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Title: Heathen Gold Drabbles
Author: kbk
Disclaimer: "Pirates of the Caribbean" and related characters are owned by various other people and companies. Not me. Same goes for "Dr Who". I make no money from this.
Rating: PG-13, overall, I think.
Notes: These drabbles were written as part of the Heathen Gold challenge on lj. Which was fun. Nearly 900 drabbles written in just a few days.

It's a good hiding place, tucked behind a board in the wall, but the gold calls to him. There's love letters in there, and a couple of bits and pieces of jewellery that he lifts out of habit.

The girl stops whimpering, and when he glances over he sees that she's finally managed to die, look of shock still on her face. He fingers the coin in his pocket and walks out.

It isn't till later, perched up in the rigging and whiling away the long hours, that he realises why the necklace looks familiar.

It belonged to his sister.


"Yes, dear boy?"

"Why are we running away from pirates? They are pirates, aren't they? What with the swords and the outfits and the stereotypical speech patterns?"

"I believe they are, and because they seem rather anxious to kill us, and while I may recover, you certainly wouldn't."

"Oh. But why do they want to kill us?"

"I rather think it may have something to do with this."

The Doctor pulled a gold coin out of one of his many pockets, and flipped it into the air.

"Ooh. Shiny."

It fell to the ground, and the pair ran on.

Fitz, having travelled with the Doctor for some time, knew to expect trouble when they stopped at an idyllic eighteenth-century tropical island for a bit of a rest.

He almost felt disappointed when it turned out to be pirates.

Still, there was the chance to watch the Doctor engage in some thrilling swordplay, and tracking down a single coin inside the infinity of the TARDIS was quite an adventure, or could have been if the Doctor hadn't sweet-talked her into locating it for them, and said pirates did turn into skeletons in moonlight...

Nah. Still didn't beat the space rhinos.

One step, and another, and the song grows stronger. So step again, and again, and follow the whisper in the back of your brain, and step again, and walk until the song starts to fade again. Turn back, and walk up that narrow alley, and you're so close you can almost taste it, but there's nothing there. It must be in one of the houses... the one on the left. Out front again, in through the window, kick the dog to shut it up, and there's a box by the back wall. Open it up, and there she is. Shining.

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