During my initial customs run, I remembered that Lak Sivrak was both involved at Hoth, and in the DS II run. So I made him a pilot's outfit, and a Hoth outfit and thought I was done. I was wrong, however, as when I reread the story a while back, I found that Lak wasn't a ground trooper during the Hoth battle, but was - duh - a pilot! He was specifically described as being in an orange jumpsuit, much like Luke's. I held off on making him because of how tired I was of coming up with uses for the extra parts I wind up with (I hate recutting the wacky wolf legs!) but was finally able to make him. I thought of painting his hand and feet to give him grey boots and gloves, but I've done it with the pilot figures, and it only looks passable in black, so in grey I thought it would look pretty bad. I wanted a brighter orange, but my paint marker died on me so i went with a Sharpie instead. Obviously I used a Greedo body, so you can see the gunshot wound, and in order to cover the break in his waist I used an Anakin Mechanic skirt. It fit tight enough that the seam isn't too noticable, though there's a bad shadow from the scan.
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