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Length- 90 meters

Mass- 20,000 metric tons


Length- 73 meters

Wingspan- 180 meters

Mass- 30,000 metric tons


Battra is an "evil" form of Mothra. He was created long ago by the Earth to save it from the ancient civilization that tried to control the weather. Battra dueled it out with Mothra and it was a stalemate. Battra destroyed the civilization but was concealed in an glacier by Mothra. In Larval form, Battra can fire Prism Beams from his eyes and nasal horn, burrow through the ground, and like Mothra larva, swim. Battra has the ability to just transform into its IMAGO form without a cocoon which makes him a bit superior to Mothra, but he seems to have less power since he now only has Prism beams from his eyes and he doesn't have a large nasal horn. Battra is a vicious opponent and will never back down. He'll keep attacking without worry and destroy his opponent.