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Bishop for Champions

Real name: Lucas Bishop
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Adventurer, former police officer in an alternate future.
Current group affiliation: X-Men
Past group affiliations: Xavier's Security Enforcers (squad leader)
Major enemies: Apocalypse, Magneto, the Sentinels.
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #282
Description: Lucas is a muscular 6'6'' tall 275 pound black man with brown eyes and hair. He usually wears his hair long and has a beard. He has a black M tattooed over his right eye. When he uses his mutant powers his eyes sometimes glow red.


18     STR      8
14     DEX     12
13     CON      6
13     BODY     6
13     INT      3
13     EGO      6 
18     PRE      8
12     COM      1
 7     PD       3
 5     ED       2
 4     SPD     16
 8     REC      2
26     END      0
29     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 73

Powers, Skills and Equipment

18     EC (18),"Energy battery."     
42a)   12D6 Absorption,"To END Reserve"     
 9b)   0/24 Armor,Only up to amount rolled for absorption.(-1/2),     
        Linked(-1/2),"to Absorption"     
28c)   12D6 EB,x2 Increased End Cost(-1/2)                        12
12     120/0 End Reserve     
 5     8 Mental Defense     
 6     +20 STR,doesn't add to figured,x5 Increased End Cost(-2)   10
 3     Basic Strike 
 3     Demolitions 11-     
 3     Interrogation 13- 
 1     Language: Sh'iar    
 4     Martial Disarm     
 4     Martial Dodge     
 3     Navigation 11-     
 3     Paramedic 12-     
 3     Security Systems 12-     
 3     Streetwise 13-     
 3     Survival 11-     
 3     Systems Operation 12-     
 3     Tactics 12-     
 3     Tracking 12-     
 3     TF,Other Air Vehicles,Space Vehicles     
 2     WF,Small Arms     
 8     4/4 Armor,OIF(-1/2)     
 2     Radio XMIT/REC,OAF(-1)     
Powers Cost: 177


Base Points: 100
20     Accidental Chg,"Energy Blast goes off randomly if END
        reserve fills.",common,occur 14-
10     Distinctive,"Mutant",easily concealable,major
10     Distinctive,"Big black man with tattoo on face.",
20     Hunted,"By mutant haters and enemies of the X-Men.",as
        powerful,non-combat influence,harsh,appear 11-
20     Normal Stats
15     Psych Lim,"Protects innocents.",common,strong
15     Psych Lim,"Humorless.",very common,moderate
15     Psych Lim,"In love with Storm or whoever this week.",common,
10     Rep,"Bad-ass mutant.",occur 11-
 5     Rivalry,"With other touch guys.",professional
10     Unluck,2D6
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: Bishop's Endurance Reserve powers his Energy Blast. The special effect of the blast changes with whatever type of energy he last stored, he has no control over it. Since there have been several accounts of Bishop displaying superhuman strength, I decided to give him a power that allows him to channel his Endurance Reserve into enhanced Strength as well.

History: The mutant soldier named Lucas Bishop grew to adulthood in a dark and desolate world roughly 70 years into Earth's future. Following the abolition of mutant slavery, the heirs to the legacy of the X-Men established the peacekeeping organization known as Xavier's Security Enforcers. Adherents to Professor Charles Xavier's dream for peaceful coexistence between Homo sapiens and Homo superior, the agency's founders believed mutants could police themselves. In pursuit of time-manipulating mutant criminal Trevor Fitzroy, Bishop and his XSE lieutenants traveled back to our present.

Stranded in the past, they tracked their mark into the midst of a fray between the X-Men and the Sentinels, government-created, mutant-hunting androids. Confronted with the legends of his youth, Bishop's first reaction was disbelief. He and his compatriots battled the X-Men ferociously, seeking to expose what they thought to be an uncanny deception. Bishop's troops were slain, and he was badly injured, during the deadly clash that ensued. Only through the X-Men's intervention did Bishop survive.

Finally coming to terms with his time-tossed condition, Bishop was honored when Professor Xavier invited him to join the team whose members he had idolized since childhood. Bishop found new purpose with the X-Men, standing with the outlaw adventurers in defense of a world inching toward the brink of genetic war. Initially uneasy with Bishop's presence, the X-Men soon came to realize he was a devoted disciple of Xavier's philosophy.

Although a zealous follower of the example set forth by Xavier, Bishop felt duty-bound to apprehend Fitzroy and the mutant criminals the convict had unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. Even the X-Men's interference proved insufficient to prevent him from executing the escapees. The only mutant to continuously elude Bishop was Fitzroy, whose temporal abilities enabled him to remain one step ahead of his dogged pursuer.

Plagued by reoccurring nightmares of Fitzroy, Bishop resigned from the X-Men to dedicate himself once more to the pursuit of his arch-nemesis. Drawn by the villain into a possible apocalyptic future, Bishop learned Fitzroy had transformed the war-ravaged world to suit his own twisted ends, and that he planned to ascend to godhood by becoming one with the temporal energies that control all time. Bishop gathered a small mutant task force focused on a single goal: quashing Fitzroy's mad scheme.

Bishop defeated Fitzroy before the criminal could complete his mad quest. However, the price of victory was great: Bishop's sister, Shard, sacrificed her life so that her brother finally could put an end to his hated foe. Moments after the sky-shearing battle had been won, Bishop, filled to bursting with chronal energy, was ripped from that reality. Spiraling through the time stream, he emerged in the present day and reunited with the X-Men. A short time later, Bishop and a small band of mutants led by the weather-manipulating Storm left the safety of their Westchester mansion in search of the diaries of the blind mutant seer known as Destiny.

Powers: Lucas has a number of mutant powers. He can absorb and rechannel energy. In addition, he can channel stored energy into enhanced strength. As a member of the XSE, Bishop received military training and is versed in the Shi'ar language.

Lucas wears an armored costume and radio goggles. He often carries a variety of conventional and high tech weapons, and has a fondness for energy pistols and rifles.

Links to other Bishop II pages:

  • Character created by Marvel Comics.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - July, 2002

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Authored on Amiga.