Posted 1/1/2003 [January Newsletter]
- The MacMINT Asylum January Newsletter, 2003.
In this month's issue:
* Birthdays for January
* The Wedding Dress
* * *
- Birthdays for January.
01.04 - Brena Rosal (PC#56)
01.05 - Nutmeg (PC#5)
01.05 - Basaxl (PC#146)
01.07 - Dawn Carpenter (PC#27)
01.09 - Chuckles (AINT PC#7)
01.13 - Brianna (PC#88)
01.13 - Lindy (PC#131)
01.15 - ~*ßláçkWîdøw*~ (PC#39)
01.21 - Sardonic Warrioress (PC#49)
01.23 - Lothar (AINT PC#1)
01.27 - jam-wired (PC#1)
01.31 - Kitty (PC#118)
Happy birthday to all patients with January birthdays! If
your birthday is in January and I missed you, or if your birthday
is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have
it recorded right. :)
* * *
- The Wedding Dress.
The Wedding Dress is repeating on CBS today (January 1st).
If you haven't seen Peter in this role, don't miss it!
* * *
Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time.
Same clan channel.
Posted 1/1/2003 [Poll results for MacMINT_Asylum]
The following MacMINT_Asylum poll is now closed. Here are
the final results:
POLL QUESTION: I am considering stopping membership when
the MacMINT Ward gets to 200 and discontinuing the newsletter.
Please let me know what you think:
- Stop membership at 200, but don't stop the newsletter.,
16 votes, 94.12%
- Stop membership at 200, and stop the newsletter., 0 votes,
- Don't stop the membership at 200, but stop the newsletter.,
1 votes, 5.88%
- Stop the membership at 200, and stop the newsletter., 0
votes, 0.00%
- Don't care either way., 0 votes, 0.00%
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