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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Durron Qel-Droma

(from Shadows and Light)


See, when you've made as many Jedi as I have, sometimes you decide to experiment. And sometimes those experiments fail. I still have a ton of leftover parts from a large parts lot I won off of eBay last year, and two or three heads were half-painted Tatooine Maul heads. Since Durron is shown wearing his cape I decided to use one, along with a half-cut Mace cloak that was also included. Mostly it's the face of this figure that bothers me. I wasn't the one who painted it, and really it's not the paint job that's the problem, more that the Maul face is very bland looking when it's not all tattooed up. Also, the brown of the cloak and brown for the hood scanned in as different shades. I went to color correct it (this is far from the first time this has happened) but didn't quite get it right.


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