Forever Knight - Tracy & Vachon

This page is dedicated to the show Forever Knight, which ran from around 1992 to 1995. Forever Knight detailed the life of 800-year-old vampire Nick Knight (Geraint Wyn Davies), who was living as a police detective in Toronto on the night shift (duh). With the help of Dr. Natalie Lambert (Catherine Disher), Nick searched for a way to regain his mortality much to the dismay of his creator LaCroix (Nigel Bennett) and fellow vampire Janette (Deborah Duchene). I started watching this show one summer in '98 I think, and I got hooked. Little did I know that the show had been canceled for around three years. When I started watching, it was on the third season, the season where the characters Tracy Vetter (Lisa Ryder) and Javier Vachon aka. J.D. Valdez (Ben Bass) were introduced. Vetter was a fresh partner tagged with Nick Knight after his previous partner was killed in a plane bombing. Vachon was a vampire that was on said plane and the two of them met during the investigation.

Actually...they met because he was rifling through the dead bodies looking for his hand, and Tracy caught him. hehe... During the course of the third season, the two became close, friends, but slightly more, and they were trying to work out their feelings when Vachon died, and then Tracy. (Long story, read about it someplace where they have time to write it... ;) Anyway, there are several sites on the internet dedicated to fanfiction about these two characters. Hopeless romantic that I am, I decided to write my own stories, changing the ending to the finale of the series.

Basically, in the last few episodes, Vachon died of a stake to the heart. Nick's creator, LaCroix had an enemy that wanted everyone close to LaCroix dead. So Divia (L's enemy) drove Vachon crazy with bloodlust and he tried to get Tracy to kill him with the stake. When she wouldn't, couldn't, he rushed her and impaled himself on the stake. The next episode, during a hostage situation at the precinct, Tracy was shot. She was taken to the hospital where she slipped into a coma and later died. I so did not like the ending, so I decided to rewrite history. Here you will find my attempts at doing so. You will also find a link to probably the best Tracy and Vachon story out on the internet, written by The Mistress of the Rose , the story is entitled, The Value of a Life: A Vampire's Love Story. Enjoy!

Tracy & Vachon Stories

The Value of a Life: A Vampire's Love Story
My Tracy & Vachon Fic
