayer. Bursting with power. Really dont need any more.
SHADOW MAN #1 The first Slayer did not talk so much.
SHADOW MAN #1 Herein lies your truest strength.
SHADOW MAN #2 The energy of the demon. Its spirit.
SHADOW MAN #3 Its heart.
BUFFY This is how you
SHADOW MAN #1 Created the Slayer? Yes.
SHADOW MAN #3 It must become one with you.
SHADOW MAN #1 This will make you ready for the fight.
BUFFY By making me less human?
SHADOW MAN #1 This is how it was then. How it must be now.
WOOD Where are you going?
SPIKE Got a job.
WOOD Nice coat. Whered you get it?
SPIKE New York.
BUFFY You think I came all this way to get knocked up by some demon dust? I cant fight this. I know that now. But you guys? Youre just men. Just the men who did this. To her. Whoever that girl was before she was the first Slayer.
SHADOW MAN #1 You dont understand.
BUFFY No, you dont understand! You violated that girl, made her kill for you because youre weak, youre pathetic, and you obviously have nothing to show me.
ANDREW Oh! Hello there, gentle viewers. You caught me catching up on an old favorite. Its wonderful to get lost in a story, isnt it? The adventure and heroics and discovery dont they just take you away? Hmm. Come with me now, if you will, gentle viewers. Join me on a new voyage of the mind, a little tale I like to call Buffy, A Slayer of the Vampires. It was cold last night and the wind was cruel but the Slayer had a job to do Unfortunately, vampires have a job to do, too. Ouch. My goodness. Things look bad for the Slayer, dont they? She didnt see that second vampire, concealed by cover of darkness, ready ready to attack and make her his own vampirical spawn. Lets rejoin them now to see
ANYA For gods sakes, Andrew! Youve been in here thirty minutes. What are you doing?
ANDREW Entertaining and educating.
ANYA Why cant you just masturbate like the rest of us?
WOOD And youve dealt with this before? I mean, youve seen stuff like this in the high school?
BUFFY Sure. You know, swim team monsters or killer prom dogs. Again, not all at once.
WOOD So what makes now so special?
BUFFY My guess? Its that seal thing in the basement. Its like all the Hellmouths energy is trying to escape from that one little spot and its getting all
WOOD Focusy.
BUFFY Careful. Youre starting to speak like me now.
ANDREW This is Xander and Anya interview number one for Buffy: A Slayer of the Vampires.
ANYA Thats what youre calling it?
ANDREW Either that or Buffy: The Slayer Who Knew No Fear.
XANDER I like that one.
ANDREW Thank you, Xander. Thats sweet of you. I understand that exactly one year ago today you left Anya at the altar. Any comment on that?
XANDER Whoa. What the hell?
ANDREW I just think people will be interested.
ANYA I know I am. What do you have to say for yourself one year later?
XANDER Ive apologized enough. Thats what I have to say.
ANDREW But you think it was something that called for an apology?
XANDER Well, yes.
ANDREW So you dont think it was the right thing to do.
ANYA Of course he doesnt think it was the right thing to do.
XANDER It was the right thing to do.
ANYA What?
ANDREW Interesting. I feel like were getting to something here.
XANDER Look, Anya, if Id married you, it would have been against everything I thought was best. It wouldnt have worked.
ANYA But we we still spark! I get jealous of you, you get jealous of me. You still love me.
ANDREW Is that true, Xander? Do you still love her?
WOOD Have you ever really studied it you know, gotten close?
BUFFY Well, I know its a goats head with its tongue out. Willow did a search on the symbolic database but it turns out everyone likes a good goats tongue rock groups, covens and Greek cookbooks. She said she couldnt narrow it down.
WOOD And you trust her?
BUFFY Yes. Why wouldnt I trust her?
WOOD I dont know why any of you should trust each other. Youve all been evil at some point, right?
BUFFY No. Thats not true. I mean, yeah, Willow had a bad patch. But Ive never been.
WOOD Evil is what evil does, right? And I know what youre doing. Youre with that vampire. Screwing that vampire. You filthy whore!
BUFFY Robin! Are you okay?
WOOD Whoa. What happened?
BUFFY I I think it was controlling you.
WOOD Buffy, weve got to get rid of this seal. Weve got to shut it down before it starts affecting everyone.
BUFFY I think I have a pretty good idea who we should talk to.
WOOD Yeah? Whos that?
BUFFY The guy that fed it its first drop of blood.
SPIKE I thought I told you to piss off with this bloody camera. And here you are again with that thing in my face. Sod off fore I rip your throat out and eat it
ANDREW Spike, the light was kinda behind you
SPIKE Oh, right. This better, then? I thought I told you to piss off with this bloody camera. And here you are again with that thing in my face. Sod off
ANYA You keep ducking the question.
XANDER I dont mean to. Its just you know how I feel, right? And you were the one who didnt want to keep seeing each other.
ANYA And heres where we hop on the merry-go-round of rotating knives. I blame you and you blame me and we both end up all cut to shreds. Please, just tell Do you still love me?
XANDER Yes, I still love you. I always will. I just dont know if that means anything for us anymore.
ANYA Well, I love you, too. And I dont know if that means anything, either.
XANDER Well, its nice to hear. Im not going to find anyone out there like you, am I?
ANYA It doesnt seem likely.
XANDER I guess Im more replaceable, obviously.
ANYA No, theres no one like you, Xander.
ANYA You were willing to stand up to danger even when your hands had no weapons. You were ready to protect me with your life.
XANDER Yeah, I guess we fit together pretty good.
ANYA We fit together great.
XANDER You know, sometimes I want to be back in your life.
ANYA I hope you know you never left my heart.
WILLOW We need to see that knife. Theres something there.
BUFFY Kennedy, search his stuff. Find the knife.
ANDREW Its not in my stuff. Its in the kitchen, in the cutlery drawer. You didnt have any steak knives.
WILLOW You put your old murder weapon in with our utensils?
ANDREW I washed it.
SPIKE Looks to me like its still happening. Nice way to run a school. Theres gotta be kids injured in here.
WOOD Yeah, easy pickings for the likes of you, huh?
SPIKE Hey, here to help, you know.
WOOD Right
ANDREW Check out Spike and the principal. Theres something going on there. Sexual tension you could cut with a knife.
XANDER Its too bad Buffy took Spikes chains down, huh?
ANYA You said it.
XANDER I feel good.
ANYA Well, yeah. Im a spitfire in the bedroom.
XANDER Yeah, I always knew wed do that again.
ANYA Yeah, one more time, anyway.
XANDER Is that what that was? A one more time?
ANYA Do you think there should be more?
XANDER I dont know. It was nice. It felt it felt like a one more time.
ANYA I think maybe were really over. Which its good, right? I mean, now we can move on.
ANDREW So we figure what? I stand on the seal and hold the knife and like command it to stop glowing in Tawarick?
BUFFY Or we could do this.
BUFFY Doesnt really make sense, does it? Bringing you here to talk to it? This thing doesnt understand words. It understands blood.
ANDREW Blood opens it. You dont want to open it. Opening it would be bad.
BUFFY Yeah, Willow did a little research. Turns out the blood of the person that awoke it you different kind of deal. It reverses the whole thing.
ANDREW How how much blood? Are you going to ?
BUFFY I dont know. Maybe not enough to kill you.
ANDREW So this is my redemption at last. I buy back my own bruised soul with the blood of my heart but not not enough to kill.
BUFFY Stop! Stop telling stories. Life isnt a story.
ANDREW Sorry, sorry.
BUFFY Shut up. You always do this. You make everything into a story so no ones responsible for anything because theyre just following a script.
ANDREW Please dont kill me. Warren said Jonathan would be okay. I trusted him and I lost my friend.
BUFFY You didnt lose him! You murdered him.
ANDREW I know. But you dont need to kill me. You said we could all get through this.
BUFFY I made it up. Im making it all up. So what kind of hero does that make me?
ANDREW No, youre doing a great job, really. Kudos.
BUFFY Yeah, well, I dont like having to give a bunch of speeches about how were all going to live, because we wont. This isnt some story where good triumphs because good triumphs. Good people are going to die. Girls. Maybe me. Probably you. Probably right now.
ANDREW Dont please
BUFFY When your blood pours out, it might save the world. What do you think about that? Does it buy it all back? Are you redeemed?
BUFFY Why not?
ANDREW Because I killed him. Because I listened to Warren and I pretended that I thought it was him but I knew it wasnt. And I killed Jonathan. And now youre going to kill me and Im scared and Im going to die. And this this is what Jonathan felt.
ANDREW It stopped.
BUFFY It didnt want blood. It wanted tears.
ANDREW Thanks.
BUFFY Sorry I had to
ANDREW You werent really going to stab me, were you?
BUFFY I wasnt going to stab you.
ANDREW What if the tears didnt work?
WOOD She got it done.
SPIKE Always has.
WOOD So far.
ANDREW Heres the thing. I killed my best friend. Theres a big fight coming and I dont know whats going to happen. I dont even think Im going to live through it. Thats probably the way it should be. I guess I
SPIKE I spent a long time trying to track you down. Dont want the dance to end so soon, do you, Nikki? The musics just starting, isnt it? By the way love the coat.
YOUNG ROBIN Can we go home now?
NIKKI Uh-uh. Its not safe there anymore. How bout I leave you over at Crowleys house and you can play with those spooky doodads that you like.
YOUNG ROBIN No, I want to stay with you.
NIKKI Yeah, I know you do, baby, but remember, Robin honey, what we talked about. Always got to work the mission. Look at me. You know I love you but I got a job to do. The mission is what matters right?
WOOD Yeah, its been pretty quiet around here since you shut down that seal. You just may have stopped this thing, Buffy.
BUFFY No, it cant be that easy.
WOOD You call that easy?
BUFFY Hey, any apocalypse I avert without dying? Yeah, those are the easy ones.
GILES Everythings terrible. Total catastrophe.
BUFFY Giles, whats wrong?
GILES Have you seen the new library? Theres nothing but computers. Theres not a book to be seen. I dont know where to begin, Buffy. I mean, who do we speak to?
SPIKE Uh-huh. Right, lets get this over with. Whatre you going to do? Some hypno-beam? A disarming spell?
GILES Not exactly. The First has brainwashed you. Theres something in your subconscious that its using to provoke a violent reaction. So we have to put this in your brain.
SPIKE Bugger that!
GILES The Prokaryote Stone will move within your mind to reveal the root of the triggers power. It can unleash ideas, images, memories. Hopefully, once you understand what it is thats setting you off, you can break its hold on you.
SPIKE Oh, bollix. With all the rubbish people keep sticking in my head, its a wonder that theres room for my brain.
GILES I dont think it takes up that much space, do you?
WILLIAM: Yet her smell, it doth linger, Painting pictures in my mind. Her eyes, balls of honey. Angels harps her laugh. Oh, lark! Grant a sign if crookd be Cupids shaft. Hark, the lark! Her name it hath spake. Cecily, it discharges from twixt its wee beak.
ANNE Oh, William
WILLIAM Its just scribbling.
ANNE Nonsense. Its magnificent. I wonder, though. This Cecily of whom you write so often
ANNE would that be the Underwoods eldest girl?
WILLIAM No, no. I do not presume.
ANNE Shes lovely. You shouldnt be alone. You need a woman in your life.
WILLIAM I have a woman in my life.
ANNE But you ne oh
WILLIAM Well, do not mistake me. I still have hopes that one day there will be an addition to this household but I will always look after you, mother. This, I promise.
ANNE (singing) Early one morning, just as the sun was shining, I heard a maid sing in the valley below. Oh, dont deceive me. Oh, never leave me. How could you use a poor maiden so?
KENNEDY So Spikes trigger has been active this entire time?
RONA How can Buffy take this for granted? I mean, he lives in our house. We train with him.
ANYA Dont waste your time down that road. Spikes got some sort of get out of jail free card that doesnt apply to the rest of us. I mean, he could slaughter a hundred frat boys and Forgiveness makes us human, blah-dee-blah-blah-blah.
ANDREW Willow, call for you from L.A. Somebody named Fred. The guy sounds kind of effeminate.
WILLIAM Well ravage this city together, my pet. Lay waste to all of Europe. The three of us will teach those snobs and elitists with their folderol just what
WILLIAM You, me and mother. Well open up their veins and bathe in their blood as they scream our names across What?
DRUSILLA You you want to bring your mum with us?
WILLIAM Well, yeah. Youll like her.
DRUSILLA To eat, you mean?
ANNE Where have you been? Ive been beside myself for days.
WILLIAM You neednt have worried, mother. Youll never have to worry about anything again. Something has happened. Ive changed.
ANNE I I dont whos this woman?
DRUSILLA Im the other that gave birth to your son.
ANNE I beg your pardon?
WILLIAM Its true, mother. Drusilla, she has made me what I am. I am no longer bound to this mortal coil. I have become a creature of the night. A vampire.
ANNE Are you drunk?
WILLIAM A little bit. Think of it. No more sickness. No more dying. Youll never age another day. Let me do this for you.
ANNE What are you talking about? And why are you acting so strangely?
WILLIAM Its all right, mother. Its only me. Well be together forever.
SPIKE So thats it, isnt it? Brought me here to kill me?
WOOD No, I dont want to kill you, Spike. I want to kill the monster who took my mother away from me.
ANNE Oh, William, youre so tender.
WILLIAM Well, this is as it should be, mother. You and I together. All of London laid out before us.
ANNE Ah, yes. Us.
WILLIAM First, well feast. Then the night is yours. Theatre, perhaps. Dancing? Tell me, whats your pleasure?
ANNE Pleasure? To take my leave of you, of course. The lark hath spake from twixt its wee beak? You honestly thought I could bear an eternity listening to that twaddle?
ANNE I feel extraordinary. Its as though Ive been given new eyes. I see everything. Understand everything.
ANNE I hate to be cruel. No, I dont. I used to hate to be cruel in life. Now I find it rather freeing. Nothing less will pry your greedy little fingers off my apron strings, will it?
WILLIAM Stop. Please.
ANNE Ever since the day you first slithered from me like a parasite
WILLIAM What are you s
ANNE Had I known better, I could have spared myself a lifetime of tedium and just dashed your brains out when I first saw you. God, I prayed youd find a woman to release me but you scarcely showed an interest. Who could compare to your doddering housebound mum? A captive audience for your witless prattle.
WILLIAM Whatever I was, thats not who I am anymore.
ANNE Darling, its who youll always be. A limp, sentimental fool.
WOOD It hurts, dont it? Is this what it felt like when you beat the life out of her, toyed with her, when you snapped her neck!
BUFFY Giles, we had this conversation when I told you that I wouldnt sacrifice Dawn to stop Glory from destroying the world.
GILES Ah, yes, but things are different, arent they? After what youve been through, faced with the same choice now, youd let her die.
BUFFY If I had to to save the world. Yes.
ANNE You want to run, dont you? Scamper off and cry to your new little trollop. Do you think youll be able to love her? Think youll be able to touch her without feeling me? All you ever wanted was to be back inside. You finally got your wish, didnt you? Sank your teeth into me. An eternal kiss.
WILLIAM No. I only wanted to make you well.
ANNE You wanted your hands on me. Perhaps youd like a chance to finish off what you started.
WILLIAM I love you. I did. Not like this.
ANNE Just like this. This is what you always wanted. Whos my dark little prince?
WOOD Sorry? You think sorrys going to make everything right?
SPIKE I wasnt talking to you. I dont give a piss about your mum. She was a Slayer. I was a vampire. Thats the way the game is played.
WOOD Game?
SPIKE She knew what she was signing up for.
WOOD Well, I didnt sign up for it.
SPIKE Well, thats the rub, isnt it? You didnt sign up for it
WOOD You took my childhood. You took her away. She was all I had. She was my world.
SPIKE And you werent hers. Doesnt that piss you off?
WOOD Shut up! You didnt know her.
SPIKE I know Slayers. No matter how many people theyve got around them, they fight alone. Life of the Chosen One. The rest of us be damned. Your mother was no different.
WOOD No, she loved me.
SPIKE But not enough to quit, though, was it? Not enough to walk away for you. Ill tell you a story about a mother and son. See, like you, I loved my mother. So much so I turned her into a vampire so we could be together forever. She said some nasty bits to me after I did that. Been weighing on me for quite some time. But you helped me figure something out. You see, unlike you, I had a mother who loved me back. When I sired her, I set loose a demon and it tore into me but it was the demon talking, not her. I realize that now. My mother loved me with all her heart. I was her world. Thats a nice little song you got there. Thanks, doc. You cured me after all. I got my own free will now. Im not under The Firsts or anyone elses influences now. I just wanted you to know that before I kill you.
GILES Spikes a liability, Buffy. He refuses to see it and so do you. Angel left here because he realized how harmful your relationship with him was. Spike, on the other hand, lacks such self-awareness.
BUFFY Spike is here because I want him here. We need him. Im in the fight of my life.
BUFFY Not you, Richard.
GILES You want Spike here even after what hes done to you in the past?
BUFFY Its different now. He has a soul.
GILES And The First is exploiting that to its advantage.
BUFFY Oh, my god. Youre stalling me. Youre keeping me away
GILES Its time to stop playing the role of general and start being one. This is the way wars are won!
BUFFY Spike? What happened? Oh, my god.
SPIKE I gave him a pass let him live on account of the fact I killed his mother. But thats all he gets. He even so much as looks at me funny again, Ill kill him.
BUFFY I lost my mom a couple years ago. I came home and found her dead on the couch.
WOOD Im sorry.
BUFFY I understand what you tried to do but shes dead.
WOOD Because he murdered her.
BUFFY Im preparing to fight a war and youre looking for revenge on a man that doesnt exist anymore.
WOOD Buffy, dont delude yourself. That man still exists.
BUFFY Spike is the strongest warrior we have. We are going to need him if were going to come out of this thing alive. You try anything again, hell kill you. More importantly, Ill let him. I have a mission to win this war, to save the world. I dont have time for vendettas. The mission is what matters.
GILES Buffy I understand your anger. Please believe me, we did what we
BUFFY Hes alive. Spikes alive. Wood failed.
GILES Well, that doesnt change anything. What I told you is still true. You need to learn
BUFFY No, I think youve taught me everything I need to know.
WILLOW Are you okay? Can you hear me? Can you talk? (to Faith) This girls bleeding badly. We have to get her to the hospital.
FAITH (to herself) Yep. Guess Im back in Sunnydale.
FAITH Somethings killing girls all over world, trying to end the Slayer line thing like that, I figure I might get a heads-up.
FAITH I guess it doesnt really matter. As long as you got the true Slayer intact.
WILLOW You were in prison. We figured you were safe there.
FAITH Yeah, thats prison. Safe as a kitten.
SPIKE Nice punch you got there. Let me guess. Leather pants, nice right cross, doe eyes, holier-than-thou glower you must be Faith.
FAITH Oh, goody. Im famous.
SPIKE Was told you were coming. Bit of a misunderstanding here. Im
FAITH Spike. Yeah, weve met before.
SPIKE We have? I dont think we Bloody hell! What are you doing? Im on your side.
FAITH Yeah? Maybe you havent heard. Ive reformed.
SPIKE So have I. I reformed way before you did. Stop hitting me! Were on the same side.
FAITH Please. Do you think Im stupid?
SPIKE Well yeah.
FAITH You were attacking that girl.
BUFFY Sorry, Faith. I didnt realize that was you.
FAITH Its all right, B. Luckily, you still punch like you used to.
BUFFY (To Spike) You okay?
SPIKE Yeah, terrific.
FAITH Youre protecting vampires? Are you the bad Slayer now? Am I the good Slayer now?
BUFFY Hes with me. He has a soul.
FAITH What? Hes like Angel?
BUFFY Sort of.
SPIKE Im nothing like Angel.
BUFFY He fights on my side which is more than I can say for some of us.
FAITH Yeah, well, if hes so good, whats he doing chasing down defenseless
BUFFY Thats one of the bad guys.
FAITH You should make em wear signs.
SPIKE Angels dull as a table lamp and we have very different coloring.
SPIKE Not all that tension was about you. Giles was part of a plan to kill me for Buffys own good.
FAITH Well, that makes me feel better about me worse about Giles kinda shaky about you.
FAITH Ive met you before, you know.
SPIKE Yeah, you made a great impression on my chin.
FAITH Not in the graveyard. Before that. I was kinda wearing a different body.
FAITH You seemed okay with it.
SPIKE The body swap with Buffy.
FAITH She fill you in on that whole deal?
SPIKE She told me it went down. Failed to mention who was driving her skin around.
FAITH I might have said a few things.
SPIKE Like you could ride me at a gallop till my knees buckled. Squeeze me till I popped like warm champagne. Thats not the kind of thing a man forgets.
FAITH Shouldve known it wasnt blondie behind the wheel. Shed never throw down like that.
SPIKE Oh, you have been away.
FAITH Dont even tell me little miss tightly-wounds been getting her naughty on?
SPIKE Not of late.
FAITH Wow. Everybodys just full of surprises.
GILES And youre certain this is the best course of action? You dont even know what this man has of yours if he, in fact, has anything.
BUFFY It could be a girl, a potential trying to get to us.
GILES It could be a stapler.
RONA You people are even crazier than her.
XANDER Than who?
RONA Buffy, man! I mean, taking us right into the bad guys lair?
XANDER Well, thats where, generally speaking, you go to find the bad guy. And I dont think you came here to fight plaque.
RONA No, I came here for protection.
XANDER Well, you signed on to fight with
RONA Look, I know but this plan is trouble. Buffy doesnt care how many of us she puts in danger.
XANDER Let me tell you something about Buffy. In fact, you should all listen to this.
KENNEDY We kinda were.
XANDER Ive been through more battles with Buffy than you all can ever imagine. Shes stopped everything thats ever come up against her. Shes laid down her life, literally, to protect the people around her. This girl has died two times and shes still standing. Youre scared, thats smart. Youve got questions, you should. But if you doubt her motives you think Buffys all about the kill and you take the little bus to battle. Ive seen her heart and this time not literally and Im telling you right now she cares more about your lives than you will ever know. You gotta trust her. Shes earned it.
FAITH (to Buffy) Damn. I never knew you were that cool.
BUFFY Well, you always were a little slow.
CALEB Well, now! You girls are just burnin with righteousness, arent you? Problem is you think youre blazin like suns when really youre burnin like matchsticks in the face of the darkness. You havin fun? Now I hope my boys havent worn you out too much. I need you fit for when I purify you.
BUFFY Save the sermon, padre. I heard you have something of mine.
CALEB Well, I do now.
CALEB Now its a simple story. Stop me if youve heard it. I have found and truly believe that theres nothing so bad it cannot be made better with a story. And this ones got a happy ending. There once was a woman and she was foul, like all women. For Adams rib was dirty, just like Adam himself, for what was he but human? But this woman, she was filled with darkness, despair and why? Because she did not know. She could not see. She didnt know the good news, the glory that was coming. (To FE/Buffy) Thatd be you. For the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory are yours. Now and forever. You show up, theyll get in line because they followed her and all they have to do is take one more step and Ill kill them all. See? I told you it had a happy ending.
CLEM Can you believe this mishegaas?
BUFFY Yeah. Youd think these people had never seen an apocalypse before. What about you? Just going for a quick spin to 7-Eleven in Nebraska?
CLEM Its getting bad here. Really bad. Hellmouth acting up again, people feeling it, getting crazier. You cant swing a cat without hitting some kind of demonic activity. Not that I swing cats or eat. Nope. Cuttin way back. Cholesterol. Morals! I mean, morals.
AMANDA Do you think there are going to be questions about her sex life on the test? Cause I really hope I dont have to study all that.
FAITH Yeah, whenever she starts talking about getting all sweaty with Xander like that I just remind her I had him first. Shuts her right the hell up.
CALEB Wouldnt do that were I you, sweet pea. Fightin back didnt do you much good last time, did it? And how is poor, sweet Xander? Let him know hes in my prayers and any time hes willin, Im ready to finish the job.
BUFFY Go near Xander again and I will end you.
CALEB Mind your manners. I do believe I did warn you once. Youre angry, frustrated, scared I like that in a girl. You really should relax a little. Look at where you are. Historys going to look back at you, at me, at this place, and theyre going to see the glory. Great things are happenin now, right here. This school, the seal its all going to be a part of the great sweepin tide of change and youre going to be a part of it. Now why would you want to miss that? More importantly, why would you want to get in its way?
BUFFY I guess Im just ornery.
SPIKE Whats up, Rupert?
GILES Spike, I have a mission for you.
SPIKE Oh, really? Cause, you know, sometimes our missions end up with you trying to kill me. Im not fond of those.
GILES Buffy. Are you hurt?
BUFFY Oh, Caleb came back looking for seconds.
GILES My god, is he
BUFFY Still able to make me see cartoon birdies all around my head? You betcha. The short lack of consciousness was nice. I feel rested. So how did those police files work out? Were they helpful?
GILES Yes. Very much so, I think. Theres evidence that Caleb may have established a foothold up north.
BUFFY Thats great. Thats
GILES I sent Spike to look into it.
BUFFY Spike? Is this a mission from which you intend Spike to return alive?
GILES Yes. I sent Andrew with him.
BUFFY Again, I ask the question.
GILES Buffy, you werent here. Decisions have to be made in your absence.
BUFFY Yeah, well, those are the ones that have been scaring me.
GILES I did what I thought was right.
BUFFY You sent away the one person thats been watching my back again.
GILES Were all watching your back.
BUFFY Funny, thats not really what it feels like.
CALEB You know what I figured out tonight? Every high school in this country from one end to the other smells exactly alike. Now why do you suppose that is?
THE FIRST/BUFFY And how was our best girl?
CALEB They always think they should put up a fight.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Did you lay the proper groundwork?
CALEB That I did. Reckon she got the message even if she doesnt know it yet. So now the big strong Slayer goes back to those girls shes just so ready to walk them right into it. And all we have to do is give her that one final gentle nudge.
ANDREW You sure you dont want to stop and pick up some burgers or something? You know, road-trip food?
SPIKE Its not a road trip. Its a covert operation.
ANDREW Right. Right. Gotcha. I bet even covert operatives eat curly fries. Theyre really good.
SPIKE Not as good as those onion blossom things.
ANDREW Oh, I love those.
SPIKE Yeah, me, too.
ANDREW Its an onion and its a flower. I dont understand how such a thing is possible.
SPIKE See, the genius of it is you soak it in ice water for an hour so it holds its shape. Then you deep-fry it root-side up for about 5 minutes.
ANDREW Masterful.
SPIKE Yeah. Tell anyone we had this conversation, Ill bite you.
SPIKE (translates) It is not for thee. It is for her alone to wield.
BUFFY Look, I know what youre thinking but I had a visit at the school today from Caleb.
DAWN Buffy, why didnt you
BUFFY Im fine. I mean, it wasnt fun but Im fine. Im better than fine. I figured something out. He kept making all this noise about the school.
WOOD Is it that seal again?
WILLOW Do we need to try shutting it again?
BUFFY No, thats just it. Weve spent all this time worrying about the seal and the Hellmouth. Why isnt Caleb guarding them? Why doesnt he have someone there protecting it? Why is he camped out at the vineyard? The bad guys always go where the power is. So if the seal was so important to Caleb and The First, they would be there right now. Theyre protecting the vineyard or something at the vineyard. I say its their power and I say its time we go in and take it away from them.
FAITH Or, in the alternative, how about we dont? I mean, its a neat theory, B, but Im not going back in that place, not without proof, and neither should you and neither should they.
BUFFY Im not saying its going to be easy.
WOOD I think Faith had the floor.
FAITH Maybe it ends okay the way you want to play it but maybe it doesnt and right now, I dont think I want you playing the odds.
BUFFY Did you come here to fight?
FAITH Listen, were fighters, all of us, but you gotta give me something to fight. Something real, not
GILES Windmills.
BUFFY There is something there.
GILES Maybe but we cant be sure of that. This is a hell of a lot to ask.
WOOD Too much.
BUFFY I dont understand this. For seven years Ive kept us safe by doing this exactly this making the hard decisions. And now what? Suddenly youre all acting like you cant trust me?
GILES Didnt you say to me today you cant trust us? Maybe theres something there that should be addressed.
BUFFY Is that why you sent Spike away? To ambush me?
GILES Oh, come on.
RONA You know what? I am sick of your deal with this Spike guy. This isnt about him. This is about you. Youre being reckless.
RONA You are. I dont even know you and I can tell. You are so obsessed with beating Caleb, you are willing to jump into any plan without thinking.
BUFFY Thats not what Im doing.
KENNEDY Well, thats how it feels to us. People are dying.
WILLOW Kennedy
KENNEDY Why are you always standing up for her?
WILLOW Im not.
BUFFY What do you mean, youre not?
WILLOW With everything thats happened Im worried about your judgment.
BUFFY Look, I wish this could be a democracy. I really do. Democracies dont win battles. Its a hard truth but there has to be a single voice. You need someone to issue orders and be reckless sometimes and not take your feelings into account. You need someone to lead you.
ANYA And its automatically you. You really do think youre better than we are.
ANYA But we dont know. We dont know if youre actually better. I mean, you came into the world with certain advantages, sure. I mean, thats the legacy. But you didnt earn it. You didnt work for it. Youve never had anybody come up to you and say you deserve these things more than anyone else. They were just handed to you. So that doesnt make you better than us. It makes you luckier than us.
BUFFY Ive gotten us this far.
XANDER But not without a price.
BUFFY Xander
XANDER Im trying to see your point here, Buff but I guess it must be a little bit to my left because I just dont.
BUFFY Look, Im willing to talk strategy, okay, Ill hear suggestions on how to break this down but this is the plan. We have to be together on this or we will fail again.
GILES We are clearly demonstrating that we are not together on this.
BUFFY Which is why you have to fall in line! Im still in charge here.
RONA Why is that, exactly?
BUFFY Because Im the Slayer.
RONA And isnt Faith a Slayer, too?
FAITH What? Whoa so not what I meant. Im not in charge chick. I think B here just needs to chill out for a little bit, take a siesta or something. But Im not the one you want.
KENNEDY Maybe we need a vote to see who wants Faith to have a turn in charge.
KENNEDY No what?
BUFFY No. You dont get to vote until Ive had my chance to pal around. You know, get everybody drunk. See, I didnt get that this was a popularity contest. I should have equal time to bake them cookies, braid their hair
FAITH Learn their names?
BUFFY Youre just loving this, arent you?
FAITH You have no idea what Im feeling.
BUFFY Come in here, take everything that I have. You did it before. Did you tell them that? Did you tell them how you used to kill people for fun? Hey, you guys think thats nifty?
GILES Buffy, thats enough!
FAITH I didnt come here to take anything away from you but Im not going to be your little lapdog, either. I came here to beat the other guy, to do right, however it works. I dont know if I can lead but the real question is can you follow?
WOOD So we vote.
BUFFY Wait. Guys I cant watch you just throw away everything. I know Im right about this. I just need a little I cant stay here and watch her lead you into some disaster.
DAWN Then you cant stay here. Buffy, I love you but you were right. We have to be together on this. You cant be a part of it so I need you to leave. Im sorry but this is my house, too.
FAITH Hey. Look, I swear I didnt want it to go this way
FAITH I mean it, I
BUFFY Dont be afraid to lead them. Whether you wanted it or not, their lives are yours. Its only going to get harder. Protect them. Lead them.
KENNEDY All Im saying is that now that Buffys not here, we finally have some say in how and when we lose our necks.
WOOD Maybe you dont have to be so blunt about the losing of the necks bit.
ANYA Let the girl speak the truth. Were all on deaths door, repeatedly ringing the doorbell, like maniacal Girl Scouts trying to make quota.
BUFFY I thought the place would be empty. I was looking for a place to crash. You know, you really should leave.
MAN You cant just kick me out of my own house.
BUFFY Why not? Its what all the cool kids are doing nowadays. Its not your house. Its not your town. Not anymore. Got any Tab?
ANDREW I spy with my little eye something that begins with a T.
SPIKE Tapestry.
SPIKE sits slumped against the wall, bored out of his mind.
ANDREW Hey, good one. How did you
SPIKE Tapestrys the only thing in the whole bloody room.
ANDREW Ah. So say you but I say, look deeper.
SPIKE Ill look deep into your jugular, is what Ill look at.
ANDREW Dont spaz out.
SPIKE Im not dont say another word.
ANDREW Rock/paper/scissors?
SPIKE Whats the matter with you? Dont you understand whats happening?
ANDREW Yeah. Were waiting here till its night again so you can ride on your motorcycle without exploding.
SPIKE And every minute were stuck here, the Slayers out there facing hell knows what.
WILLOW While you were gone, we all got together and talked out some disagreements that we were having and eventually, after much discussion, Buffy decided that it would be best for all of us if she took a little time off. A little breather.
SPIKE Uh-huh. I see. Been practicing that little speech long, have you? So Buffy took some time off right in the middle of the apocalypse and it was her decision?
XANDER Well, we all decided.
SPIKE Oh, yeah, you all decided. You sad, sad, ungrateful traitors. Who do you think you are?
WILLOW Were her friends. We just want
SPIKE Oh, thats ballsy of you. Youre her friends and you betray her like this?
GILES You dont understand.
SPIKE You know, I think I do. Rupert. You used to be the big man, didnt you? The teacher, all full of wisdom. Now shes surpassed you and you cant handle it. She has saved your lives again and again. She has died for you. And this is how you thank her?
FAITH Hey, why dont you take it down a notch or two? The time for speech-giving is over, bad boy.
SPIKE Oh, is that right?
FAITH Yeah, thats right. Save your lack of breath.
SPIKE All right.
FAITH Youre pretty sweet on her, arent you? I think its cute the way shes got you whipped.
GILES Enough!
SPIKE Finally got what you wanted, didnt you? Where is she?
FAITH I dont know.
ANDREW/BRINGER I am only a fragment of the We. We work as one to serve The First.
WILLOW Okay, what do you the We do for The First?
ANDREW/BRINGER We work to prepare for the inevitable battle.
KENNEDY How? Tell me exactly what the Bringers are doing.
GILES Kennedy, he cant see the knife.
ANDREW/BRINGER We can feel the knife.
GILES Kennedy?
ANDREW/BRINGER We attend to the needs of the infinite evil. We exterminate girls and destroy the legacy of the Slayer. We build an arsenal beneath the dirt. We obey the commands of our teacher, Caleb.
XANDER Wait, could we go back to the dirt thing?
ANDREW/BRINGER We build weapons to prepare for the coming war. At the farthest edge of town. We are everywhere. We are like the oceans waves. We watch your efforts and are not scared. We will laugh at you as you die.
ANDREW What the bananas! You are so lucky that you did not just magickally decapitate me!
GILES Weve got enough here. We need to get Faith in on this. Xander, gather some maps. We need to find a subterranean space large enough to house an armory.
ANDREW I feel used and violated and I need a lozenge.
SPIKE There you are. Do you realize I could just walk in here, no invite needed? This town really is theirs now, isnt it? I heard. I was over there. That bitch. Shes all about smiles and reformation when youre on your feet. And the moment youre down? Shes all about the kicking, isnt that right? Makes me want to
BUFFY It wasnt just Faith. It was all of them and its not like they were wrong. Please leave.
SPIKE No, thisll change your tune. I came here cause I got something to tell you. You were right. Caleb is trying to protect something from you and I think you were spot on all the way. I think its at the vineyard. So? You were right. Buffy?
BUFFY I dont feel very right.
SPIKE Youre not fooling me.
BUFFY What do you even mean?
SPIKE Well, youre not a quitter.
BUFFY Watch me.
SPIKE You were their leader and you still are. This isnt something you gave up. Its something they took.
BUFFY And the difference is?
SPIKE We can take it back.
SPIKE Say the word and shes a footnote in history. Ill make it look like a painful accident.
BUFFY Thats my problem. I say the word, some girl dies. Every time.
SPIKE Theres always casualties in a war.
BUFFY Casualties it just sounds so casual. These are girls. That I got killed. I cut myself off from them, all of them. I knew I was going to lose some of them and I didnt You know what? Im still making excuses. Ive always cut myself off, Ive always being the Slayer made me different but its my fault I stayed that way. People are always trying to connect to me but I just slip away. You should know.
SPIKE I seem to recall a certain amount of connecting.
BUFFY Oh, please. We were never close. You just wanted me because I was unattainable.
SPIKE You think thats all that was?
BUFFY Please, lets not go over the past.
SPIKE Oh, no. Hold on here. Ive hummed along to your pity ditty and I think I should have the mike for a bit.
BUFFY Fine. The stage is yours. Cheer me up.
SPIKE Youre insufferable.
BUFFY Thank you. That really helped.
SPIKE Im not trying to cheer you up.
BUFFY Then what are you trying to say?
SPIKE I dont know! Ill know when Im done saying it. Something pissed me off and I just unattainable! Thats it.
BUFFY Fine. Im attainable. Im an attain-athon. Can I please just go to sleep?
SPIKE You listen to me. Ive been alive a bit longer than you and dead a lot longer than that. Ive seen things you couldnt imagine and done things Id prefer you didnt. I dont exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood which doesnt exactly rush in the direction of my brain so I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years and theres only one thing Ive ever been sure of. You. Hey, look at me. Im not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, its not because I want you, or because I cant have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. Ive seen your kindness and your strength. Ive seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You are a hell of a woman. Youre the one, Buffy.
BUFFY I dont want to be the one.
SPIKE I dont want to be this good-looking and athletic. We all have crosses to bear. You get some rest now. Ill check in before first light. You can decide how you want
BUFFY Spike? Could you stay here?
SPIKE Sure. That diabolical torture device, the comfy chair. Do me fine.
BUFFY No. I mean here. Will you just hold me?
ANYA They could have a little respect, you know. I mean, they should at least acknowledge the fact that some people might not want to listen to an a cappella concert of people moaning and groaning. Its disgusting is what it is.
XANDER A little jealous, huh?
ANYA Of course I am! Im a lot jealous. I mean, if were done having sex, then I think other people should just knock it off.
THE FIRST/BUFFY I envy them. Isnt that the strangest thing?
CALEB Well, it does throw me a tad. I mean, theyre just well, theyre barely more than animals, feedin off each others flesh. Its nauseatin. But you youre everywhere. Youre in the hearts of little children, youre in the souls of the rich, youre the fire that makes people kill and hate. The fire that will cure the world of weakness. Theyre just sinners. You are sin.
THE FIRST/BUFFY I do enjoy your sermons.
CALEB And youre in me. Gave me strength no man can have.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Youre the only man strong enough to be my vessel. And I know you feel me but I know why they grab at each other. To feel. I want to feel. I want to wrap my hands around an innocent neck and feel it crack.
CALEB You whore.
BUFFY You know, you really should watch your language. If someone didnt know you, they might think you were a woman-hating prick.
AMANDA I think we got punished.
KENNEDY We we followed her. And it was
VI It didnt work out.
BUFFY You guys, it was a trap. Its not her fault. That could have just as easily happened to me.
CARIDAD So are you are you like back?
BUFFY I dont know. I guess Im not leaving.
KENNEDY So we got a plan now or anything?
BUFFY Yeah, theres a plan. Get ready. Times up.
AMANDA I still think we got punished.
XANDER I just always thought that I would that I would be there with you, you know, for the end.
XANDER Not that this is the end!
BUFFY Thanks a lot.
XANDER No, no, no by the end I meant in a heroic, uplifting way. See Im still optimistic. Youre just thrown off a little by this gritty-looking eye patch.
BUFFY I know what you meant.
XANDER I should be at your side. Thats all Im saying.
BUFFY You will be. Youre my strength, Xander. Youre the reason Ive made it this far. I trust you with my life. Thats why I need you to do this for me.
BUFFY Also, you cant shoot a bow and arrow anymore and every time you pick up a sword, I worry that youre going to break one of our good lamps.
BUFFY Dont look at me. Youre the one who said Im gonna die.
XANDER I never said that you were going to die. I implied that you were going to die. Its totally different.
BUFFY Yeah, okay. Sure.
XANDER Besides, if you die, Ill just bring you back to life. Thats what I do.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Face it. Your strength is waning. It has been quite some time since we merged.
CALEB Maybe youre right. Okay. Lets do it.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Boy, you sure know how to romance a girl. No flowers, no dinner, no tour of the rectory. Just Okay, Im ready. Lets do it. Help me. My knees are weak.
CALEB Watch what you say now. Youre startin to sound like her. This is a sacred experience for me.
THE FIRST/BUFFY And for me as well. Look, when this is all over and our armies spring forth and our will sweeps the world, I will be able to enter every man, woman and child on this earth, just as I enter you.
CALEB Are you tryin to make me jealous?
THE FIRST/BUFFY Im trying to make you a god.
FAITH Its old its strong and it feels like like its mine. I guess that means its yours.
BUFFY It belongs to the Slayer.
FAITH Slayer in charge which Im guessing is you.
BUFFY I honestly dont know. Does it matter?
FAITH It never mattered to me. Somebody has to lead. Lets vote for Chao-ahn. Its harder to lead people into a deathtrap if you dont speak English.
BUFFY It wasnt your fault.
FAITH Im really not looking for forgiveness.
BUFFY Youre not?
FAITH What do you want me to say? I blew it.
BUFFY You didnt blow it.
FAITH Tell that to
BUFFY People die. You lead them into battle, theyre going to die. It doesnt matter how ready you are or how smart you are war is about death. Needless, stupid death.
FAITH So heres the laugh riot. My whole life Ive been a loner.
BUFFY Is that the funny part? Did I miss something?
FAITH Im trying to
BUFFY Sorry! Sorry. Go.
FAITH No ties, no buddies, no relationships that lasted longer than well, Robin lasted pretty long. Boys got stamina.
BUFFY Principal Wood? And you? And in my
FAITH Dont tell me you two got wriggly?
BUFFY No! No, were just good friends or mortal enemies depending on which day of the Was that the funny part?
FAITH Okay, the point. Me, by myself, all the time. Im looking at you, everything you have and, I dont know jealous. Then there I am, everybodys looking to me, trusting me to lead them and Ive never felt so alone in my entire life.
FAITH And thats you, every day. Isnt it?
BUFFY I love my friends. Im very grateful for them. But thats the price of being a Slayer.
FAITH Theres only supposed to be one. Maybe thats why you and I can never get along. Were not supposed to exist together.
BUFFY Also, you went evil and were killing people.
FAITH Good point. Also a factor.
BUFFY But youre right. I mean, I guess everyones alone but being a Slayer? Theres a burden we cant share.
FAITH And no one else can feel it. Thank god were hot chicks with superpowers.
BUFFY Takes the edge off.
FAITH Comforting.
BUFFY Mm-hmm.
SPIKE Honey, youre home.
SPIKE And you did it. Fulfilled your mission, found the Holy Grail or the holy hand grenade or whatever the hell that is.
BUFFY Right now were going with scythe. You like?
SPIKE Well, pointy and wooden is not exactly a look I want to know better but it does have flair. I can see why a girl would ditch a fella for one of these.
BUFFY Im sorry about that.
SPIKE It doesnt matter. Youre back in the bosom. Alls forgiven. And last night? It was just a glitch. A bit of cold comfort from the cellar dweller. Lets dont make a thing of it.
BUFFY Great. I have work to do.
SPIKE Oh, yeah. Another solo mission, of course.
BUFFY Yeah, it is.
SPIKE Thats fine. You dont have to get shirty about it.
BUFFY Im not shirty. And what is shirty? Thats not even a word.
SPIKE All right, all right. Big secret mission. Its fine.
BUFFY Its not a secret. Well, I mean, it is but thats the point of the mission. Find out the secret. This thing was forged by I dont even know. I mean, something about a tomb on unconsecrated ground. Thats what I have to do. I need to find out what this is and why I have it.
SPIKE And thats the thing the preacher man was so anxious to keep out of your mitts?
BUFFY That it is.
SPIKE Well, maybe Ill swing by the vineyard when you go, make sure hes sitting tight.
BUFFY Great.
BUFFY Youre a dope!
SPIKE Im a what?
BUFFY Youre a dope and a bonehead and youre shirty!
SPIKE Have you gone completely Carrot-Top?
BUFFY Do you see this? This may actually help me fight my war. This might be the key to everything. And the reason Im holding it is because of you. Because of the strength that you gave me last night. I am tired of defensiveness and weird mixed signals. You know what? I have Faith for that. Lets just get to the truth here, okay? I dont know how you felt about last night but I will not
SPIKE Terrified.
BUFFY Of what?
SPIKE Last night was God, Im such a jerk. I cant do this.
SPIKE It was the best night of my life. If you poke fun at me, you bloody well better use that cause I couldnt bear it. It may not mean that much to you but
BUFFY I just told you it did.
SPIKE Yeah, I hear you say it but Ive lived for soddin ever, Buffy. Ive done everything. Ive done things with you I cant spell but Ive never been close to anyone. Least of all you. Until last night. All I did was hold you, watch you sleep and it was the best night of my life. So yeah, Im terrified.
BUFFY You dont have to be.
SPIKE Were you there with me?
BUFFY I was.
SPIKE What does that mean?
BUFFY I dont know. Does it have to mean something?
SPIKE No, not right now.
BUFFY Maybe when
SPIKE No, lets just leave it
SPIKE Well go be heroes.
ANDREW Its going to be bad, isnt it?
ANYA Yeah.
ANDREW So how come youre here? I mean, you could just go, right?
ANYA Yeah. I did once before.
ANDREW Before what?
ANYA Well, there was this other apocalypse this one time and well, I took off. But this time, I dont know
ANDREW Well, whats different?
ANYA Well, I guess I was kinda new to being around humans before. But now Ive seen a lot more, gotten to know people, seen what theyre capable of and I guess I just realized how amazingly screwed up they all are. I mean, really, really screwed up in a monumental fashion.
ANYA And they have no purpose that unites them so they just drift around blundering through life until they die which they know is coming yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. Theyre incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane and yet heres the thing. When its something that really matters, they fight. I mean, theyre lame morons for fighting but they do. They never they never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting, too.
ANDREW That was kind of beautiful. You love humans.
ANYA I do not!
ANDREW Yes, you do. (sing-song) You love them
ANYA Stop it! I dont love them and Ill kill you if you tell anybody.
ANDREW I wont tell anybody. I wont get a chance to, anyway.
ANYA I dont know, you might survive.
ANDREW No, you might survive. You know how to handle a weapon and youve been in this world for like a thousand years. Im not so I dont think Ill be okay. Im cool with it. I think Id like to finish out as one of those lame humans trying to do whats right.
ANYA Yeah.
ANDREW So wheelchair fight?
GUARDIAN Forged there, it was put to use right here to kill the last pure demon that walked upon the earth. The rest were already driven under. And then there were men here, and then there were monks. And then there was a town and now there is you. And the scythe remained hidden.
BUFFY I dont understand. How is it possible that we didnt know any of this?
GUARDIAN We hid, too. We had to until now. Were the last surprise.
BUFFY Does this mean I can win?
GUARDIAN That is really up to you. This is a powerful weapon.
GUARDIAN But you already have weapons. Use it wisely and perhaps you can beat back the rising dark. One way or another, it can only mean an end is truly near.
CALEB Im sorry, I didnt catch that last part on account of her neck snappin and all. Did she say the end is near or here?
ANGEL Well, I guess that qualifies as happy to see me.
BUFFY Angel, what are you doing h dont even. I just want to bask. Okay, Im basked. What are you doing here?
ANGEL Not saving the damsel in distress, thats for sure.
BUFFY Oh, you know me. Not much with the damseling.
ANGEL I dont know everything. Its very powerful and probably very dangerous. It has a purifying power cleansing power possibly scrubbing bubbles. The translation is anyway, it bestows strength to the right person who wears it.
BUFFY And the right person is?
ANGEL Someone ensouled but stronger than human. A champion. As in me.
BUFFY Or me.
ANGEL No. I dont know nearly enough about this to risk you wearing it. Besides, youve got that real cool axe-thing going for you.
BUFFY So youre going to be with me in this?
ANGEL Shoulder-to-shoulder. Im yours.
ANGEL No what?
BUFFY No. Youre not going to be in this fight.
ANGEL Why the hell not?
BUFFY Because I cant risk you.
ANGEL You need me in this.
BUFFY No, I need you gone.
BUFFY If I lose if this thing gets past Sunnydale then its days, maybe hours, before the rest of the world goes. I need a second front and I need you to run it.
ANGEL Okay. Thats one reason. Whats the other?
BUFFY There is no other.
ANGEL Is it Spike? Youre not telling me something and his scent I remember it pretty well.
BUFFY You vampires. Didnt anybody ever tell you the whole smelling people things a little gross?
ANGEL Is he your boyfriend?
BUFFY Is that your business?
ANGEL Are you in love with him? Okay, maybe Im out of line but this is kind of a curve ball for me. I mean, we are talking about Spike here.
BUFFY Its different. Hes different. He has a soul now.
ANGEL Oh. Well.
ANGEL Thats great. Everyones got a soul now.
BUFFY Hell make a difference.
ANGEL You know, I started it. The whole having a soul. Before it was all the cool new thing.
BUFFY Oh, my god, are you twelve?
ANGEL Im getting the brush-off for Captain Peroxide. It doesnt necessarily bring out the champion in me.
BUFFY Youre not getting the brush-off. Are you just going to come here and go all Dawson on me every time I have a boyfriend?
ANGEL Aha! Boyfriend.
BUFFY Hes not. But he is in my heart.
ANGEL Thatll end well.
BUFFY What was the highlight of our relationship when you broke up with me or when I killed you? Im well aware of my stellar history with guys and no, I dont see fat grandchildren in the offing with Spike. But I dont think that really matters right now. You know, in the midst of all this insanity, a couple of things are actually starting to make sense. And the guy thing I always feared there was something wrong with me. You know, because I couldnt make it work. But maybe Im not supposed to.
ANGEL Because youre the Slayer.
BUFFY Because okay. Im cookie dough. Im not done baking. Im not finished becoming whoever the hell it is Im going to turn out to be. I make it through this and the next thing and the next thing and maybe one day I turn around and realize Im ready. Im cookies. And then, you know, if I want someone to eat m or enjoy warm, delicious cookie-me, then thats fine. Thatll be then. When Im done.
ANGEL Any thoughts on who might enjoy do I have to go with the cookie analogy?
BUFFY Im not really thinking that far ahead. Thats kinda the point.
ANGEL Ill go start working on the second front. Make sure I dont have to use it.
BUFFY Angel. I do sometimes think that far ahead.
ANGEL Sometimes is something.
BUFFY Itll be a long time coming. Years, if ever.
ANGEL I aint getting any older
XANDER Hey, party in my eye socket and everyones invited! Sometimes I shouldnt say words.
SPIKE So wheres tall, dark and forehead?
BUFFY Let me guess. You can smell him.
SPIKE Yeah, that and I also used my enhanced vampire eyeballs to watch you kissing him.
BUFFY It was a hello.
SPIKE Most people dont use their tongues to say hello. Or I guess they do but
BUFFY There were no tongues. Besides, hes gone.
SPIKE Oh, just popped by for a quickie, then?
BUFFY Good, good! I havent had quite enough jealous vampire crap for one night.
SPIKE He wears lifts, you know.
BUFFY You know, one of these days Im just going to put you two in a room and let you wrastle it out.
SPIKE No problem at this end.
BUFFY There could be oil of some kind involved
SPIKE Wheres the trinket?
BUFFY The who-ket?
SPIKE The pretty necklace your sweetie-bear gave you. The one with all the power. I believe its mine now.
BUFFY How do you figure?
SPIKE Someone with a soul but more than human? Angel meant to wear it. That means Im the qualified party.
BUFFY Its volatile. We dont know
SPIKE Youll be needing someone strong to bear it, then. You plan on giving it to Andrew?
BUFFY Angel said the amulet was meant to be worn by a champion.
SPIKE Been called a lot of things in my time.
BUFFY Faith still has my room
SPIKE Well, youre not staying here! You cant buy me off with shiny beads and sweet talk. Youve got Angel-breath. Im not going to just let you whack me back and forth like a rubber ball. I got my pride, you know.
BUFFY I understand.
SPIKE Clearly you dont, cause the whole having my pride thing was just a smokescreen.
BUFFY Oh, thank god.
SPIKE I dont know what I would have done if youd gone up those stairs.
THE FIRST/CALEB I will overrun this earth. And when my army outnumbers the humans on this earth, the scales will tip and I will be made flesh.
BUFFY Talk on. Im not afraid of you.
THE FIRST/CALEB Then why arent you asleep in your dead lovers arms? Cause he cant help you. Nor Faith, nor your friends. Certainly not your wanna-slay brigade. None of those girlies will ever know real power unless youre dead. You know the drill.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Into every generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world. She alone will have the strength and skill to Theres that word again. What you are. How youll die. Alone. Wheres your snappy comeback?
BUFFY Youre right.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Hmm not your best.
SPIKE Im drowning in footwear! Weird dream. Buffy? Is something wrong.
BUFFY No. Yeah. I just realized something. Something that really never occurred to me before. Were going to win.
GILES (to Buffy) Ill go dig up my sources. Quite literally, actually. There one or two people I have to speak to who are dead.
ANYA (to Xander) Come on. Lets go assemble the cannon fodder.
XANDER Thats not what were calling them, sweetie.
ANYA Not to their faces. What am I insensitive?
FAITH Thats assuming they get past us.
WOOD Which no offense I am.
FAITH Come on. You gotta have a little faith.
WOOD I think Ive had my share, thanks.
FAITH Well, I trundled right into that one, didnt I? Look, Im sorry if it seemed like I was blowing you off the other day. I was just trying to, you know, blow you off.
WOOD Yeah, you know what? I figured that one out all by myself.
FAITH Its nothing personal. Its just after I get bouncy with a guy, theres not that much more I need to know about him.
WOOD Thats bleak.
FAITH Way of the world.
WOOD Thats good to know cause for a second there, I thought it was more defensive, isolationist Slayer crap.
FAITH And he comes out swingin.
WOOD Faith, theres a whole world out there that you dont even know about and a lot of the men in it are pretty decent guys. Theyd surprise you.
FAITH A guy looks at me, lets just say his priorities shift.
WOOD Why? Because youre so hot?
FAITH It is what it is, yo.
WOOD Oh, please. I am so much prettier than you are. And for the record, our little encounter didnt exactly change my world.
FAITH Youre trippin! That was rock em, sock em.
WOOD No, no, it was nice enough and youre very enthused. And I think with a little more experience
FAITH Dude, I got madd skillz!
WOOD Yeah, of course. Lets finish up.
FAITH No, hell with that! Were going again, baby. Youre gonna learn a little respect here, pal.
WOOD Faith, make me a deal, all right? We live through this, you give me the chance to surprise you.
FAITH What would be the surprise?
WOOD You do know the meaning of the word, right?
FAITH Fine. Deal.
WOOD Good enough.
FAITH No way youre prettier than me.
WOOD A little bit, yeah.
ANDREW Adios to five hit points. Trogdor has badly wounded you.
GILES Well, what about my bag of illusions?
ANDREW Illusions against a burninator? Silly, silly British man.
AMANDA I invoke a time flux on Trogdor.
ANDREW Step down, girlfriend! You cant just
AMANDA Ninth level sorcerer and I carry the Emerald Chalice. Trogdor is frozen in time. Deal with it.
XANDER Smack down on Red Riding Hood. This could get ugly.
GILES Could it possibly get uglier? I used to be a highly respected Watcher. Now Im a wounded dwarf with the mystical strength of a doily.
WOOD Welcome to Sunnydale High. Theres no running in the halls, no yelling, no gum-chewing. Apart from that, theres only one rule: if they move, kill them.
ANYA So that leaves me and the dungeon master in the north hall.
ANDREW We will defend it with our very lives.
ANYA Yes, we will defend it with his very life.
XANDER And dont be afraid to use him as a human shield.
ANYA Good, yes! Thanks.
ANDREW I just want to say how proud I am to die for this very special cause with you guys. Theres some people Id like to thank, both good and evil. A shout-out to my brother Tucker who gave me the inspiration to summon demons and also
ANYA Nobody cares, ya little monkey.
BUFFY I was thinking about shopping as per usual.
WILLOW Theres an Agnes B in the new mall!
XANDER Good. I could use a few items.
GILES Arent we going to discuss this? Save the world and go to the mall?
BUFFY Im having a wicked shoe craving.
XANDER Arent you on the patch?
WILLOW Those never work.
GILES And here I am, invisible to the eye, not having any say
XANDER See, I need a new look. Its this whole eye patch thing.
BUFFY Oh! You could go with the full black secret agent look.
WILLOW Or the puffy shirt, pirate-slash-poet feel. Sensitive yet manly
XANDER Now youre getting a little renaissance fair on me.
BUFFY Its a fine line.
GILES (to himself) The earth is definitely doomed.
SPIKE Not to be a buzzkill, love, but my fabulous accessory isnt exactly tingling with power.
BUFFY Im not worried.
SPIKE Im getting zero juice here and I look like Elizabeth Taylor.
FAITH Cheer up, Liz. If Willows big spell doesnt work, it wont matter what you wear.
BUFFY Im not worried.
BUFFY So heres the part where you make a choice. What if you could have that power now? In every generation one Slayer is born because a bunch of men who died thousands of years ago made up that rule. They were powerful men. This woman is more powerful than all of them combined. So I say we change the rule. I say my power should be our power. Tomorrow, Willow will use the essence of the scythe to change our destiny. From now on, every girl in the world who might be a Slayer, will be a Slayer. Every girl who could have the power, will have the power. Can stand up, will stand up. Slayers every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?
ANDREW I think theyre coming.
ANYA Oh, god. Im terrified. I didnt think I mean, I just figured youd be terrified and I would be sarcastic about it.
ANDREW Picture happy things. A lake, candy canes, bunnies
ANYA (cold) Bunnies. Floppy, hoppy, bunnies.
THE FIRST/BUFFY Oh, no ow! Mommy, this mortal wound is all itchy. You pulled a nice trick. You came pretty close to smacking me down. What more do you want?
BUFFY I want you to get out of my face!
SPIKE I can feel it, Buffy.
SPIKE My soul. Its really there. It kind of stings.
SPIKE Go on, then.
BUFFY No! No, youve done enough! You could still
SPIKE No, youve beaten them back. Its for me to do the cleanup.
FAITH Buffy, come on!
SPIKE (to Buffy) Gotta move, lamb. I think its fair to say, schools out for the bloody summer.
BUFFY Spike!
SPIKE I mean it! I gotta do this.
BUFFY I love you.
SPIKE No, you dont. But thanks for saying it.
SPIKE Now go! I want to see how it ends.
GILES I dont understand. What did this?
BUFFY Spike.
XANDER So did you see?
ANDREW I I was scared. Im sorry.
XANDER (insistent) Did you see what happened?
ANDREW She was incredible. She died saving my life.
XANDER Thats my girl always doing the stupid thing.
FAITH Looks like the Hellmouth is officially closed for business.
GILES Theres another one in Cleveland. Not to spoil the moment.
XANDER We saved the world.
WILLOW We changed the world. I can feel them, Buffy. All over. Slayers are awakening everywhere.
DAWN Well have to find them.
WILLOW We will.
GILES Yes, because the mall was actually in Sunnydale so theres no hope of going there tomorrow.
DAWN We destroyed the mall? I fought on the wrong side.
XANDER All those shops, gone. The Gap, Starbucks, Toy R Us who will remember all those landmarks unless we tell the world of them?
GILES We have a lot of work ahead of us.
FAITH Can I push him in?
WILLOW Youve got my vote.
FAITH I just want to sleep, yo. For like a week!
DAWN I guess we all could. If we wanted to.
WILLOW Yeah, The First is scrunched so what do you think we should do, Buffy?
FAITH Yeah, youre not the one and only Chosen anymore. Just gotta live like a person. Hows that feel?
DAWN Yeah, Buffy. What are we going to do now?