Death Ghidorah
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Death Ghidorah


Height- 100 meters

Wingspan- 80 meters

Mass- 75,000 metric tons


Death Ghidorah came to earth millions of years ago. It came for energy, which the earth has a heavy supply of, to become stronger. It fought Mothra way back when, lost, and was sealed away in a giant stone inside a mountain. Death Ghidorah can drain energy, fire a flamethrower type weapon from its center head, fire balls of lava from all three heads, can emit a shockwave from its body to knock a foe away from it, it has an acidic bite, can fly at low speeds, and can create a fissure in the ground spewing up fire at an opponent. Death Ghidorah would rather destroy than fight. It seems to lose interest in a fight and must struggle to keep at it.