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Garu-Garu and Fairy



Height- 20 centimeters

Wingspan- 30 centimeters

Mass- 59 kilograms

Garu-Garu II and III-

Height- 20 centimeters

Wingspan- 30 centimeters

Mass- 50 kilograms

Fairy- N/A

Garu-Garu and Fairy are the two choices of transportation for the Elias. The eldest sister Belvera who wants to rule the world, takes control of Garu-Garu, a monster like creation that is really machine. Throughout the three movies in the series, Garu-Garu gained a more mechanical look than the last. Garu-Garu can fly and shoot fire balls from its mouth.

Fairy was created by Mothra (some magical way) by request of the two Elias, Moll (Mona) and Lora. It is basically a micro sized living version of Mothra. Fairy has antenna beams and can focus them into an array of light to scan objects.