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"On Faeries Wings"

On faeries wings come fly away
to the land of heaven on earth,
Where birds sing and the air rings
with the sounds of laughter and mirth,
Come fly with me to a place where dreams come true
and all is untouched, resilient, shiney and new,
Where noble blood still flows like wine,
Good deeds are worshipped
and a matronley figure is just fine,
There's no need to play pretend of make belive,
People here are who they are
and you can either take it ot leave,
You'll find no corruption or treachery here,
So before you enter
I'll make one thing quite clear,
Let not it be you who brings evil into this land
for, though little threat it may seem,
let it by thine own guilt in the good lord's great hand
that destroys your soul and leaves you damned,
Your own heart thy downfall to be, my freind,
But with clear conscience and good heart
Fly with me
to a place where we two can be free,
Until once more we sadly must part,
But fear not, for we all shall meet again
in the land of our dreams, as shooting stars,
when we've come to our end!

Tears for Joan d'Arc