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Length- 2 meters


Length- 5 meters


Length- 50 meters

Wingspan- 80 meters

Mass- 10,200 metric tons


Megaguris is a giant insect from the past. She is the queen of her colony of Meganula and Meganuron. The Meganuron is the first stage of this breed of insect. Next is the Meganula which is the adult dragonfly type creature. It has a stinger on its tail used to drain energy from living things. Megaguirus was chosen by her colony to fight for them and gain territory. She started out as a regular Meganuron but was fed energy by Godzilla which was taken from him by the flying Meganula. This energy made her grow quickly. By the time she gets enough energy, she breaks out of her exoskeleton and breaches the surface of her watery home. Megaguirus can fly at up to speeds of mach 5 making her the fastest Toho kaiju to date. She also has razor sharp wings which can cut through even Godzilla's tough hide. Megaguirus can also generate a high frequency magnetic wave with her wings by causing them to vibrate at super-sonic speed. This shockwave is devastating to anything in its path and can make mechanical devises malfunction from a great distance. She can also create hurricane winds with her wings knocking over any opponent. Megaguirus has a sharp stinger at the end of her tail used for draining energy from her opponents. She can then redirect this energy into a ball and fire it at her opponent causing a great deal of damage. Megaguirus finally has claws which can grasp an opponent with great strength.