Don't you like me any more? Well, fine then! Go! See if I care!
I am actually going to put in more stuff, like some more fic sites, but I haven't got round to it. And I'm too scared to ask the nice people, so they don't know these are here. And with the rate of hits my site is getting, they probably never will. Isn't that cool?
multi-fandom fic sites
silverlake list archive - I'm a member - some really good stuff - politics is fun for sheer randomness
my academic mother's fic - good fic in multiple fandoms, pretty site.
BtVS sites
links site - which I'm on (yay!) - utterly massive, find anything BtVS/AtS-related that you could possibly want. Good thing.
Spike/Angel slash series, hysterically funny all through. If you don't want to commit, then just read Part Sixteen, "The Art Of Getting Jossed", 'cause it fucking rocks. I'm going to admit to niggles, but the giggles far outweigh them, so... go!
the crypt - a fairly extensive archive of mostly Spike-centric fic (including four of mine)
Faith/Wesley site - archived Marking.
Wesley site. Archived Marking.
audio BtVS fic. it's quite random. just go see. has extensive links as well.
um, yeah. it's funky. it has good videos.
HP sites
The Sugar Quill Harry Potter fic site - all beta read, Professor's Bookshelf has lots of good stuff (including me! squee!).
friend sites
my good friend Alexander - his home page. Google says: "About a boy. An insecure boy. An insecure boy with insecure friends. An insecure boy with insecure friends with big problems. Fun for all then."
fun sites
Battle Royale fansite - need I say any more? has the death cards. cool.
personality test. was scarily accurate on me and my changing moods each time I used it.
Jo McCafferty has recorded a couple of albums on her own label. I have Radiaxial, and it's damn good. Go. See. Download the MP3s. Buy the album. - lots of lyrics. useful when downloading vids.
link to me
this is pretty simple, I know. But so am I, some days.