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Rainbow Mothra


Length- 24 meters

Wingspan- 38 meters

Mass- 5,900 metric tons


Rainbow Mothra is the 3rd form of Mothra Leo (if you could the larva stage). When Mothra Leo fought Dagarah in Rebirth of Mothra 2: Battle Under The Sea, Dagarah was wining until Ghogo, a magical, fury little creature (picture on bottom right), sacrificed itself to help Mothra Leo. Ghogo's power turned Mothra Leo into the incredibly powerful Rainbow Mothra. Rainbow Mothra gets its name by the rainbow colorings on its wings. Rainbow Mothra has basically the same attacks as Mothra Leo. Heat beams from the 3 jewels on his forehead, 3 types of powder, Shimmering, green plant healing, and a paralyzing. Rainbow Mothra can also fly a bit faster than mach 3 Jade Bolts from wings, chest beam, can split into millions of energy moths that can attack an opponent all over its body, can fly straight up and while spinning, release several jade rings from his body which shoot downwards toward the target, can create a series of cascading vertical shafts of sapphire blue energy that split the earth as electromagnetic bolts flickering across his wings. A few new abilities of Rainbow Mothra are, the ability to create a projectile shield which will block all projectile attacks but will break when struck physically, levatate an opponent by surrounding them with multicolored energy rings that lift it off the ground. Finally, Rainbow Mothra can transform into Aqua Mothra, an aquatic version of Mothra.