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Title: Equinox
Rating: G
Fandom: BtVS
Words: 100
Notes: This is not anything like I hoped, but the idea won't leave me alone and I feel guilty for not posting anything here in ages, so.
Written for this drabble challenge community. Challenge was to incorporate some aspect of myth or legend.

Mama was sick yesterday, so today Tara is celebrating the spring equinox on her own for the first time. She sneaks out before the sky is light and finds a nice spot at the edge of the woods.

She reads a poem as the sun rises, one that she wrote herself, hiding under the bedclothes with a torch. When she looks up from the paper, she sees an older girl standing not far away, golden, almost painful to look at in the dawn light.

"Beautiful," the girl comments, and Tara blushes. Then the girl calls for her Mama, and disappears.

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