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Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
November, 1999

Posted 10/31/1999 [November Newsletter]

Birthdays for November are as follows:

11/1 - Maeve (PC#3)
11/1 - Titania (PC#45)
11/1 - Morgana (PC#79)
11/2 - Norma Kaye (PC#111)
11/4 - Cassandra (PC#42)
11/5 - Nicole (PC#89)
11/12 - Leilani (PC#94)
11/13 - Spirit Dancing (PC#29)
11/13 - micky (PC#35)
11/13 - Elisabeth Molly (PC#92)
11/15 - Flynn MacLair (PC#20)
11/19 - Easterly (PC#100)
11/26 - Katchoo aka Kelci (PC#72)
11/28 - Laura (PC#31)
11/28 - Elizabeth (PC#32)
11/29 - Jennah B. (PC#68)
11/30 - Whipped Cream Goddess (PC#81)

Don't forget to wish your clan sisters a Happy Birthday this month! If your birthday is in November and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

Copies of Strange World, a canceled series Peter guest starred in, are now available! For more information, check out the Strange World Unofficial Fan Club at http://www.bflg.com/strange/. Check under "Resources" at the bottom of the page. :)

* * *

If you haven't checked with the PWFC, here's the latest:

- Peter will not be attending The Gathering 5

- Peter is confirmed for a episode of The Outer Limits. [Snipped for copyright reasons.]

- Peter has officially confirmed that he will be appearing as Methos in Highlander: World Without End, the 4th Highlander movie, to start filming soon.

* * *

Cold Feet, the new show Peter was scheduled to guest star in, is being canceled! If it is canceled, Peter will lose another potential reoccurring guest spot. If you decide to email them, please tell them how you like the show and not Peter Wingfield. The object here is to keep the series on air, not to mention an actor who only had one guest appearance and may not be back. Here is the email from NBC:

Thank you so much for your kind email about COLD FEET, our show. We're glad you've been watching. Unfortunately, NBC is on the brink of cancelling it. They'll be making their decision any day now. But the good news is that there's something you can do!

Send an email to the following address: coldfeet@nbc.com

Email them as soon as possible. Tell all of your friends to email too. Let them know how much you like COLD FEET, and how sorry you would be to see it gone. They really do read these emails, and responses from viewers like you really do make a difference!

Thank you for all of your help, and keep watching the show (it's on this Friday, 10/29, at 10PM).

Because e-mail can be altered electronically, the integrity of this communication cannot be guaranteed.

* * *

There's also a new campaign to spread interest in the Methos Chronicles. Please do not send email to me regarding it; I am simply distributing the letter for anyone wanting to participate.

"Less than 24 hours after ending the 1997-98 season with a "to be continued" cliffhanger, UPN canceled the series, a move that motivated fans to launch a seven-month "SOS" (Support Our Sentinel) campaign. The group bought ads in USA Today and Daily Variety, and flooded UPN with phone calls, letters and e-mail until the network relented and put The Sentinel back into production."

I recently pulled this off a Sentinel fan site and had to sit back in chagrin. Here is a group of dedicated, loyal fans who had managed to do for their show what we didn't do for ours. Truly the sad facts are that other than a letter writing campaign, we have not done much to see an inception of the show we all want to see: The Methos Chronicles.

In the year and a half that has passed since Highlander: TS has ended, there has been much griping and complaining that Panzer-Davis Productions hasn't even tried to put together a show for Methos and Joe. But I have to ask if that is really the case. Has Panzer truly given up on a Methos Chronicles?

Panzer-Davis gave us HL: The Raven and some said they were only trying to placate us. Granted the show wasn't the best around, but it did show promise. If it had had greater fan support, it could have incorporated other Highlander players, mainly Methos and Joe. It was a good base to start from, and now with its cancellation has turned into a horribly missed opportunity. After this many of the fans went on the defensive, pulling support and seeming to forget the promises we, as a fan base had made to the principle players of the show.

The truth of this is that without Bill Panzer, we wouldn't have the few things that we still do in the Highlander universe. It's through his love and belief that we still have the conventions, after all, he is the one putting money into them and has the final decision on whether or not to book them. Now he's busting his kahoona's to get us a movie. Make no mistake about it, he is doing the movie for US, the fan base. Highlander movies have shown, without a doubt, to be poor box office.

Recently, before the ink was even dry on the contracts, there was an unsubstantiated rumor that the characters of Joe and Methos were going to be in the HL4 movie, but without Jim and Peter reprising the roles. The news hit the net and spread like wild fire. In short order, there was a large group of people labeling Panzer a traitor and calling for a letter writing campaign threatening to boycott the movie, all without really knowing what was going on. Hollywood is a tough place to do business, and without the whole story it could have been disastrous to threaten him with the lack of support for the project. What if Panzer decides he's had enough of the flaming letters he has gotten over Highlander and never works on it again?

Add in the fact that we have so much infighting going on in our own lists, and it's amazing that we still have the support of Panzer and Group. And never doubt that Panzer is supporting us. He is in everything he does in regards to Highlander. Shouldn't we do the same?

Read again the above quote from the Sentinel site. In a very short time, these dedicated groups of fans were able to accomplish what we have only dreamed about. Their show is back on. Ours is foundering and dying slowly.

We have a decision to make. Do we let Methos and group die? Or do we get organized and do what the Sentinel fans did? If we truly believe that Methos Chronicles could be a doable option for Panzer, lets do something about it. If not, then we need to let it rest in dignity. And for the detractors out there, it's simple: go your own way quietly, please.

For the majority, Highlander fans are a great group of people with a common goal. We loved the chemistry we witnessed between Joe and Methos, and we want to see them on their own. Adrian made his decision, but we know that Jim and Peter would love to continue in the Highlander venue. They are both extremely fine actors who made us suspend disbelief, allowing us to get caught up in their world of make believe. That takes talent.

We owe a lot of our friendships to the men and women who made us love Highlander. Its time to put our best foot forward. Time to show our loyalty and support. Time to make it known that we want this world to continue. Time to launch the campaign to end all campaigns. Time to give Methos Chronicles life. We have to act now, before it's too late.

On November 5th, I will be on the Highlander Cruise. At that time, I would like to be able to personally hand Mr. Panzer as many hard copies of email I can. I will devote the entire time left from now until the boat sails to printing out as many emails I get from all of you. Let's show Panzer, Wingfield and the rest that we still care deeply for them and that we really are dedicated to a new show.

Send me your emails. They don't have to be literary works of genius. A simple, "I'm interested in seeing Methos Chronicles brought to life" would suffice. But if the muse strikes, then please be eloquent or funny or whatever. Just send something positive to me that I can pass on.

I can be reached at rowan_r@hotmail.com or rowan67@wizard.com. I would truly like to impress Mr. Panzer with a large volume of mail collected in a short time that proves we are still out here.

Rowan Reid

* * *

Ten people contributed in the Methos Acronym Contest. The winners are Rebecca (PC#50) and Canadian Girl (PC#91). The next Asylum contest is being planned as we speak, and the prize for the next contest is already chosen, that is, if all goes smoothly. If everything works according to plan, the prize for the next contest will be a mouse pad signed by Peter Wingfield himself! Here's hoping. ;)

Can you even guess how many members of the Asylum there are now? Does it scare you how many clan siblings you have??? 125! Wow!

The Asylum has been made over! What? Again?! Yup, graphics and layout on every page have been modified. Hopefully, it will be easier to navigate now. Go check it out. :)

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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© jam-wired. Highlander and its characters are the property of Davis/Panzer Productions, Rysher Entertainment and Gaumont Television. This site is unofficial and should not be viewed by anyone. As of 08.31.03 this site is no longer being updated.