Real name: Jack Power Other known aliases: Destroyer II, Counterweight Occupation: Student and adventurer. Current group affiliation: Power Pack Past group affiliations: None Major enemies: Snarks First appearance: Power Pack #1 Origin: Power Pack #1 Description: Jack is pre-teen man with brown hair.
6 STR -4
14 DEX 12
20 CON 20
8 BODY -4
10 INT 0
14 EGO 8
10 PRE 0
12 COM 1
8 PD 7
8 ED 4
4 SPD 16
8 REC 6
40 END 0
21 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 66
Powers and Skills
10 4/4 Armor,Only In Hero ID(-1/4)
14 EC (18),"Cloud powers.",Only In Hero ID(-1/4)
15a) 2" Darkness,Sight Group,No Range(-1/2),0 END(+1/2) 0
15b) 15" Flight,1/2 END(+1/4) 1
12 5D6 HA,"Jack hammer maneuver.",Only In Hero ID(-1/4) 1
4 Instant Change,Incantation(-1/4)
15 Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in
radiation,safe in heat/cold,Only In Hero ID(-1/4)
60 MP (60)
1u 3D6 Aid,use optional healing rules,Concentrate(-1),0 DCV,
constant concentration,Extra Time(-1/2) 1
3u Desolid,cannot pass thru solids,Vulnerability: Wind
attacks.,Can't carry anything besides costume.(-1/4),0 END
(+1/2) 0
4u 9/9 Force Wall,Concentrate(-1/2),constant concentration,1/2
END(+1/4) 2
5u 4 LVLS Shrinking(0.125m,25g,+8 DCV,+12 KB),Weight does not
change.(-1/4),0 END(+1/2) 0
4 8" Running 2
3 1" Stretching,No non-combat stretching.(-1/2) 0
2 +2" Swimming,"Swim fins on underwater costume.",Only In Hero
ID(-1/4) 0
3 Acrobatics 12-
3 Breakfall 12-
8 4 Levels: with Jack Hammer.
3 Stealth 12-
Powers Cost: 184
Base Points: 100
5 Distinctive,"Colorful costume.",easily concealable,minor
20 Hunted,"Various enemies.",more powerful,non-combat
influence,harsh,appear 8-
20 Normal Stats
15 Physical Lim,"Minor",frequently,greatly
15 Psych Lim,"Overly aggressive.",common,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Annoying kid.",common,strong
20 Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,total
5 Rivalry,"Siblings",professional
15 Secret ID,"Jack Power"
10 Unluck,2D6
10 Watched,"by parents.",more powerful,non-combat influence,
mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 150
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250
Explanation of the conversions: The Elemental Control only works which in Hero ID, which is defined as having his Desolidification activated. The jack hammer attack only works when he activates his Shrinking. The Incantation to activate his Instant Change is saying "Costume On" or "Costume Off".
History: Jack was granted his power by a dying Kymelian, along with his brother and two sisters. First gaining the power over his density he took the codename Mass Master. They called themselves Power Pack. Power Pack had many adventures, teaming up with Cloak and Dagger, Spider-Man, the New Mutants, and Franklin Richards, plus many others. He has had his powers switched with his siblings several times in the past. With a change in power he also has changed his code name to Destroyer II and Counterweight. Eventually he had his original power returned to him.
Note: Jack is in no way connected with the first Destroyer, who was an Asgardian construct. He is connected with Mass Master II and Destroyer III who were both his older brother Alex.
Powers: Jack can increase and decrease the distance between his to create a number of powers. Initially could only assume the form of a cloud which can fly and obscure vision and shrink down to a few inches tall while maintaining his full weight and strength. He later learned to use his power to grow to twice his normal height (while still weighing the same). Most recently he has learned to create density fields out of thin air, which act as protective walls.
Jack was given a suit by the Kymelians that he can summon from another dimension. It acts as insulation and minor body armor, and can optionally come equipped for under-sea and outerspace survival when needed.
Links to other Mass Master pages:
Character created by Marvel Comics.
Page setup by Mathew R. Ignash -
Last Updated - December, 2002