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Title: In The Gutter
Author: kbk
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Alex Krycek. A bit over a hundred words.

Don't look up.

You'll be dazzled, like as not.

We're all living in the gutter, and some of us have to look out for rats. Other rats, that is.

All in the gutter, and he's looking at the stars. Looking for that precious Truth of his. Too bad he can't be bothered to watch his back. Still, he's got people to do it for him. Sometimes even I'll help him out. If it coincides with my plans.

He's too busy searching to see what's right in front of him. See who's right in front of him. See who's at his back with a knife.

Maybe there's a truth out there for him. Maybe someday he'll find it, and then he'll be able to rest. In a way I hope he does find it. His truth.

I already know my truth.

Don't look up.

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