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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Commander Gree (Concept)


I'm the first to admit, I have no idea what's going on with this figure. The Attacktix figure from Commander Gree seems to be partically 501st deco, on a grey body, with green visor. The Attacktix figure was most likely in development before final designs were picked for the Clones, but I haven't seen any artwork to prove that this was an early concept, or if Hasbro took a guess, or if there was a miscommunication - who knows! This figure is notable as being the first one I made using the new Sharpie grey marker. I've been waiting forever for them to make a grey Sharpie, though unfortunatly, not only did it wind up a different shade on each type of plastic, the ink kept beading up as well. It sort of creates a nice texture - at least that's what I've told myself :)


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