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Cretaceous King Ghidorah


Height- 40 meters

Wingspan- 50 meters

Mass- 20,500 metric tons


Cretaceous King Ghidorah (CKG) is an arrogant fighter. It basically "plays" with an opponent, prolonging its agony. CKG can spit Fire Balls, can fly at mach 3, can create hurricane winds from his wings, and can regenerate its body from severed body parts. As the immature form of Grand King Ghidorah (GKG), it seems to have not yet gained some of the abilities as its mature form. Some examples to prove this are that CKG consumes food through its 3 mouths instead of extracting the life essence from its victims and before he starts to fly, he needs to run to pick up speed before lifting off. CKG and his mature form GKG were the toughest enemies yet for Mothra.