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Title: Miscommunication
Author: kbk
Rating: R
Summary: Short, angsty, pornish. Rose doesn't get it.
Notes: This was me attempting to prove to myself that I could actually still write. I think it succeeded.

"Don't," Rose says. Her tongue is thick with pleasure and that thing he's doing to her nipple is divine and it takes her what feels like a whole minute to think of the next word as the Doctor, damn him, takes his mouth away, takes his hands away, and that's just not fair.

He's just standing there looking at her, and that's kinda hot but also weird, and he's frowning at her like she's a puzzle and finally the next word pushes its way out of her mouth.

"Stop," she says. Her voice is shaking and now there's something harsh to it because he's not touching her any more, dammit, and she wants those cool hands back on her, and she knows he wants to touch her so she's dumbfounded when he backs away, looking horrified.

When he mumbles apologies and flees from the room, door closing behind him.

It takes her three goes to hook her bra together, her hands are shaking so much, her mind wandering so fast. What did she do to chase him away like that? She pulls her top on, fluffs her hair. She'd known it wouldn't last, knew that at some point he'd realise she was only a dumb human and he shouldn't be bothering with her, but she'd hoped... well.

There was no point thinking about that. Her mum always said not to cry over what couldn't be changed. Best thing to do was just get on with things. She could do that.

Rose pulled herself together and marched determinedly out of the room. "Just you wait, Doctor," she muttered. "You'll see."

They'd be friends-just-friends and that was fine by her, thank you very much. Absolutely fine.

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