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Final Form-

Height- 60 meters

Mass- 75,000 metric tons



Orga is an alien life form from another world. Its spaceship crash landed on earth millions of years ago and sunk into the ocean. The alien space craft was powered by light so it wasn't able to move out of the ocean. Millions of years later, 2 submarines find the space craft which is now covered with dirt and clay disguising it as a rock. The lights from the subs awakens the sleeping space craft and it floats to the surface to recharge. The space craft searches around the earth looking for the correct DNA it needs to survive on this new planet and while it doesn't find it in humans, it does in Godzilla. Inside the ship is a jellyfish like creature which attacks Godzilla ,absorbing some of its DNA. It transforms into a different creature by using Godzilla's DNA. Now in its final form, Orga can fire a golden beam from its shoulder cannon, jump huge distances, swallow things to gain its DNA structure and appearance, and has giant claws. Orga uses its strength to over come its opponent by grappling it and smashing it with its huge hands. Orga wont give up until it finishes its current task or is destroyed.
