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Bravado for Champions

Real name: Balder Blake
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Hero and adventurer.
Current group affiliation: Avengers.
Past group affiliations: None.
Major enemies: Malefactor, Sentinels.
First appearance: What If II #114
Origin: What If II #114.
Description: Balder is a strong jawed, good looking 18 year old man with blonde hair standing over 6 feet tall.


55     STR     45
18     DEX     24
20     CON     20
13     BODY     6
10     INT      0
18     EGO     16
18     PRE      8
18     COM      4
12     PD       1
 8     ED       4
 4     SPD     12
15     REC      0
40     END      0
51     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 140

Powers, Skills and Equipment

15     5/5 Armor     
 6     Life Support,immune to disease,immune to aging     
 5     9 Mental Defense     
 5     5 Power Defense     
 6     1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per hour     
42     VPP (30),Concentrate(-1/4)     
 4     KS: Norse magic. 12-,(INT based)     
 3     KS: Norse myths. 11-,(INT based)     
 1     Lang: Old Norse     
 8     1 Levels,all combat     
 3     Martial Grab     
 4     Martial Escape     
 5     Off Strike     
 3     Persuasion 13-     
Powers Cost: 110


Base Points: 100
 5     Distinctive,"Adept",easily concealable,minor
 5     Distinctive,"Norse god perfection.",easily concealable,minor
10     Enraged,"If trapped.",uncommon,occur 14-,recover 11-
10     Hunted,"By various enemies.",as powerful,harsh,appear 8-
10     Psych Lim,"Strong headed.",common,moderate
10     Psych Lim,"Protective of innocents.",common,moderate
15     Psych Lim,"Wants to prove himself worthy.",common,strong
20     Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,total
10     Public ID,"Balder Blake"
 5     Rep,"Son of the thunder god.",occur 8-
10     Rivalry,"with Crusader III.",professional,in superior
10     Unluck,2D6
10     Vuln,"to dark magic.",uncommon,x2 effect
Disadvantages Total: 130

Experience Spent: 20
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion:

What If II #114 History: After the Beyonder died the heroes and villains he had brought to Battleworld were stranded there. A few years later Thor and the Enchantress had a son, and named him Balder Blake. The Enchantress eventually left Thor for Doctor Doom, fathering him a son named Vincent. Balder and Vincent grew up as rivals. Their mother taught them both Asgardian magic, but Balder wasn't as proficient in it as Vincent was. Since Balder was a full god and not half, he was physically more powerful, which Vincent resented. Balder's greatest wish was to one day lift the hammer of his father, but despite all his attempts he always failed, even on his 18th birthday. Luckily his friends, also children of heroes, consoled him.

When he learned Vincent was going to try to take over the world as the villain Malefactor, Balder joined up with his friends in forming a new Avengers group to defeat him. Lead by Crusader III, Balder joined Firefly, Torrent and Mustang.

During the battle over control of the planet the old heroes were confronted with armies of Doombots at Malefactor's control, while the new heroes took on Malefactor and his minions. Doctor Doom then returned, having faked his death and took Malefactor for punishment. Fighting ceased when the Hulk returned and put an end to it.

Powers: Bravado is an full blooded Asgardian god with all the benefits of that heritage. He is strong enough to lift 50 tons, is resistant to harm and disease, does not age and heals quickly. He knows a great deal of Asgardian magic from his mother.

Links to other Bravado pages:

  • Character created by Marvel Comics.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - September, 2001

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Authored on Amiga.