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Foes of the
The New Warriors

Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark Who is he: Todd Arliss, olympic swimmer who got the super-villian treatment from Dr. Dorcas.
What does he do: Eat, swim and get beaten by Namor on a regular basis.
Met in: He met Nita in Ms. Marvel #16, April 1978.
Why'd they fight: He kidnapped Namorita once to use against Namor. This was back in the day when Nita was little more then an extra in Sub-Mariner's storyline. She was saved by the original Ms. Marvel.
Where'd he go: Todd next appeared in Avengers #222, then went on to show up in the pages of Namor and eventually became a regular foe of the Thunderbolts.


Terrax Who is he: Tyros.
What does he do: Alien mutant and earth elemental with cosmic power thanks to Galactus.
Met in: New Warriors #1, 15-16
Why'd they fight: This is where the Warriors started. Thrasher had contacted Marvel Boy, Firestar and Nova about forming a team of heroes. When Terrax was brought back from the dead by a Genetech soil analyzer (he died in Fantastic Four #260) Thrash and his team showed up. Nita was also on hand on a school tour and Speedball happened to be nearby at the time. They were able to defeat this cosmic menace because he was still rather weak after coming back from the dead, and he needed to be in contact with the ground to draw power. After the fight the Avengers showed up and hogged all the media coverage over the victory. Speedball and Nita joined Thrash and crew and the New Warriors were born. Later on Genetech head Harnom Firmitz would merge with the remains of Terrax, hoping to gain super powers. It just brought Terrax back again. This time he was a little more powerful, but still couldn't travel in space unaided. After fighting the Warriors, Psionex and the Fantastic Four, the Silver Surfer showed up and grabbed him and dropped him on an uninhabbited planet.
Where'd he go: Terrax showed up the pages of the Silver Surfer, fighting the latest Herald of Galactus, Morg.

The Juggernaut

Juggernaut Who is he: Cain Marko.
What does he do: Unstoppable muscle man.
Met in: Mighty Thor #411-412, New Warriors #11-13
Why'd they fight: During the Acts of Vengence, Loki freed Juggernaut to get him to take down Thor. Thor was already weakened, and was being beaten when the Warriors showed up and gave Cain a good laugh. The Warriors didn't stand a chance, but when they were distracting Juggernaut, Thor managed to whip out his god-force and they banished him to another dimension for a while. They met again in the alternate reality created by the Sphinx in New Warriors #11-13, where Cain was actually an ally of Marvel Boy and Firestar in the mutant underground led by Magneto.
Where'd he go: Cain showed up again in Mighty Thor #428.

Star Thief

Star Thief Who is he: Ditmal Pirvat
What does he do: Cosmic powered energy dude who hates space exploration.
Met in: New Warriors #5-6, Nova #13
Why'd they fight: Ditmal's family was hit by malfunctioning ozone layer analyzer satellite in India while on a family drive. They died and he turned into a glowing cosmic powered guy. He decided to stop man from messing with space exploration. While the Warriors were investigating the launch of a shady rocket by Stane International, the Star Thief showed up to destroy the rocket. During the fight Nita, Marvel Boy and Firestar were inside the rocket with Star Thief when it was launched. Ends up the Rocket was full of poison and was targeted to hit the Inhumans home on the moon. Lockjaw transported the bunch of them to the Inhumans home while the rocket was still on it's way and they eventually decided that the rocket needed to be destroyed, which Blackbolt, Firestar and Star Thief did together. Ditmal decided to stay with the Inhumans, and Lockjaw teleported the Warriors back to the Crash Pad. Star Thief showed up again in issue 13 of Nova, where he aided Nova when showed up on the moon.
Where'd he go: Even with the Inhumans having moved back to Earth and getting their own series, Ditmal has never shown up again. Best guess is that he left their company while they were still on the moon.

The White Queen

White Queen Who is she: Emma Frost
What does she do: Mentalist leader of the Hellions, and later Generation X.
Met in: New Warriors #9-10, New Warriors II #5 - February 2000
Why'd they fight: Firestar was once a student of Emma's. Emma attacked Night Thrasher and Silhouette along with her Hellions Beef, Bevatron, Catseye, Jetstream, Roulette, Tarot. It seems they discovered that Thrasher hacked into their computers in order to find out who Firestar was in issue #1, and were ticked off. The rest of the New Warriors came to the rescue. Tai and the Queen decided to let the Hellions and Warriors duke it out, to see who would get Firestar. The Warriors won and the White Queen left with her students. The Warriors met her again when she lead Generation X to stop Fletcher Traynor from killing Namorita, but Fletcher had become Biohazard. In the confrontation over who should stop Biohazard, the Warriors and Generation X fought.
Where'd she go: Her hellions died in the pages of the Uncanny X-Men, then she played body swap with Iceman for a while. During the whole crossover that led into the creation of Generation X she teamed up with Banshee and Jubilee and eventually ended up running Generation X.

The Thing

Thing Who is he: The ever-lovin blue eyed Ben Grimm.
What does he do: Test pilot turned brick hero.
Met in: Fantastic Four #356 - September 1991
Why'd they fight: The Puppet Master mind controlled Marvel Boy into kidnapping Alica Storm, because he suspects that something is wrong with her. When the Human Torch tries to rescue her they fight and Firestar, Namorita, Night Thrasher and Nova join in. Then Ben, Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman show up and take Torch's side. Speedball actually gets in a good shot or two against Ben and Mister Fantastic. Eventually they discover the Puppet Master and team up against him. This story leads up to the stunning revelation in a few issues that Alicia is really a Skrull spy, and has been since the Secret Wars. This story seems to take place around issue 14 of the New Warriors story, but has some problems. In issue 14 Namorita is beaten up and has her hair cut by the Sea Urchin, then Nova gets his blue suit. But in this story Nova has his blue suit, but Namorita still has long hair and looks fine!
Where'd he go: Ben next appeared in issue #357.


Boomerang Who is he: Fred Myers
What does he do: Crooked baseball pitcher turned high tech assassin.
Met in: Web of Spider-Man Annual #8 - 1992
Why'd they fight: Boomerang worked as a henchman of the Sphinx along with a number of other villians in trying to subdue Spider-Man, Firestar, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Nova, Silhouette, Speedball. He and Blacklash were defeated by Night Thrasher.
Where'd he go: Boomerang went on to work in the Sinister Syndicate against Spider-Man and then joined the sixth Masters of Evil, who were broken up and jailed by the Thunderbolts.

The Constrictor

Constrictor Who is he:
What does he do: Mercenary in a padded suit with electrified tenticles.
Met in: Web of Spider-Man Annual #8 - 1992
Why'd they fight: The Constrictor worked as a henchman of the Sphinx along with a number of other villians in trying to subdue Spider-Man, Firestar, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Nova, Silhouette, Speedball. He and Hydroman were defeated by Firestar.
Where'd he go: Constrictor went on to join the sixth Masters of Evil, who were broken up and jailed by the Thunderbolts.

The Rhino

Rhino Who is he: The Rhino, that's all.
What does he do: Big stong guy, not much else.
Met in: Web of Spider-Man Annual #8 - 1992
Why'd they fight: Rhino worked as a henchman of the Sphinx along with a number of other villians in trying to subdue Spider-Man, Firestar, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Nova, Silhouette, Speedball. He defeated and captured Silhouette.
Where'd he go:

The Cardinal

Cardinal Who is he: Clemdenon
What does he do: Mercenary in a red suit of flying armor, member of Airforce One.
Met in: New Warriors #28, Night Thrasher #5, New Warriors #54-56
Why'd they fight: Cardinal started out as a mercenary in the employ of the Sea Urchin. He stopped Firestar, Namorita, Nova and Silhouette from catching the Sea Urchin. Along with Turbo they faced him again, and Namorita got the best of him. He later had a run-in with Night Thrasher in his series. He ended up helping Rwandan refugees when Airforce One and the Warriors were attacked by the Soldiers of Misfortune, agents of the Undertow.
Where'd he go: He most recently was seen being recruited by the third Crimson Cowl into the latest version of the Masters of Evil in Thunderbolts #24-25.

Angel II

Angel II Who is he: Warren Kennith Worthington III
What does he do: Winged X-Man.
Met in: New Warriors #32-34, New Warriors Annual #3 - February to April 1993.
Why'd they fight: Warren was nearby, visiting his girlfriend Charlotte Jones, when the Warriors, Avengers, Spider-Man and Thing were attacked by the Darkling. Although he tried to aid them he was surrounded by darkforce tendrals and possessed into attacking them. He fought Firestar and Darkhawk before Firestar fineally freed him.
Where'd he go: When he met them Warren was going by the name Archangel, and was a member of X-Factor. He went on with X-Factor for a while then rejoined the X-Men.


Puck Who is he: Eugene Milton Judd
What does he do: Bouncing acrobat of Alpha Flight.
Met in: Darkhawk #31 - September 1993
Why'd they fight: During the Infinity Crusade, Puck was among a number of super-heroes who were mind controlled by the Goddess into worshipping her. He and the others were transported to the planet Paradise Omega. The New Warriors were among the heroes who attempted to stop her from taking over and destroying the galaxy for it's own good. While on Paradise Omega, Firestar battled and defeated Puck.
Where'd he go: Puck went back to the pages of Alpha Flight.


Boomerang Who is he: Fred Myers
What does he do: Throws trick boomerangs.
Met in: New Warriors II #1 - October 1999
Why'd they fight: Boomerang tried to rob a bank in New York, but Speedball defeated him.
Where'd he go:


Jubilee Who is she: Jubilation Lee
What does she do: Throws fireworks.
Met in: New Warriors II #5 - February 2000
Why'd they fight: The Warriors met her when Generation X tried to stop Fletcher Traynor from killing Namorita, but Fletcher had become Biohazard. In the confrontation over who should stop Biohazard, the Warriors and Generation X fought.
Where'd she go:


Synch Who is he: Everett Thomas
What does he do: Copy mutant powers.
Met in: New Warriors II #5 - February 2000
Why'd they fight: The Warriors met him when Generation X tried to stop Fletcher Traynor from killing Namorita, but Fletcher had become Biohazard. In the confrontation over who should stop Biohazard, the Warriors and Generation X fought.
Where'd he go:


Husk Who is she: Paige Gunthrie
What does she do: Rips off her skin to change form.
Met in: New Warriors II #5 - February 2000
Why'd they fight: The Warriors met her when Generation X tried to stop Fletcher Traynor from killing Namorita, but Fletcher had become Biohazard. In the confrontation over who should stop Biohazard, the Warriors and Generation X fought.
Where'd she go:


Banshee Who is he: Sean Cassady
What does he do: Mutant with sonic powers.
Met in: New Warriors II #5 - February 2000
Why'd they fight: The Warriors met him when Generation X tried to stop Fletcher Traynor from killing Namorita, but Fletcher had become Biohazard. In the confrontation over who should stop Biohazard, the Warriors and Generation X fought.
Where'd he go:

Links to other New Warriors foes, thanks to the ''Bring On The Bad Guys'' site:

  • A.I.M. - The Warriors took out an A.I.M. weapons house in Avengers III #13.
  • Aquaduct - Member of the Force of Nature.
  • Bandit - Short time member, long time adversary.
  • Dire Wraiths - These were Volx's kids.
  • Elements of Doom - The Warriors fought them in Thunderbolts #8.
  • Folding Circle - Thrasher and Sil were members.
  • Mad Thinker - He secretly aided the Warriors on numerous occasions.
  • Namor - Nita's cousin once fought the Warriors when Nita went missing.
  • Plantman - The guy who made Terrafromer of the Force of Nature.
  • Psionex - A group of psychotic enemies/allies of the Warriors.
  • Punisher - Foe of Night Thrasher.

  • Page setup by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - October, 2001

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