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Mystique for Champions

Real name: Raven Darkholm
Other known aliases: Malory Brickman, she has impersonated Nick Fury and Forge.
Current group affiliation: Brotherhood of Mutants (leader)
Past group affiliations: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants II (leader), Freedom Force (leader), X-Factor II.
Major enemies: X-Men
First appearance: Ms. Marvel #16
Description: Mystique is 5'10'' and weighs 120 lbs. She has yellow eyes, orange hair and grey-black skin. When using her powers her height and appearance can vary greatly.


10    STR     0
18    DEX    24
13    CON     6
 8    BODY   -4
18    INT     8
18    EGO    16
20    PRE    10
20    COM     5
 5    PD      3
 6    ED      3
 4    SPD    12
 8    REC     6
26    END     0
20    STUN    0
Characteristics Cost: 89

Powers, Skills and Equipment

 3    3/3 Damage Resistance    
 8    EC (10),"Shape shifting",Concentrate(-1/4)    
 6a)  10" Flight,Restrainable(-1/2)                            2
10b)  1D6 HKA,vs physical defense,0 END(+1/2)                  0
24c)  Shape Shift,limited group of shapes,0 END Persistent(+1) 0
 2    Life Support,immune to aging,Only ages slowly.(-1/2)    
 3    Life Support,immune to disease    
 5    9 Mental Defense    
 3    Acrobatics 13-    
 7    Acting 15-    
 3    Bugging 13-    
 3    Bureaucratics 13-    
 3    Computer Programming 13-    
 1    Contortionist 8-    
17    Disguise 18-    
 3    High Society 13-    
 3    Interrogation 13-    
 4    Lang: German,native accent    
 4    Martial Disarm    
13    Mimicry 16-    
 5    Off Strike    
 3    Oratory 13-    
 3    Persuasion 13-    
 3    Security Systems 13-    
 3    Seduction 13-    
 3    Shadowing 11-    
 3    Stealth 13-    
 3    Streetwise 13-    
 3    Systems Operation 13-    
 3    Tactics 13-    
 2    TF,Air Vehicles    
 2    WF,Small Arms    
Powers Cost: 161


Base Points: 100
10     Distinctive,"Blue skin and yellow eyes.",easily concealable,
10     Distinctive,"Detects as a mutant.",easily concealable,major
20     Hunted,"By mutant hunters and various enemies.",as powerful,
        non-combat influence,harsh,appear 11-
20     Normal Stats
10     Psych Lim,"Loves Rogue.",uncommon,strong
10     Psych Lim,"Vamp",common,moderate
10     Psych Lim,"Cold and unemotional.",common,moderate
10     Rep,"Mutant terrorist.",occur 8-,extreme reputation
 5     Rivalry,"with Toad",professional
15     Secret ID
10     Unluck,2D6
 5     Watched,"by Forge.",as powerful,non-combat influence,mild,
        appear 8-
Disadvantages Total: 135

Experience Spent: 15
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion:

History: Little has been revealed about Mystique's past. Indeed, since she can eliminate the outward signs of aging with her shape-changing power, it is not known exactly how old she is. She apparently learned to use her shape-changing power at a very early age, for there is no evidence known to the public or the United States government that Raven Darkholme ever looked like anything but a normal human being. Years ago Mystique had an affair with the mutant Sabretooth and they had a son, Graydon Creed, the recently assassinated presidential candidate. Mystique has also claimed to be the mother of Nightcrawler, a member of the X-Men, as the result of a liaison with another, unnamed man. Mystique is known to be a longtime friend of the mutant Destiny who is now deceased. At some point in recent years Mystique became the protectress of the young mutant named Rogue, and looked upon Rogue as a surrogate daughter.

At the same time she maintained another identity, that of Mallory Brickman, the wife of U.S. Senator Ralph Brickman. They even had a daughter, Gloria.

Mystique had concealed her superhuman powers and criminal intentions so well over the years that, as Darkholme, she was able to rise rapidly through the United States Civil Service to the trusted position of Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense. This position gave her access to military secrets and to advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes.

To help her in her criminal activities, Mystique organized the third incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which originally consisted of herself, Avalanche, the Blob, Destiny, and Pyro. Mystique named her group after the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, a subversive organization founded by Magneto in his criminal days.

The third Brotherhood first became notorious when it attempted to intimidate the public by assassinating Senator Robert Kelly, who was investigating what he perceived as the possible menace posed by the existence of superhuman mutants and other superhuman beings. The X-Men thwarted the assassination attempt, and the Brotherhood later clashed with the X-Men on other occasions, as well as with the Avengers and Dazzler. Rogue was a member of the Brotherhood for a time, but finally left to join the X-Men, in order to find help in learning how to deal with her superhuman powers.

Recently, anti-mutant sentiment among normal human beings has greatly increased, and the federal government has launched its own covert anti-mutant program, Project Wideawake. Believing that the times had thus become too dangerous for the Brotherhood to continue its criminal activities, Mystique went to Dr. Valerie Cooper, special assistant to the head of the National Security Council, and offered the Brotherhood's services to the government. Cooper agreed to convey the offer to the President, on the condition that the Brotherhood pass a test she imposed: the capture of Magneto. The Brotherhood, now renamed Freedom Force, succeeded in bringing Magneto to the authorities (although, in fact, they did so only because he voluntarily surrendered to them), and soon afterwards officially entered the government's employ.

In return for entering the government's employ as Freedom Force's leader, Mystique received a presidential pardon for all criminal charges against her, but the pardon would be revoked if any member of Freedom Force was found committing a crime.

Recently, Mystique fled X-Factor and hid from them by returning to her secret identity as Mallory Brickman, the Senator's wife.

Mystique Mystique Note: The character of Mystique appeared in the X-Men movie and X-Men: Evolution television series.

Powers: Mystique is a mutant metamorph. She can psionically shift the atoms and molecules of her body and of whatever clothing she is wearing so as to change her and its appearance. As a result she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voiceprints.

Mystique, however, is limited by her inability to diminish or increase her own mass at will. As a result, while she can make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh as much as the real person does. Although she can maintain the form of a person of her height, weight, and build indefinitely (as with her own appearance as Raven Darkholme), the longer that she maintains the form of a person physically bigger than herself, the greater the strain she feels. If she maintains that bigger form for too long a period, the length of which is directly proportional to the difference in size between that form and her normal one, she will collapse and automatically revert to her normal form.

Mystique cannot duplicate the powers of the person she imitates: for example, when she turned herself into a duplicate of Nightcrawler, she did not gain the ability to teleport.

As yet Mystique has not demonstrated any ability to adopt the form of non-humanoid beings, animals, plants, or non-living objects. It is conjectured that she could not imitate any of these without interfering with the proper functioning of her internal organs and possibly dying, but the truth, like much regarding Mystique, remains shrouded.

Links to other Mystique pages:

  • Character created by Marvel Comics.
    Page layout by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - January, 2004

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