Title: Lost
Author: kbk
Disclaimer: "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and all characters are owned by various people and companies. None of whom are me. I make no money from this.
Rating: G
Summary: A little piece of dialogue inspired by something Mim said, and a gift to her.
"Ah, Chief! Just the man I wanted to see!"
"Looking for me, were you?"
"Well... no, actually, I was, ah, trying to perform a house call but I seem to have gotten a little... turned around."
"You're not telling me you're lost, are you?"
"Of course not, I simply... if you could just direct me to..."
"You're lost. Oh, don't worry about it, Julian, it's easy to do if you don't understand how a place like this fits together. Though how you ended up here, of all places... It's mostly storage units round this bit, but just follow me and I'll see you right."
"Honestly, Miles, you don't have to... but it would... be... a great help if you would."
"Anything for... to help out. No trouble. None at all. Now, just, go to the end of this corridor and take a right then the second right after that, and then on the left there's a turbolift that'll take you up to one of the corridors off the Promenade, just turn left a time or two, you'll find somewhere you recognise. It was, uh, nice bumping into you. I'll see you later?"
"Yes, of course. Thanks for your help."
"Uh, yeah, I should... be getting back to work."
"I'll see you later then, Miles."
"Yeah. Right."