Posted 1/30/1999 [Birthdays and Update.]
Wow! We've got a lot going on! There is now a web ring for
those of you who have web sites! Most of you probably already
know this because I already announced it, but if not, the
Webring's homepage can be found at
We also have two new members, which now makes the total number
of patients (are you ready?) 82!!! :)
For those of you who *really* haven't been around, the basement
has burned down. That's right, Cassandra escaped, the contest
winners found her, but before she could be reinstated, Methos
burned the basement down. All hale, the basement is no more!
And finally! I just finished redoing all the HTML on every
page (though you can't really see the difference except in
the code) and redoing nearly all the graphics at the Asylum!
It was time for a change. :)
Also, the links page has been updated. As of 1/30/99 there
are no broken links and I've added about 20 more links. Plus,
all the links are in alphabetical order under the letter they
start with. :)
And now (you know the drill)...
Birthdays for February are as follows:
2/3: Rebecca (PC#50)
2/18: Andrea L. (PC#4)
2/21: Screwball (PC#8)
2/27: Brandy (PC#16)
2/28: Storm MacDrake (PC#30)
If your birthday is in February and I missed you or if your
birthday isn't in February and you're on this list, please
e-mail me so that I can fix it! :)
Posted 2/25/1999 (Chronicles99)
Anyone going to chronicles 99! I'm making a page for MacMINT
patient pics from cons. If any of you are taking photos there
(that'd be most everyone, I'd guess) I'm requesting that you
take a group pic. of any clan members (if you can find them!)
or even photos of yourself w/petey or val. or any of the horsemen.
:) If you don't have access to a scanner, I can send you money
to make copies of the photos so that you can send me them,
and I'll scan them for you. Also, if you have any photos of
yourself or other clan members from past cons, I'd like to
put those up too. :) Thanks!
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