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Length- 70 meters

Wingspan- 120 meters

Mass- 16,000 metric tons


Rodan is the terror of the skies. It flies around its home at supersonic speeds (mach 1.5) catching food. Rodan can gnarl its enemy with its sharp beak and claws, and also spikes which reside on its chest. In the Heisei series, Rodan hatched from an egg millions of years old which was radiated with toxic waste. Also inside the prehistoric nest was a Godzillasaurus egg. Once Rodan hatched, it started protecting the Godzillasaurus egg which it probably thought was its Pterodactyl brother. The Godzillasaurus inside the egg had a mental link with Rodan and the last of its kind, Godzilla. When Godzilla came to save the egg, Rodan thought Godzilla was going to hurt it and attacked. Rodan fought well but couldn't beat the force of Godzilla. When the psychic children sang the song which radiated from the prehistoric plant attached to the eggs, Rodan gained new power which revived itself and gave it a new ability. This new Rodan was given the name Fire Rodan. Fire Rodan can spit a Uranium Heat Beam which is very close to Godzilla's. Fire Rodan then helped Godzilla by fighting MechaGodzilla which destroyed Godzilla's second brain. MechaGodzilla defeated Fire Rodan but not without a lot of damage. Fire Rodan then before perishing transferred its life force to Godzilla, reviving his second brain which lead to the defeating of MechaGodzilla.