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Height- 10 meters

Length- 24 meters

Wingspan- 75 meters

Mass- 15,000 metric tons


GMK Mothra lost a lot of its cuteness for a more buggy appearance. The new Mothra lost all its beam weapons for a stinger. (yes that's right a stinger. Now ask yourself, "why would a moth have a stinger?", what is your answer to that.....exactly my point) Mothra's stinger can be fired at an opponent in large clusters and explode on impact. That's it for Mothra. She got rid of all her nice shinny weapons for a stinger.....Mothra looks great in this movie. She flies more like a moth would in the movie because of CGI enhancement. Even her legs wiggle around like moth legs should. Mothra can fly at up to speeds of mach 3 and create hurricane winds from her wings.  Mothra is another ambush fighter. She will do whatever she can to confuse an opponent. After Godzilla killed her (yes killed her. The first time she ever died from the power of Godzilla), she sent her life essence into the also dieing King Ghidorah. This gave King Ghidorah the ability to fly which exceptionally enhanced his fighting capabilities.

Mothra (GMK).