Aqua Mothra
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Aqua Mothra


Length- 24 meters

Wingspan- 30 meters

Mass- 3,500 metric tons


Aqua Mothra made her first appearance in Rebirth of Mothra 2 in 1997. This Mothra is possibly the fastest Mothra created when flying because of a density change between the water and air. Aqua Mothra can swim of up to mach 3 giving it a slight advantage with speed in the air. He has V shaped antenna beams, X shaped wing beams, 3 heat beams from the 3 jewels on his forehead, can create a barrier around itself which will deflect energy attacks but will break when struck by a physical object. Aqua Mothra can elevate objects in tractor beam type fashion by flying out of the water and leaving a blue aurora-like trail behind it. Finally Aqua Mothra can split into hundreds of tiny Energy Moths which can attack his opponent everywhere at once.