Mothra Leo
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Mothra Leo



Length- 25 meters

Mass- 3,000 metric tons


Length- 24 meters

Wingspan- 38 meters

Mass- 5,900 metric tons


Mothra Leo is the child of the Heisei Mothra. At the beginning of the movie Rebirth of Mothra, it showed Mothra laying an egg. The Death Ghidorah arrives on the scene and Mothra goes out to fight. Mothra is losing and because of the will of the larva, it hatched from its egg to help its mother. The larva showed astounding power for hatching early by having an electrified silk stream, a chest beam, and the ability to cham. itself with the surrounding environment. Even with the 2 Mothra fighting against Death Ghidorah, they could not defeat him. Mothra used the last of her energy to save the larva from Death Ghidorah by lifting the larva into the air. While flying over the ocean, Mothra lost the rest of her energy and crash landed into the ocean. The larva tried to save his mother but to no avail as she sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The larva swam to a secret island and cocooned itself on a 10,000 year old tree which gave it enhanced powers. The now Adult Mothra Leo defeated Death Ghidorah with his flying bursts of speed, Heat Beams from the 3 jewels on his forehead, Jade bolts from his wings, 3 types of powder, a shimmering powder like his mother's, a green powder that can heal plant life, and a paralyzing powder, a chest beam, and can separate into millions of tiny energy moths which can attack an opponent all over its body. Mothra Leo's main physical feature to tell it apart from other Mothra is the green pattern on his wings.