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Micro Form-

Length- 5 millimeters

Mass- 0.5 kilograms

Juvenile Form-

Height- 2 meters

Mass- 350 kilograms

Aggregate Form-

Height- 50 meters

Mass- 15,000 metric tons

Flying Form-

Length- 65 meters

Wingspan- 80 meters

Mass- 15,000 metric tons

Final Form-

Height- 120 meters

Wingspan- 210 meters

Mass- 80,000 metric tons


Destroyah is an ancient crustaceans mutated by the oxygen destroyer that killed the first Godzilla. Destroyah grew and evolved very rapidly as in a matter of days, it went from its micro form to its final form and also grew more and more terrible with the passing minute. All of the many forms of Destroyah have an Micro-Oxygen Spray that will basically disassemble all the oxygen atoms in contact with it. After the Micro Destroyah evolves to the juvenile form, it gains a crablike body. The new weapon for this Destroyah is a telescopic inner jaw that can puncture through flesh and suck out energy. When a bunch of these Juvenile Destroyah get together, they can fuse and form a gigantic version with 2 added whip like limbs which hang over its head. This form is called the Aggregate Form because it becomes an aggregate creature which is a combination of creatures to create one big creature. This Aggregate Form also has the abilitie to transform into a winged flying form. Finally, after a bit more mutating, the Final Form Destroyah was created. This final form destroyah has a clawended tail which can lift kaiju into the air and distribute energy to and from the opponent in its grasp. The Final Form Destroyah was going to have an Oxygen Destroyer beam which would have come from his chest plate. This scene was cut from the movie because of time shortage and maybe some other unknown reasons (a picture of it is at the bottom right). Godzilla vs. Destroyah also has an alternate ending where Destroyah melts with Godzilla as Godzilla holds onto Destroyah (bottom left picture).