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If you like something here and borrow it, please
give credit back where it is due... thank you. Sienna Mun

Who am I?
I am the creation of
the lustful mind.
I exist to quench the
unquenchable lustful appetite.

Who am I?
I am the one who feeds on
their desire, passion, need.
I am the one who longs for the
sweet nectar of satisfaction.

Who am I?
I am the last thing you see as
you give in to sweet release.
I am the final stroke...
be it of flesh or of leather.

Who am I?
I am the rolling wave of ecstasy
as all else begins to fade away.
I am the throbbing in your heart,
the pounding in your veins.

Who am I?
I am a shadow that lingers
in your deepest thoughts.
I am the fleeting vision that
teases and taunts.

Who am I?
I am an addiction, a deepest need.
I am everything... and I am nothing.

Who am I?
La, Kajira

Only an owned woman
can know her true heart...

The Wait

I recognize this scent
It is my fear I smell
No sight or sound
Only the wait
Every nerve in me aches
stretched taut, strained
I breathe slowly
To calm my heart
You are my fears
You are the reason
I cover my eyes
At the scary parts
You are the shadow
Out side my window
I dread the first touch
Yet I ache for it
With all that I am
My mind races
To places it shouldn't be
I'm on the edge-
sure I'm going to scream
To plead out
Of my bonds
While I can still speak
do I dare... Knowing...
no respite
will be granted
I wait

Because I have no choice
And because
It is your will
Touch me
But don't make me wait
hurt me
break me
I would beg you not to
And beg you
Even more
To make sure you do
My arm's asleep
From hanging
My body gleams
with sweat
My fear is... dripping
From between my legs
I am beyond reason now
The fear has overwhelmed
The wait can do no more
You have touched me
Not once
And yet I'm over the edge
I am wide open
In the darkness
An empty canvas
I'm ready for you now
and still... I wait.

Point Of Imprisonment

my wrists are trapped in Your hand, above my head.
my shoulders pressed against the cold wall.
i keep my eyes down...
i don't look You in the eyes
for fear that it'll be too much...

too intense...
my body strains
at the point of imprisonment...
although i am free except for my wrists,
there's no place for me to go...

there's no escape...

You lean towards me...
Your mouth traveling deceptively...
gently over my bare shoulders and neck...
Your breath washes over my heated flesh...

but i tense...
awaiting the shock and pain
of Your teeth sinking into my flesh.
Your fingers pinch, twist...
showing me that there is no mercy...
that the pleasure is in the pain and surrender...

the surrender of my body to You...
to Your desires... to Your whims...
to Your demanding lips... fingers... cock...

You own my very breath...
my very life is held within Your grasp...
the ties that bind my heart, mind, body,
and soul... belong to You.

My body quivers under Your gaze,
a soft pulsing heat warms me,
my body flushes in anticipation of Your caress,
my thoughts race with wicked abandon,
passion ignites, smoldering... intense.

Kneeling before You, my hands caress my thighs,
head lowered, eyes cast down in respect,
naked before You, body, mind, soul...
offering You complete submission.

Sensing You near me, circling me,
a fingertip gently strokes my cheek,
a sigh escapes my lips, my body sways toward You,
tipping my face to brazenly look up at You,
hypnotizing me with Your intense, passionate gaze.

You smile, softly, lovingly, wickedly,
gently bending to kiss my lips, and casually tell me...

"Think of a way to please me, My pet..
I will return for you later."

As you draw Your cloak around You and leave,
a tortured sigh escapes my lips...
with longing, with need, with love...

"Oh, my exquisite torturer...
How You ignite the fire that burns deep within me..."

Dark Desires

Oh the lust filled scream
that lifts from tormented lips
calling out my surrender

The cry, pierces my mind
like the taste of blood
You leave on my bruised lips

Sanguine stained torture
take me in Your embrace
trusting... without question
can there ever be?

Owned without reservation
to be molded by Your will
Trembling, wet and needing
You leave me always craving

The quiver of fear
Your wrath brings me
falling to my knees
begging Your punishment
seeking Your whim

i breath
because it pleases You
i live
because i am here to serve You
i exist
because it is Your will that i do
i love
because i am allowed to

Dark desires find the path of light
through Your guiding hand
Your demanding touch
Your searing kiss, You...

Elixir of My Release

Desire coaxed and stirred
Moving into the force of You
Taken with a demanding caress

Tortured by the longing
Of a touch that sears my soul
Bonding me to You

Passions, raw and hot
You knew they would erupt
Bleeding into the pleasurable pain
the elixir of my release

Turgid, pulsing, panted, heat
Nails sink into muscle
The surge of release
Fills me with

Quivering ecstasy
taken complete
Forced, demanded,
i yield, You accept
my submission's

Masterful delights
my mind
my body
You bind
my heart
You own
my soul

please use me in the
because i beg You
to take me
fully of course...
run Your fingers
over my bare flesh
taunting, teasing touch,
the passions You awake.
part my lips
to test the moisture
deep within
i taste You
though there is no
to lick You as You
are licking me
nipples pucker
turgid and ripe,
trying to gain the
of Your gaze
Your bite...
turned to their
hands roaming free
what could only be
from this point on
Your touch evokes
passions screams,
helpless, torment
because under Your
i know i am
simply Your
object, of current
as I grab hold
the strength of
Your will
grows and flows
to its full potential
You cover me
with You
and enter my
no... You enter
Your new world
with the precision
of a Master
going faster
when You deem
You raise
my ankles to
Your face
going so deep
i can feel it
begin to seep
through me
like a surge of fire
cries of pleasure,
passion and desire
muffled by a bitten
lip as hands move
from ankles to
pull me to You
push You in me
i have never ever
experienced this
You make me
and shake... i regain
my composure
You roll over
i climb on top
my clit looks as if
it will pop
from the slightest bit
of stimulation
You're much, much
than i ever knew
than my imagination
could ever handle
Your hands
become a cradle for my
as it dips
and dives
and strives to meet
the driving
of You
into me
a visual delicacy
to Your trained eye
always well focused
on the motion of
my body
under Your gaze
i feel You swelling
i feel You throbbing
You move beyond my
every barrier
forced deep and hard
causing a pleasurable
pain that subsides
only when the
intense expression
in Your dark eyes
relax with the tensing
You start to climax
pumping me full of
the reality that
were molded to
be deep, so deep
all consuming
You own me...

Passions Delights

The heat: of a groaned breath washing over my skin

The grip: held upon my thigh as my body's rocked back

The surge: of power that drives my body down hard under Yours

The shudder: that flows through me with the intensity of Your will

The gaze: of dark lust that claims my soul

The sound: of our bodies joined in lustful harmony

The feel: of Your body held deep within me

The need: of Your power as i fall prey to Your whims

The demand: of Your thrusts that make me dance on the razors edge

The tremor: of our mounting passions that make me cling to You tighter

The sting: of Your teeth sinking into my kiss bruised lips

The taste: of my blood as it colors my lips with Your passions

The sear: of the release You grant me with a growl

The caress: of Your hand as You hold me while i tremble

The embrace: of Your arms that i sink into and find myself

The finality: of my surrender to Your passionate delights


her history her training her present
her writings capacian baths her journal
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