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Rose Form-

Height- 85 meters

Mass- 100,000 metric tons

Final Form-

Height- 120 meters

Mass- 200,000 metric tons


Biollante is a strange creature. Inside its cells are the cells of 3 beings. A rose, a young girl, and Godzilla. Biollante was a science experiment gone wrong as a scientist tried to save his daughter's spirit by fusing one of her cells with a rose's cells, then one of Godzilla's cells. Biollante grew rapidly from a little flowering plant to a huge flowering plant. In her rose form, Biollante had vines which can shoot out and attack an opponent. Each vine had a mouth on the end which can grasp hold of an opponent or wrap around its neck and choke them, or they can form a point and spear through even Godzilla's tough hide. Biollante's Rose Form is a defensive fighter and would rather live in peace with the earth instead of kill. She will try and drive away an opponent rather than kill it. After Biollante evolves, she grows a huge head full of razor sharp teeth. In her final form, Biollante can spray an acidic mist from her mouth, and tendrils, which will eat away at her opponent. The final form of Biollante is a very aggressive kaiju. This form of Biollante seems to be more like Godzilla than a flower and attacks relentlessly. Never cross the path of Biollante!