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Godzilla Jr.


Height- 40 meters

Mass- 15,000 metric tons


Godzilla Jr. is the young adult form of Godzilla. When Godzilla went meltdown, the uranium deposits on Birth Island exploded causing the destruction of the island. Little Godzilla fed off the energy which sped up his growing process. Like his father, Jr. has the ability to fire an ultra powerful Plasma Beam from his mouth and has the power to regenerate faster than normal life forms. Jr. only had one battle against the aggregate form of Destroyah where it first seemed that Destroyah had the upper hand but Jr. pulled through and seemed to destroy Destroyah. When Destroyah rose from the rubble in a new form, Jr. was surprised. Destroyah grabbed Jr. by the throat and dropped him from a very high altitude sending Jr. crashing into a building. This fall and the battle before killed Jr., but as luck would have it, when Godzilla Melt down, the radiation revived Jr. and made him grow to a full adult Godzilla.