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Methos Acronym
This contest ran from 9/1/99 to about 11/1/99. It is no longer running.

Oh no! Not again, jam! That's right, kiddies! Welcome to the third installment of the Asylum contest! Please read this whole email before deciding to play.

What do I have to do, Clan Mistress? Send an email with one idea for an acronym using the letters methos -- in that order. When sending the email, use the subject header Acronym Contest. Send the nomination to clan_contest@hotmail.com. In the body of the email state: your email address (whichever you would like to be contacted at if you win); your name (whichever you go by in the Asylum); your padded cell; and your nomination. Like so:



Huh? Acronym? I'm confused, Splendiferous Spudmunch. What's the point? Well, this contest is a little different from the others we've played. After everyone has sent in a nomination, a URL will later be announced where people can vote for their favorite acronym.

Wait, you're confusing me even more, Your Cleanliness. Let me elaborate. You will make a suggestion for an acronym (a word formed by using initial letters) using the letters METHOS (such as Moderate Elephants To Hide Old Socks). After most everyone has had a chance to make a nomination, I will create a form with all of the nominations and nominators on it. I will then post the URL the form is located at to various Methos mailing lists and message boards. Anyone who wants to will vote on which acronym they think best suits Methos. This contest is a little different from the others we've played because the person/s deciding on the winner will not be me, but fellow Methos fans.

But what's the object, Oh Mighty One? So, I bet you're wondering what the prize is this time? Drum role please... A Methos graphic!!! *jam hears booing down the Asylum halls* No, no, wait. Please. I figured people are tired of competing for material objects. *A few loud snorts echo through the halls* And I was having trouble coming up with new things to give out. The graphic is a Methos "Once We Rode Out of the Sun" desktop wallpaper background (640x480). Keep in mind, this is not a physical prize.

I bet you have rules and stuff, huh? Like any of the other contests, this one has some details. All acronym nominations are due by 10/1/99. Your nomination must be clean (E.g.: no bad words) or it will be ignored. You must send your nomination to clan_contest@hotmail.com; any other email address I receive a nomination at will be ignored. You may suggest only one acronym per patient, per email (I will only count the first nomination I read if I receive more than one emails using the same address). You may not suggest the acronym Moderate Elephants To Hide Old Socks for your nomination. The site where the nominations will be listed will stay up until 11/1/99 after of which it will be deleted. The top 1/5 of the entire group with the most votes afterwards will win the graphic. That means the more people play, the more people win. So, if there are 100 suggestions, 20 people will win; if there are 5 suggestions, 1 person will win.

During the nominating and voting time, please direct all questions to jamwired@aol.com. While the votes are being tallied, however, please do not email me concerning who won. It may take up to a month or longer to post the winners of the contest. Winners will be notified personally when all the votes are tallied and will be directed on where to pick up the graphic. Winners will also be announced on the Asylum announcement mail list and at the contests page at the Asylum.

Failure to follow any or all of these directions will frustrate me. Please follow all directions if participating. Special thanks go to Katchoo for the Methos acronym idea and Amand-r for her grammar help.

* * *

The winners were Rebecca with the acronym Most Enticing Thunkalicious Handsome Old Survivor and Canadian Girl with the acronym Man Even Time Has Overlooked Sometimes.

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