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King Ghidorah (Heisei)



Height- N/A

Wingspan- N/A

Mass- N/A

King Ghidorah-

Height- 150 meters

Wingspan- 175 meters

Mass- 77,000 metric tons


King Ghidorah is the creation of the human race from the future. They created the Dorats as pets and left them on the same island as the Godzillasaurus when it was hit with an atomic bomb. The radioactivity fused the 3 Dorats together to create King Ghidorah. The Dorats have a mind control devices that makes them perfect pets and they can sense feelings through microwaves. They also have the ability of flight for quicker movement. After they became King Ghidorah, the mind control device stuck with it and the humans from the future could also control it as they did with the Dorats. As King Ghidorah, the Dorats gained the abilities to create hurricane winds and expel powerful Gravity Beams from each of there 3 mouths. When King Ghidorah fought Godzilla, it looked like he had the upper hand until his middle head was blown off. Then he came back in a more metallic form known as Mecha King Ghidorah.