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Little Godzilla


Height- 30 meters

Mass- 8,000 metric tons


Little Godzilla is a cute little child of Godzilla. When Baby Godzilla went to Birth Island with Godzilla, it stayed there and grew for a few years. Godzilla seemed to have disappeared which seems to be bad parenting on his part. Little Godzilla is very inquisitive and likes to investigate things like a human child. Sometimes these predicaments can get him into trouble like when he ran into the teargas mine field. At the end of Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, Little Godzilla is scene back at Birth Island, attempting to fire a plasma ray like his father. It doesn't come out right and bubble-like beams come out of his mouth. When they explode on the ground, he gets a little frightened but is exited and tries it again.