1-7 Fainting Spells

DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter is based on characters and story of JK Rowling, Scholastic Books and other damn lucky owners. we make no money in writing our version of the book/movie and is only doing this for our pleasure and for others to read for free. we will cite as much as we can and none of that copyright stuff we do not even understand!

*The Next Day, at Breakfast*
RAINE: we're gonna win!!!!
TALI: duh! *To Gryffindors* You're gonna lose!!! *The rest of the team are showing off the Firebolts to the Gryffindor team*
RAINE: But I have a bad feeling about this game. I have a feeling that somethings are going to go wrong.
RILEY: what could go wrong?? Raine, pass me a piece of toast.
DRACO: *To the Gryffindor team* They're going to be toast!!! *Tali cackles*
RAINE: There's a spell called Accio, Riley.
RILEY: well, I feel more special if it comes from you.
RAINE: Uh! *puts jam on his toast and feeds him. *Riley takes it* Hope you don't choke on it.
RILEY: uhhh *Riley chokes turning purple.*
DRACO: Riley??
TALI: Raine!! that's so devious...
HARRY: Does anyone know the Heimlich??
ALL: what?
RAINE: Oh yeah! Of course. *Heimlichs*
RiLEY: *RIley has regained composure and is ok now* You!
RILEY: *Strangles Raine, has grabbed her too tight and Raine gets to faint.*
RAINE: Heeeeelp... *Faints*
HARRY: oh dear!
RON: She's fanted.
TALI: Stupid git! *Pushes Ron and then hits RIley* Raine, u ok??? *no response* Oh this is not a funyn joke Raine! *Realizes that Raine had fainted for real* Someone call Madame Pomfrey! Hurry! *Tali and Riley try to wake Raine.* Now!
RON: I'll get her.... *Ron trips on someone*
TALI:... someone else please! *Hermione had run to Pomfrey already* Raine wake up!
HERMIONE: *Shows Pomfrey to where Raine had fainted.* There!
POMFREY: why.... *Carrying a small bottle. Pomfrey puts essence of ammonia on cotton and makes Raine smell.*
RAINE: *Raine gains consciousness. She pushes the cotton bud away*
POMFREY: ooh... I am going to get you some chocolate, Raine. Thank you for telling me about her, Hermione. *Hermione looks at Raine and Pomfrey, then leaves for the Gryffindor table.*
RILEY: You okay?
RAINE: No! *Raine kicks Riley in the shin, but she slips herself*
RILEY: *Gets up in pain* I said I am sorry, Raine. *Helps her up again*
RAINE: Hmmph! *Raine glares, kicks him again and then rushes off. She then takes some chocolate from Madame Pomfrey.*
TALI: *To Riley* Aww, guv... seems you got her at her utmost temper. That time of the month again. *Tali follows her out the door*
RON: *Out loud* PMS?!!
DRACO: How do u know about that?
HARRY: *Harry kicks Ron in his leg* You are so gay!

RAINE: *At the girl's bathroom, Raine takes a stall and is crying*
MYRTLE: *Myrtle appears* what is wrong?
RAINE: Oh leave me alone you deadbeat!
MYRTLE: *screams.. toilet*
RILEY: *Riley is at the door of the Girl's Bathroom, refusing to enter* Raine???
RAINE: Go away!
RILEY: Tali, let me talk to her. *Tali nods yes. Pause* Alone.
TALI: *Tali slaps him* I dont think I would like to leave her with you. Besides, I don't want any dead guys inside a girls bathroom. Just talk as if I am not here. Unless you wish to die a painful death.
RILEY: Stay. *Riley enters and then opens Raine's stall* Raine, I am sooo Sorry!
RAINE: Yeah? If you are, then bug off!
RILEY: You started it!
RAINE: I was sarcastic! It's not like I meant it! But u did strangle me!
RILEY: But you got me angry!
RAINE: So, next time, I piss you off, you will kill me?
RILEY: That is not what I meant!!!
RAINE: Here! *Raine shoves the bookmark that belonges to Riley, down his pants pocket* Take it! I knew you never liked me anyway! Tali got a damn wedding ring and all I got is a ruddy bookmark that has gotten me in a lot of trouble!
TALI: *blush* A wedding ring?
RAINE: *Raine pushes him to the toilet. Some water splashes, he has wet pants. Raine leaves the bathroom while Tali laughs at Riley.*
RAINE: *Outside the girl's bathroom, looking back inside.* Stupid Malfoy!!!
DRACO: *Raine leaves* I resent that!!!
RAINE: Shut up Malfoy! *She pushes Draco away also. Ron and Harry move out of her way.*
TALI: Too bad we have Herbology next. You can't wear your robes. You'll have to show *Tali looks at the spot* that in class *Tali leans against the walls with closed eyes. She mimics Professor Sprout's voice* Riley, a Mandrake is supposed to make you FAINT, not make you wet your pants!!
RILEY: Shut up Tali! *Goes out of the girls bathroom*
DRACO: Oh dear god! My cousin is a broad!
RILEY: Shut up!
DRACO: Your girl frightened you that badly??
RON: *to Harry* And I am gay? *Makes gay gesture*
HARRY: *walk away talking* I don't even want to answer that!
RAINE: *Raine had walked back to dining hall. She had gotten some hot cocoa. She sips slowly and looks at the other people who are staring at her. Hermione walks over Raine. Raine is teary*
HERMIONE: Are you okay Raine?
RAINE: *A tear drop falls on the table* Do I look like I am?
HERMIONE: Just asking, since you just fainted.
RAINE: Just just... please leave me alone... I cant think of any more mean things to say!
HERMIONE: Here *Takes a few chocolate bars out of her bag and puts it in front of Raine.*
RAINE: Thanks, I guess.
HERMIONE: That's the first compliment I heard from any of you.. *The other Slytherins had come back.*
RILEY: *To Hermione* Leave her alone mudblood!*Hermione walks away.* what you talking to her for Raine?
RAINE: Rather be talking to a mudblood rather than a murderer! *Raine stands up, pretends to follow Hermione then splashes the cocoa on Riley's butt. It's not that hot anymore.*
RILEY: Uhh!!! *The rest of the Slytherins try to help RIley clean up.*
RAINE: *Raine had grabbed her bag and follow Hermione.* Let's go to class, Granger.
HERMIONE: Two nice things to say in a day. Hmm... Let's go. *The bell rings.*
*The Slytherins, except for Raine, are beside the window, and Hermione, Raine and other students are on the window-less side.
SPROUT: Good Morning.
STUDENTS: Good Morning, Ms. Sprout. *Seamus and Neville laughs at Riley.*
SPROUT: Today, we are going to re-pot Mandrakes. Can anyone tell me the properties of the Mandrake root??? *Everyone looks at Raine for an answer.*Anyone? *Raine raises an eyebrow meanly*
HERMIONE: *Sighs. She looks at Raine. Raine mentally says yes. Hermione hand. Sprout points at her* Mandrakes. or mandragora is used to returned those who have been petrified to their original state. It is also quite dangerous because Mandrakes' cries are fatal to anyone who hears it.
SPROUT: Excellent! Ten Points for Gryffindor. *Gryffindors smile.*
TALI: Uh! *Shivers*
DRACO: Raine! *Raine just smiles then shrugs*
SPROUT: Since these Mandrakes are still little, they can't kill you yet. However, they might render you unconscious and knock you out for hours. So everyone, gather up earmuffs for protection... *She continues to speak while the gang does what is said below.*
RAINE: hmmph! *Raine has pink but takes Riley's brown. Riley is forced to wear to wear the pink one*
TALI: Heh *Tali bats her lashes. She is wearing a green one. Riley begs.* Don't you even think about it!
SPROUT: So you grasp the Mandrake firmly and you pull it! *She pulls out the mandrake. Neville faints. Same as CoS movie.*
DRACO: Cute! *Draco puts his finger on the Mandrake's mouth. It bites.* Ayy! *Draco *shoves Mandrake into pot. Tali refuses to touch hers so Draco does it for her.*
RAINE: *To Riley, inaudible* Hi! *Raine waves Riley's favorite quill. She then feeds it to mandrake. Riley is in shock the whole time. Raine smiles at him. The class ends.*
*They are now walking towards the Dungeons.*
RILEY: what is the big idea Raine? You trying to make me look like a fool?? *Draco raises his finger, like an idea pops on his head.*
RILEY: Dont even think about saying it cuz!
TALI: *Tali murmurs* Obviously!
RON: And Raine's good at it too!
RILEY: Locomotor mortis *Ron is leg locked*
RON: Riley!
RAINE: way to go Riley!!! *Snape saw what RIley had done. Raine walks away.*
SNAPE: Mr Malfoy!!!
DRACO: what did i do this time professor?
SNAPE: Not you!
DRACO: oh.
RILEY: Professor.. he he.... *Snape sees that Riley has semi-wet pants and chocolate stain on his back*
SNAPE: Did you ... what happened to your pants? Ever heard of the bathroom, Riley?
HARRY: *To Tali* The girl's bathroom, yeah! *Tali giggles. Snape looks at her and she stops.*
RILEY: Sir... I ....
SNAPE: Do i have to do everything??? Lacarnum imperviousa! *His uniform is now clean* I will talk to u later, Mr. Malfoy.
DRACO: *talking to tali* me, profes...?
SNAPE: uhh!
***DUNGEON, Potions class***
TALI: what is up with my cousin today? *Looks at Raine* DRACO: You're the one related to her. *Then takes a look at Riley, in disgust.* But then, I am related to him.
RILEY: Shut it Draco!
TALI: Sometimes you guvs just don't understand girls.
RILEY: *Riley murmurs* wedding ring over a stupid bookmark... so stupid! what to get her???
RON: Bloody hell, you tried to kill the girl.
RILEY: i heard that! DRACO: what do you mean "wedding ring"?? *No one pays attention to him. Tali blushes.*
RILEY: She tried to kill me first.
HARRY: Yeah, but she saved your life... A mudblood just saved hers. See how that must've felt like!
RILEY: Raine meant this, Draco *Riley grabs the ring around Tali's neck, now choking Tali.*
TALI: Aye!! *Tali punches Riley's nose accidentally. He yelps. His nose is bleeding*
SNAPE: You sniffed the potion didnt you?
RILEY: Sir I...
SNAPE: Much to my dismay, no game for you, Mr. Malfoy.
RON: Draco?
SNAPE: Shut up ! No more interruptions. Today, I will be setting you up with your partners for a project. *Students groan*
TALI: You're mine. *Tali glomps Draco to this remark. Draco almost falls back. Ron and Harry sneeze *
SNAPE: Since you two volunteered, you two can be partners.
SNAPEe: *Snap jerk* Black, Malfoy... DRACO Malfoy! Granger, Raven.
RILEY: Uhh! STUDENTS: *Everyone gasps. Scattered Remarks.* Poor Hermione! Oy, blood bath!
RAINE: *Sighs* Aye!
HERMIONE: Oh dear. *Starts to pray*
RAINE: You ought to be in a nunnery rather than Hogwarts, Hermione.
SNAPE: Malfoy, the OTHER one, Longbottom. *Neville falls out of his chair*
HERMIONE: I'd rather if you kill me than me in a minstry.
RAINE: My pleasure *Raine takes out wand*
SNAPE: *Snape sees this.* Ms. Raven! RAINE: Sorry. *Raine hides it.* SNAPE: The potion you will all be researching is the Veritaserum potion.
HERMIONE and RAINE: Truth potion.
TALI: jhuuuuuuh!
HERMIONE and RAINE: *To each other* Stop that!
RAINE: mudblood.
HERMIONE: Blonde Lover.
SNAPE: You can go to the library the rest of our time and research. Dismissed!
RAINE: See you later, Granger.
HERMIONE: we have to get this done! Or else we fail!
RAINE: Uhh.. if you put it that way. Go ahead. Give me a few minutes while I ward them off then. *Hermione leaves*
TALI: How bad was that?
RILEY: I feel so bad for you! *Riley tries to take Raine's hand*
RAINE: Yeah thanks *crunch*
RILEY: aye! *Riley takes his hand back, massages it.*
HARRY: How the heck are you going to pass potions then, Raine?
RAINE: *sigh, shivers* Just have to get it over with.
Tali: *Twitch* The last time she tried to crunch my hand I couldn't move it for two weeks... Good excuse not to do homework though.
RAINE: Later! *Raine leaves.*
RON: so, let's go to the library
HARRY: anybody know where it is???
ALL: No!
DRACO: *To Ron* I didn't know you could read...
RON: I can.. *about to go to the girl's batroom*
TALI: I'm sure... *They lock him in. Lavender screams inside*
RILEY: Let's just follow Raine. *They hear a thud on the door. Slap slap. Ron comes out all scratched.*
RON: These Slytherins will be the end of me!
*The gang follows Raine to the library but refuses to get near her, because of Hermione**
*Raine and Hermione take the same book at the same time*
RAINE: I guess you read a lot also.
HERMIONE: Mostly those I can't find in Muggle stores.
RAINE: *Laughs* I read mostly what I can't find in wizarding book shops. *They smile and giggle*
HERMIONE: why do you hate muggles so much?
RAINE: Runs in the family.
HERMIONE: No, really? why?
RAINE: just because....*Tali to the rescue*
TALI: This mudblood bothering you cuz?
HERMIONE: Guess you are right, Raine.
TALI: About what?
HERMIONE: It does run in the family.
TALI: why you!!! *Tali was about to jump Hermione but Raine stops her.*
RAINE: Stop! She meant hating mudbloods... It runs in our family.
TALI: *Tali straighten ups her clothes.* I'll be keeping my eye on you mudblood! *Leaves*
RAINE: Sorry about her.
HERMIONE: I'll live. It's not like I havent had death threats from anyone before.
RAINE: Same here *They found the potion.* Here it is! HERMIONE: Let's copy it down *They jot down the potion ingredients.*
RAINE: *They finish* At least we're done!
HERMIONE: Yeah. At least you dont have to deal with me anymore.
RAINE: Nah, it wasnt that bad. At least for an hour or so, i didnt have to think of an evil plan... To HERMIONE: okay then...
RAINE: hold on... You know any invisiblity spells??
HERMIONE: Look at The book! *Raine looks* oh no, you are not!! Are you??? *Laughing*
RAINE: Shh! BOOKUS INIVISIBILLUS! *The book disappears.*
HERMIONE: That is wicked!
RAINE: At least we got it done.
HERMIONE: Hour and a half got to you, huh?
RAINE: An hour and a half of no evil uprising... oh yeah! wanna go eat something? I am starved.
HERMIONE: Ok... as long as you don't plan to poison me.
RAINE: You have my word... just tell me about computers....*They leave*
*A couple minutes the others are looking for the book.*
TALI: I see them taking a book. Now where could it be?
DRACO: I just saw them talking about it a minute ago.
HARRY: And they were copying something down... It had to be the book. *They are still looking.*
***MEANwHILE, Back in the Great Hall***
HERMIONE: and that is what it is.
RAINE: Interesting. I might want to see one for myself.
HERMIONE: I can show you one but I am afraid you'd turn my relatives into aquatic animals.
RAINE: That is a good idea but, nevermind. Dont want to be going into the muggle world anyway.
HERMIONE: Ever even been to the Muggle world?
RAINE: A couple of times... when my father kil.... kicked a muggle.. It was a long time ago.
HERMIONE: well, if you do visit, Please tell me so I could bewitch my house so you wont find it.
McGONAGALL: *appears* That is more like it, you two. Two brains ARE better than one. *Girls stare at each other angrily again* I have to talk to Ms. Raven about the incident this morning.
HERMIONE: See you later, Raven.
RAINE: Later. *Looks scared* I am okay now, Professor.
McGONAGALL: I am sorry to say, Ms. Raven. But due to your fainting this morning, Madame Hooch will not allow you to play today.
RAINE: what? But... They are letting me start today!
McGONAGALL: I am sorry to be the bearer or bad news but... *Raine had fainted again* ***BACK IN THE LIBRARY***
RON: where is that ruddy boook!!!
TALI: we had been looking for a long time now!
DRACO: I give up!
NEVILLE: But it has to be here dont you... *Neville is tripped by something. He is knocked unconscious. They don't notice him.*
RILEY: Let's get out of here... It's due next week anyway!
DRACO: Yeah! and we have to get ready for Quidditch.
TALI: Neville?
HARRY: Yeah! we are starting today.
TALI: If I know Raine, she did something... Finite incantatem! *The book appears at Neville's knee.* Figures! That...
DRACO: That is your cousin.
TALI: *Tali points to Riley* and he's your's. *Riley is fighting with the unconscious Neville, since Neville had leaned on the book.* Do I have a point? *Riley had gotten the book.*
DRACO: Let's just take it out. we have to get ready! RON: I'll take it out. I have nothing to do anyway. Go get ready.
*The rest of the Slytherins leave. On the way back to Slytherin rooms, they see Mrs Pomfrey helping Raine to the infirmary.*
RILEY: Raine! *Riley helps her too* Honey!
RAINE: Bite me! *The go in*
TALI: Raine? *Tali in the background, makes sound with her chatterin teeth.*
POMFREY: Only a few minutes, all of you. She needs to rest and you all have to go to your games.
DRACO: Ok. *Pomfrey Leaves*
TALI: we can wait for her!
RAINE: They wont let me play, Tali.
DRACO: they wont?
HARRY: how come?
TALI: What?? I can't handle two bludgers!!!
HARRY: how come, Raine?
RAINE: Oh, Carlisle can help you, Tali.
RILEY: I can't play either.
DRACO: God you two! Just wait until uncle hears about this.
RILEY: Just wait until Uncle hears about your soon-to-come marriage/
TALI: Shush! *Tali punches Riley.*
RILEY: If I faint... nevermind, I am not playing anyway. Snape won't let me after the...'bathroom' incident.
HARRY: There goes the team! Hope we still got enough people for the roster.
RILEY and RAINE: Sorry.
TALI: wait till bucktooth *She was referring to Flint* hears about this!
RILEY: Don't want him to faint either!
RAINE: he's gonna $^&*!
DRACO: A chaser and a beater missing!
***Bell rings***
DRACO: we have to go... Get better Raine!
HARRY: Get better.
TALI: Get better cuz. *Tali and Draco gives her a kiss on the forehead. They leave, except for Riley.*
RILEY: Mind if I stay here?
RAINE: Yeah!
RILEY: Ok then. *Riley takes a bed beside her*
RAINE: I hate you! You strangled me! *Raine starts to cry*
RILEY: I... am sorry. *Raine still crying*
RAINE: You have to try and kill me too!
RAINE: You wouldnt understand!
RILEY: well, I do Raine! Many times. Maybe the same as you!
RAINE: I guess it's a Dark Eater curse huh.
RILEY: To hurt their kids if they are useless.
RAINE: yeah. *Raine asks for a hug. Riley refuses to come over* Dont make me walk to you!
RILEY: *Smiles, Then walks to her* Uhh, Raine. I am soo sorry. *He gets teary also* You forgive me?
RILEY: I promise to protect you all my life, from now on.
RAINE: Really?
RILEY: Hell yeah.
RAINE: Okay. Fine.
RILEY: So, you up to at least see the SLytherins beat up the Gryffindors?
RAINE: I wouldnt miss it for the world! Riley, now help me get there.
RON: *Ron is on speakers. He had already mentioned the Gryffindor Team* The Keeper for the Slytherin team, Draco Malfoy! *Scatters boos and yays.*
RON: Beaters, Tali Black and Carlisle Oak. Chasers: Marcus Flint, *blah blah* And finally, Seeker: Harry Potter!
HAGRID: Half the team are first years!
GRYFFINDORS: First years! Ha!! *scattered laughs* *Gryffs-meaning the team- stay away, slow brooms* *They start playing*
RON: Ten Points for SLytherin! *Minutes later* Another Ten points for Slytherin...*Repeats at least twenty times*
RON: Oh bloody hell! Just give us the Cup!!!
McGONAGALL: weasley! *tries to take the microphone.*
TALI: Hi-ya! *Tali hits the bludger to Wood. He tumbles to the ground. Harry's broom starts to go beserk*
HAGRID: Blimey! what's going on with Harry's broomstick?!
RAINE: *Raine looks through binoculars*
RILEY: what?
RAINE: It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom! But i thought he liked Harry!
RILEY: what do we do?
*In the field*
TALI: Harry! what the hell are you doing?? HARRY: *Sarcastically* Trying to get killed!! what do you think?? *Tali saved him from a bludger*
RAINE: Go over to Snape and use "Lacarnum Inflamarae" Hurry!
RILEY: Ok *Riley goes over to Snape. He goes behind the bleachers. Harry is hanging by one hand. Riley takes out his wand.* Lacarnum Inflamarae! Snape's cloak catches fire. Spell breaks. Harry is back on the broom. Draco sees the snitch.*
DRACO: Harry! There! *Draco blocks the Quaffle then points to Snitch. Harry sees it while the other team's Seeker is on the ground, unconscious.*
RON: Harry catches the Snitch!
RON: 10 versus 350 points! SLytherin wins!
HERMIONE: uhh! Of course! *Upset, stomps off*
RAINE: that was awesome!
RON: Guess they didnt need you two after all *Ron gets kicked by Raine and Riley.* Ow!
TALI: well of course it was... I was playing! *Raine rolls her eyes.*
RAINE: If it wasn't for Riley, Harry'd be in pieces right now!
DRACO: what had happened anyway?
RAINE: Snape was jinxing his broom.
RON: Jinxing his broom?
RAINE: Harry, you looked like you are trying to give everyone a rodeo presentaion.
ALL: A what?
RAINE: Don't you guys know anything?
DRACO: Not about Muggle things. You did say Professor Snape? Snape.. not Snake Right?
TALI: Snape, Draco!!! *She hits him.* Snake! Really!
DRACO: Oh dear, don't you start too!
RAINE: Here... *feeds Riley mash potatoes*
RILEY: At least I cant choke on this!
TALI: Don't be so sure.
RON: *chokes on his bread* I am ok!
TALI: Damn!
HARRY: *Bleep*
HERMIONE: *Goes over to the Slytherin table.* Here you go Raine** Hands Raine a book on computers*
RILEY: what you doing here, Mudblood?"
RAINE: Leave her alone! *Takes the book* Thanx!
DRACO: You a mudblood lover now Raine?
RAINE: Shove off!
DRACO: what next? You going to be snogging that filthy Finch-Fletchey.
RON: A Finch and a Raven.
HARRY: Yeah, how romantic.
RAINE: You cruising for a bruising, Ron.
TALI: Betray our family and our ancestors, why don't you!
RAINE: Oh don't you start with me Tali!
TALI: or?
RAINE: You know quite well I ....
TALI: well now, Daddy Raven will NOT be pleased
RAINE: well, I hate our family... and I hate our ancestors!! ANd I hate you too! *Raine leaves* And Daddy Raven can kiss my a$$!
TALI: *Tali clanks utensils on table then Tali jumps Raine.* How could you say that!
RAINE: Bug off! *Raine had pushed Tali away from her.*
TALI: watch it Raven. You know you're not the only one. But you don't see me crying my fanny all over the place. RAINE: I'll kick your fanny all over the place if you don't stop talking, Tali.
DRACO: oh god, cat fight!
TALI: Ooo!! *Tali pulls her hair*
RAINE: *Gets Tali off and runs* Uh!
RILEY: Raine!
SEAMUS: These damn Slytherins are pretty violent...
HERMIONE: I'll say!
***Raine is near the Nursery. Riley is right beside her.***
RAINE: I cant believe you just stood there when they said some things! You promised to protect me!
RILEY: I am not as strong as you, Raine.
RILEY: Damn! I live under the shadow of my cousin and my family.
RAINE: I cant take it anymore! I am soo running away this summer. I don't even want to come home!
RILEY: who does??? You can go to my house.
RAINE: It's just as bad!
RILEY: True... where are you going to go then?
RAINE: ehh... Muggle world?
RILEY: You are nuts!
RAINE: I know enough about the muggle world. I think I will survive... three months.
RILEY: Did Hermione got you to think like this?
RAINE: She has nothing to do with this. Dont go blaming her!
RILEY: I doubt that, but I'll come with you.
RAINE: Seriously???? You wouldnt survive a day!!!
RILEY: Not if I am with you!
RAINE: you're crazy!
RILEY: No... i'm in love.
RAINE: Oh god. Fine. *They make out. A fire from a lantern nearby starts to spark. Riley sees this, then stops.*
RILEY: when they meant sparks... I didnt think they mean that way!
RAINE: Oh blimey, Shut up and kiss me. *Blue flowers start to sprout around them. She sees this so she stops* Oh no way!!!
RILEY: what??? *He sees the blue flowers also.*
RAINE: I made a spell on myself when I was younger that when I see the man of my dreams, I will get blue roses.
RILEY: Does that mean we are meant to be?
RAINE: I guess.
TALI: Stupid girl! *Tali is stabbing potatoes*
RON: Boy, if I said I hate my family, I'd be hanging by my doornail!
DRACO: *To Tali* You alright...?
TALI: Never thought she would say she hate me... not in a serious way. I have to find her. *Tali stands up and walks to door Draco and Harry get up, Ron hits his knee on the table*
TALI: Raine??? Raine..... *Sees the flowers* what the!! *Rons walsk right through the thorny patches.*
RON: ow! *Ron is prickled*
HARRY: You always have to be this stupid Ron?
DRACO: watch what you are doing, weasley, before you get us all killed too! *The lantern bursts!*
TALI: Aah! *Tali shrieks.. grabs on to Draco. Draco shields her with his cloak*
RAINE: what the! *The roses are around her and Riley* Tali??
TALI: Raine???
HARRY: SEPARATUS! *The roses separate*
DRACO: Let's get out of here, before that lantern burns us to a crisp!
HARRY: Can we leave ron here then???
RON: Shut up Harry! *They make a run for it. The lantern just dies.*
TALI: what have you two been doing.. in the bushes?
RON: I only have on guess...
RAINE: If you know what is good for you, you will shut up, weasley!
RILEY: *To Ron* You don't get a say in this.
DRACO: we all know what you two were planning.
TALI: Yeah, you couldve always get a room!
RAINE: Do you always have to be such an idiot, Tali?
TALI: i'm not the one that went snogging my worries away.
RAINE: *Glares at Tali* what do you know about my worries! You daddy's girl!!!
TALI: whatever...
RAINE: Your dad never tried to feed you to an overgrown snake! Thank god I knew talked to the damn thing!
RILEY: Good thing. I wouldnt have my true love with me today then.
TALI: No, but Father tried to feed me to a Manticore! I do know how you feel, Raine!
RILEY: *To Harry and Draco* I dont even wanna remember the time when...
DRACO: Our dads almost tried to sell us to this ugly hag.
RILEY: For a couple of galleons.
DRACO: well... me to a banshee, Riley to a hag.
HARRY: And i thought I got it all screwed up.
RAINE: we've got screwed up lives... all of us!
RON: yea, i was forced to knit when I didn't do dishes!
HARRY: Oh please! *Harry shoves gum into Ron's mouth. It sealed shut.*
TALI: yeah... But doing 'IT' is not going to make it go away.
DRACO: Nor growing roses neither.
TALI: Uhh! *Goes to the window. Ron leaves the room. *
HARRY: Nor sending the Lantern into sparks. *Raine walks towards Tali.*
RAINE: Tali... I am.... I am sorry I went nuts on you before... I didnt mean I hate you just frustrated and ... you know.
TALI: You get your temper from your father. I didn't expect you to mean it anyway.
RAINE: *sitting beside her on the window* Remember ... when we were little???
TALI: You mean the toilet paper incident?
RAINE: Not that you git!
RAINE: I am being serious here!
TALI: Okay, okay. Serious.
RAINE: we were playing out in the yard after father had yelled at me for being loud.
TALI: we were playing chess then then....
RAINE: And then at the garden, with a piece of branch, we pretended that we were witches already and I wished that a knight in shining armor, like in that book we read, was going to sweep me off my feet and get me out of that house?
TALI: Yeah.
RAINE And the sign is blue roses.
TALI: *Tali is in shock* Your wish came true!!!
RAINE: Yeah!
TALI: But how?? what *stressed* did you do it?
RAINE: I dont know. I was just annoyed and frustrated, then, I kissed Riley. And that's when the lantern sparked and the roses grew.
RILEY: *Riley had been listening in and talking to Draco about it.* And then... I just felt warm, Draco. DRACO: ummm hmm.
RILEY: *Riley smack him on the head* Not that way you idiot!!!
DRACO: what the bloody hell did you think i was thinking?? *Rubbing head*
TALI: wait, one second.... both of you... at the same time??? while you two were kissing?
RILEY and RAINE: Yeah.
TALI: No way! I dont think so... I mean... this ...NO! Familiar...I've read about it
RAINE: You read??? Riley hold me!!! I think I am about to faint! AGAIN!
TALI: There's a LOT of things you don't know about me!
RAINE: *sits down, sees the ring* Tali!!!
TALI: uhh. what?
RAINE: the ring!
TALI: what about it?
RAINE: The vines! Remember?? You were sarcastic!
Tali: what are you-- *GASP* Oh my!!!
RAINE: 'Fine.. you wish on blue roses.. I am wishing on vines on a silver trellis! If yours comes true, then mine will too.' Something like that... TALI: *looks at the ring* Silver ring...
TALI and RAINE: Green vines!
DRACO: Does this make sense to anybody else besides them???
HARRY: Not to me...
RAINE: I can't believe we were witches back then...
TALI: And we didnt even know it!
RAINE: we are ...
RAINE and TALI: Psychics!
RAINE: Dont tell dad.
TALI: Same here.
DRACO: what is going on???
RILEY: Explain!
RAINE: Tali and I made wishes when we were younger. The sign for her dream man would be green vines on a silver trellis. Her ring is silver with green vine design on it!
DRACO: So you mean...
RAINE: Hold on!!!! And the sign for my dream man is blue roses...
HARRY: So you are saying that you belong together...
DRACO: I love the sound of that!
HARRY: But, when did you cast this wish-thing?
TALI: when we were five.
DRACO: Five??? Not one witch or wizard show any magic until they are prepubescnet.
HARRY: He's right.
RAINE: well, then. Don't break our bubble.
TALI: Unless you dont believe that we are your true lovers.
MALFOYS: we do!
RAINE: This is all too much for today...
TALI: we ought to get to bed. I have to think about where I heard something like this before.
DRACO: Dont stress yourself too much, Darling.
RILEY: Yeah, we don't want you hurting that pretty brain of yours. *Tali and Raine*
TALI: *To Raine* That's your lover there...
RAINE: *swoons* I know!!!


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