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Highlander Pictures
May, 2003

Posted 4/30/2003 [May Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum May Newsletter, 2003.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for May
* Sci-Fi Mag Editor/Critic Mentions PW in X-Men 2
* New UK PW Fans List (patient announcement)
* John Doe Screen Caps

* * *

- Birthdays for May.

05.04 - Cheryl (PC#120)
05.06 - Twilight Chimera (PC#132)
05.09 - Artemis (PC#96)
05.10 - Terr Windkin (PC#67)
05.10 - siva (PC#78)
05.13 - Poet Batarda Dareau (PC#149)
05.16 - dwolf (PC#73)
05.18 - Nightengale (PC#44)
05.19 - Christy (PC#138)
05.19 - Reilana (PC#168)
05.24 - Canadian Girl (PC#91)
05.24 - Beth Fuller (PC#122)
05.26 - Dischord (PC#150)
05.26 - Silver (PC#165)
05.28 - Nashayla (PC#47)
05.30 - des (PC#136)

Happy birthday to all patients with May birthdays! If your birthday is in May and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Sci-Fi Mag Editor/Critic Mentions PW in X-Men 2.

John Mosby, a sci-fi critic and editor, saw X2 in London on April 23rd. Below are his comments.

"OOooookay. Just saw X2. (No big spoilers)" by John Mosby Wednesday, 23 April 2003, at 11:06 a.m.


"Happy Happy Joy Joy"

Y'know at times like these I really don't mind being a sad fan-boy geek because for nearly two hours I've been in hog-heaven.

X2 is without doubt the biggest love letter to X-Men fans and sophisticated action junkies that one could really wish for. With the exception of a couple of so-minor gripes, this is an almost pitch-perfect blockbuster with just the right amount of action, a serious undertone, great acting, in-jokes galore and nods to thirty years of comics continuity.

Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler: I had my doubts. But the characterisation is spot on, the BAMFing is terrific.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine: Again, pitch-perfect and much more dangerous and violent this time. Snikt Happens, indeed! Halle Berry and Famke Jamssen are given more to do, as are Patrick Stewart and Anna Paquin. James Marsden has less, but does well with what he has.

Story: Excellent...and particularly satisfying for long term fans. DO read God Loves, Man Kills before watching the film to really appreciate how well they've taken the idea and run with it. Different enough not to spoil surprises, but to see the deeper meanings behind certain events. On short, they've moved some people around, but lept the heart.


Peter Wingfield?

Nah, you don't want to hear about that! Oh. You do? Okay then. Not a major role at all, but far from being a 'blink and you'll miss him' either. Several close-ups, several lines of dialogue, and a not bad generic US accent. Hard to tell, but he may well be the first soldier to enter the School in the well-trailered attack on the X-Mansion. (Peter or 'Lyman' has 'jungle' make-up for early appearances).


More later. X-interviews tomorrow!


* * *

- New UK PW Fans List. (patient announcement)

We interrupt your normal viewing with the announcement of a new mailing list.

{insert stirring music}

The list is called PWFC_The Outer Limits and started out as an idea to create a list for all UK fans of Peter Wingfield, in an effort to make me feel a little less lonely and strange and enable me to share my brand new shiny obsession.

Then the idea mutated. I thought 'hey maybe there are other people out there who feel lonely and strange and who also don't live in the US and therefore have no access to a thriving PW support network'....

...And lo PWFC_The Outer Limits was born!

As I have suddenly been gifted with the title of Regional Coordinator of the PWFC in the UK, the list is affiliated with the PWFC but is open to non members.

I would like to get as wide a cross section of PW fans as possible to join with the aim of eventually arranging get-to-gethers, trips, gambling, duels, destruction of mine enemies and online chat sessions.

If this sounds your kind of thing and you'd like to join please follow the link below and come say hello:


or alternatively send an email to:


I get so lonely with just the voices for company...


This announcement has been brought to you by BlatentSelfPromotion Inc and the kindness of all the list mods and owners of these mailing lists who consented to my advertising.

We now return you to your scheduled viewing and entertainment

{insert fade out music}

* * *

- John Doe Screen Caps.

John Doe screen caps have been added to the MBB's Intelligence Files. The pictures can be found at http://www.pynhavyn.com/mbb/intel.htm under Movies and Series Work: Other Projects.

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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