The End Result
So who's the better match for Buffy? In my opinion, it's Spike. Like I said before, they're both vampires so neither can give Buffy a healthy relationship but...
Let's look at Buffy's attempt at normal relationships... Riley would be the closest, but due to his involvement in the Initiative, he could hardly be called just a normal guy. But when it came right down to it, Riley couldn't handle the inner strength and self dependance of the slayer. Plus there was the fact that she could kick his butt without breaking a sweat. That's got to be hard on the male ego. He was willing to jeorpardize his life just to stand more as her equal (Episode: Out of my Mind).
Xander and Anya even attempt to fix her up with a normal guy - Richard - in Older and Far Away. The poor guy is in the presence of the slayer for one night and gets slashed by a sword wielding demon. Not the sort of thing you build a healthy relationship on.
The only "normal guy" Buffy could possibly be with would be Xander. He knows everything about her and loves her for all that she is. Unfortunately, Buffy has referred to Xander as being like one of the girls in "The Witch", has told him that she doesn't feel that way about him in "Prophecy Girl" and referred to him as big brother in "Restless". So unless Buffy does a major about face to change her feelings of the last seven years, I don't see it happening.
Now to be fair... I'm biased, I like Buffy and Spike together. Her relationship with him has some potential . With his new soul firmly in place and Buffy realizing that he did it for her, I'd say that the turning point all Buffy/Spike shippers were hoping for is well in place. Don't believe me? Check out the speech she gives him at the end of Never Leave Me:
You faced the monster inside of you and you fought back. You risked everything to be a better man. And you can be. You are. You may not see it but I do. I do. I believe in you, Spike.
Now here's the big stumbling block with Angel. They can't have sex. Granted, sex is not the most important thing in a relationship but... The curse is not "if you have sex you'll lose your soul" it's one moment of happiness. O.K, so the first time around he found that moment in Buffy's arms. What if he finds that moment in something else? Say the contentment of just having her in his life? Then he goes all evil Angellus again, and I've already laid out just how much more evil than Spike he could be.
So what's your opinion?
And I must stress that this is my opinion and I'm entitled to it as you are yours. I'd like to hear what you think... but if you don't agree with me I would like points as to why - and please keep it civil.