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Title: Easiest Thing
Author: kbk
Disclaimer: Sigh. No.
Rating: PG
Summary: OK, three easiest things, in three fandoms.
Notes: I was trying to start a challenge. Obviously, I failed.


It can be the easiest thing in the world to hate yourself. It surprised me to realise that not everybody knows that.

It becomes a reflex, more or less. Any mistake that you make and in your head, is his voice, again, tellling you what a disgrace you are. And in the night, the dark settles down around you, a comforting cloak that blocks out the world and tells you that you are as worthless as he told you, that you are not worthy of forgiveness for your good intentions, that you are no longer worthy of the name Wyndham-Pryce.

Harry Potter

It can be the easiest thing in the world to get it right. Something you don't even notice, but suddenly she is turning to you with a smile on her face, and it feels like magic. Not the magic that you grew up with and she didn't, but the magic that you see between your parents, the magic that makes everything else unimportant when she is there.

And with a reply to a question that you no longer remember, her face lights up and you know she feels it too. It's scary, even for Gryffindors, but it feels very true.


It can be the easiest thing in the world to kill someone. One finger tightening on the trigger, and a life is snuffed out. It's a thing of beauty. I've lost count of how many times I've sent lead ripping through delicate flesh, how many souls are on my conscience. So perfect. So inconsequential.

But it can be so hard, as well. I know that there is no escape from this. I have to kill Mulder. He's learned too much, too soon, and he's going to use the information all wrong.

I owe it to him to kill him personally.

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