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Paige Matthews

Paige Matthews for Champions Play

Real name: Paige Matthews
Other known aliases: Snow White, Jessica
Occupation: Guardian Angel in training and protector of the innocent, former assistant social worker, war goddess, fruit packer, secretary, home assistant.
Current group affiliation: Charmed Ones and Whitelighters.
Past group affiliations: Minion of the vampire queen.
Major enemies: Various warlocks and demons. Formerly Cole Turner and the Source of all Evil.
First appearance: Charmed Again Part 1 4.01
Origin: Charmed Again Part 1 4.01 and Charmed Again Part 2 4.02
Description: Paige is an attractive woman standing 5'3'' tall with dark hair and brown eyes. A recent accident with a potion seems to have changed her hair color to red. Paige has recently displayed the ability to shape shift, so she can alter her appearance.


 8     STR     -2
14     DEX     12
13     CON      6
10     BODY     0
13     INT      3
14     EGO      8
20     PRE     10
20     COM      5
 6     PD       4
 6     ED       3
 4     SPD     16
 8     REC      6
26     END      0
21     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 71

Powers and Skills

 5     +0 Detect,"Supernatural evil.",make into sense,Desc: Evil     
 3     Mental Awareness (Magic)     
 5     8 Mental Defense     
61     MP (61)     
 1u    5D6 Aid,use optional healing rules,Concentrate(-1/4),Not vs.     
        self.(-1/2)                                                 2
 3u    Desolid,Can only use for one phase, then comes back.(-1/2)   4
 4u    X-D Move,group of dimensions,x4 Increased Mass               3
 2u    5D6 Mind Scan,+10 Plus To Roll,Extra Time(-1/2),Only to     
        sense her charges.(-3/4)                                    4
 2u    5 OCV Missile Deflection,reflect at any target,Incantation     
 2u    1D6 RKA,vs physical defense,Incantation(-1/4),Continuous(+1) 3
 1u    8 STR TK,affects all parts,Gestures(-1/4),Incantation(-1/4)  1
 3u    10" Teleport,Incantation(-1/4),Usable Against Others(+1)     4
 2u    Shape Shift,limited group of shapes,Gestures(-1/4),Only     
        costs END to activate.(+1/4)                                2
 3u    10" Teleport,x4 Increased Mass,x64 Increased Range,1 Fixed     
        Locations,12- Activation(-3/4)                              2
 5     5 Power Defense     
53     VPP (40),Incantation(-1/4),Concentrate(-1/4)     
 3     Bureaucratics 13-     
 3     Deduction 12-     
 2     KS: Demons & Warlocks. 11-     
 2     KS: Magic 11-     
 8     1 Levels,all combat     
 3     Persuasion 13-     
 3     Seduction 13-     
Powers Cost: 179


Base Points: 100
15     Accidental Chg,"Goes Desolid when she is frightened.",
        uncommon,occur 14-
15     DNPC,"Innocents in danger.",normal,appear 11-
10     Distinctive,"Hot babe!",easily concealable,major
20     Hunted,"by demons and warlocks.",as powerful,non-combat
        influence,harsh,appear 11-
20     Normal Stats
10     Physical Lim,"Can't use a powers for selfish personal
 5     Psych Lim,"Never serious.",uncommon,moderate
10     Psych Lim,"Looks for the easy way out.",uncommon,strong
15     Psych Lim,"Loves her sisters.",common,strong
 1     Quirk - Addicted to lolipops.
 1     Quirk - Doesn't drink booze, ever.
 1     Quirk - Enjoys redecorating.
 1     Quirk - Has bad luck with men.
 1     Quirk - Wears silly trendy clothes.
 5     Rep,"Charmed one.",occur 8-
15     Secret ID,"Witch"
 5     Watched,"by Leo and the elders.",as powerful,non-combat
        influence,mild,appear 8-
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: I placed all the active powers Paige has displayed so far in slots of a Multipower framework. The Aid slot is her healing power, done as a healing Aid. The Desolidification slot is for when she orbs herself in place, effectively becoming Desolid for a short time. The Extradimensional Movement slot is for when she orbs to other dimensions. The Mind Scan slot is for how she has been able to sense the location of a charge she is supposed to protect. The Missile Reflection slot allows her to call an object thrown at herself or others and orb it at any target. The Ranged Killing Attack is for when she called the heart of a man, nearly killing him, which I wrote as a Killing Attack. The Telekinesis slot is when she calls an object setting it in motion, which is a form of Telekinesis. She only seemed to be able to throw an object by calling it and throwing her arms. The Teleportation slot which is useable against others is for orbing objects without setting them in motion. The other Teleportation slot is for when she transports herself and others by orbing. She cam travel great distances, although in this write-up long distances will take multiple uses of the power. She's been known to travel across the planet. The Incantation on many of her powers is her saying out loud the name of the object she wishes to effect. For instance if she wanted to use Telekinesis on a lamp she'd yell out loud "Lamp!". She must speak clearly and loudly for this to work.

Paige Halliwell History: Paige Matthews was the 4th child of Patty Halliwell, a good witch who lived in San Francisco. Unlike the first three daughters Patty had with her husband Victor Bennett, Paige was fathered by Patty's guardian angel, a Whitelighter named Samuel Wilder. Victor had left Patty and their children and never knew of the 4th child. On August 2nd, 1977 Patty and Sam left the newborn baby to a nun named sister Agnes at a local church, fearing repercussions if the forbidden affair between a witch and a Whitelighter was ever discovered. She left the baby with a blanket and asked that her name start with a P, like all women of her family.

The baby was named Paige, and adopted by the Matthews. Eventually her adopted parents died in a car crash. Paige took it hard and developed a drinking problem. After getting over that Paige attempted to track down her real family. She went to the police and learned of the church she was left at. She checked around and suspected she was related to the Halliwell sisters, but she somehow never approached them about it, since their mother was dead.

In 2000 Paige started to go to the club called P3 because it was owned by Piper Halliwell. Paige started dating a man named Shane.

The Sisters When Paige learned Prue Halliwell had died, she attended the funeral. At the funeral Paige shook hands with Phoebe Halliwell and Phoebe received a vision of Paige being attacked by the demon Shax, the demon that killed Prue. After the funeral Paige and Shane went to a rooftop to make out and they were attacked by Shax. Phoebe and her boyfriend Cole Turner observed the fight and that Paige "orbed" out of existence to avoid an attack by Shax. Sadly Shane was not as lucky and was injured. Phoebe and Cole attacked Shax, but he and Paige both escaped. After checking on her boyfriend at the hospital and speaking to police, Paige went to the Halliwell manor. She was together with the Book of Shadows and her two sisters for the first time and they became the Charmed Ones. This reunion was interrupted by Shax, but Piper and Phoebe were able to get Paige to assist them in saying the spell which would vanquish him. Freaked out by what she saw, Paige ran off (Charmed Again Part 1 4.01).

Paige Matthews Hoping he could turn Paige evil before she cemented any bonds with her sisters, The Source of All Evil possessed Shane in hopes of getting her to use her powers to hurt a man accused of abusing his child. Paige then went to meet the nun who she was given to as a baby, who told her angels left her at the church. Paige was approached by Piper and Phoebe, who told her of her powers to move things. Paige soon learned she could only move objects by calling for them verbally. Paige was then approached by a Source possessed Shane, claiming someone was hunting him, she left with him, fleeing the sisters. The Source of All Evil then took Paige back to Shane's place where he tempted her to use her powers to kill the man who she thought was abusing his child. Later at work Paige was killing him by calling out his heart, but Phoebe and Piper were able to stop her and Leo orbed her to the Halliwell home. It was discovered that the man was innocent and it was his wife who was abusing the child. The Source of All Evil then dealt a mortal blow to Cole, leaving him to die slowly. Back at the manor Paige threw a fit, and The Source of All Evil attacked them. The Source of All Evil tried to tempt her into evil, but she chose to be with her sisters when The Source of All Evil attacked Phoebe. The Source of All Evil then boasted of killing Cole and tried to kill a police inspector who was spying on the sisters, but the inspector was saved by Leo's healing powers. The sisters and Leo then found Cole and were able to use the combined powers of Leo and Paige to heal him. Paige then reconciled with her sisters, but Shane, having jumbled memories of his possession, left Paige. Phoebe and Piper then took her back to their home and used a spell to summon the spirit of Penny Halliwell so reunite the long separated mother and daughter (Charmed Again Part 2 4.02).

Phoebe Halliwell & Paige Matthews Having to deal with harassing co-workers, Paige tried to turn to magic to make things better. She borrowed the Book of Shadows, but found it difficult to control. She cured a co-worker of his acne and did other minor spells, which worked okay. When she cursed a harassing co-worker with unwanted attention from women, the spell backfired and made her breasts grow to enormous size, giving her the same unwanted attention. Phoebe was able to reverse the effects in time for the two of them to confront Piper, who was being turned into a Fury (Hell Hath No Fury 4.03).

Paige Matthews Paige then started her witch training. She learned potion basics under Piper, but when practicing a potion she accidentally created a spell that swapped her soul with Phoebe's. Although they tried to keep it a secret while they swapped souls back again, they had to confront the evil zen student Yenlo trying to kill his former master. They traveled to limbo and defeated Yenlo after swapping souls back (Enter The Demon 4.04).

Paige Matthews Having learned that magic and supernatural evil were real, Paige decided to investigate an old house that had always creeped her out. In doing so she learned it was really the home of the demon Gammill and that her friend Finn was Gammill's golem creation. She tired to protect Finn, but Gammill killed his creation for helping Paige. The demon was a collector of ceramic figurines made of shrunken women. He shrunk Phoebe and later got Piper and Paige too, but the three sisters were able to defeat and vanquish him, which returned them to their original size (Size Matters 4.05).

Sisters Paige then started dating a man named Glen, who she told a story she thought she remembered from her childhood about an Evil Enchantress who stole the love of a prince with magic. Meanwhile a Shocker demon started hunting the Charmed Ones. When Paige looked the Evil Enchantress up in the Book of Shadows, she discovered an entry on her and the spell used to control the prince. Upon speaking the spell the prince was called forward in time to be with Paige, who he thought was the Enchantress, and he loved dearly because of the spell. Phoebe and Piper then reasoned that Paige was the Enchantress reincarnated. The Evil Enchantress then went forward in time, following her prince. She attacked the Charmed Ones and took the prince back to her time, but followed by Phoebe and Piper. Phoebe and Piper were captured because they lacked powers in the past. Paige was able to craft a spell to bring herself and Leo back to their time. Leo freed Piper and Phoebe as Paige used the Enchantresses powers against her. The sisters then bound the Enchantresses powers and returned to their own time (A Knight To Remember 4.06).

Paige Matthews Phoebe authored a Source vanquishing spell that used the power of the Halliwell's witch ancestors. When the Seer informed the Source of his coming demise by the Charmed Ones the Source unleashed the Hollow, an ancient entity which could steal magical powers. The Source used the Hollow and it's dark guardian to steal Piper's powers and in the process nearly killed Phoebe, but Leo healed her. The Source then sent a darklighter with the Hollow to kill Leo and steal Paige's powers. The darklighter stole Paige's power for the Source and wounded Leo. The Seer then foresaw that the Hollow would consume everything if the Source kept using it. Thinking they might not survive Cole gave Phoebe a new engagement ring. At this time Paige was helping a woman named Carolyn regain custody of her child after getting out of an abusive relationship. Paige used magic to help Carolyn. The Seer betrayed the Source by contacting Cole and giving him the Hollow to help defeat the Source. The Seer and Phoebe then used their combined abilities to put the Hollow back in it's crypt. They returned the powers stolen from Piper and Paige, but this secretly left Cole with the Sources powers. Paige then healed Leo (Charmed and Dangerous 4.13).

Cole then started getting nightmares of becoming the new Source. Paige started practicing orbing herself over distances. Cole tried to fight becoming the Source, but it kept him from revealing what happened to the sisters, as the Seer attempted to guide him on his new dark path. A demon named Kurzon planned on taking over the underworld, so the Seer fooled him into thinking the Charmed Ones were planning on attacking him. She got him to attack the Charmed Once first. Paige got promoted for her work with Carolyn, but had to turn it down for fear of using her magic for personal gain. Phoebe started to get a bad feeling about her coming marriage, so Piper suggested she use magic to find out what her heart felt. Kurzon attacked Paige, was attacked by Piper and retreated. Phoebe cast the spell to hear her hearts desire, which ended up summoning her future and past selves. Older Phoebe refused to tell Phoebe about the events of the future for fear of changing things for the worse. Learning a young and vulnerable Phoebe was in the present, Kurzon attacked young Phoebe, but Cole protected her. Leo then took little Phoebe to the realm of whitelighters for protection. Kurzon attacked again, wounding older Phoebe. He was vanquished by the Charmed Ones, but not before older Phoebe told Phoebe to marry Cole. This returned the older and younger Phoebes to their own time. Paige decided to turn down the promotion to avoid personal gain from magic (The Three Faces of Phoebe 4.14).

Paige Matthews When a struggle for power broke out between the Cole and the queen of the vampires she sent a group of vampires to bite Paige and make her a vampire under the queen's thrall. Although they were successful, Cole was able to kill the vampire queen before Paige was fully converted into a vampire, saving Paige (Bite Me 4.18).

When the Halliwell home started to suffer from hauntings due to all the past evil killed there, Piper summoned a witch doctor to cleanse the home. Although the witch doctor did his job, he was worried about the power the sisters commanded and their susceptibility to all that evil. The council of witch doctors decided it was best for the world if they got rid of the sisters, so they cast a voodoo spell on them, hoping their obsessions would destroy them. Paige became obsessed with marrying her old boyfriend Glen, going so far as to kidnap his bride to be and impersonating her. Phoebe became obsessed with a competing advice columnist and turned him into a turkey, which she planned to serve for dinner. Piper became so obsessed with a clean house she attempted to destroy the manor and start over with a cleaner house. Leo as able to help the sisters overcome their obsessions and they warned the witch doctors not to come after them again (Obsessions 5.13).

Trivia: On the Charmed television show, the part of Paige Matthews is played by actress Rose McGowan. In the episode where she swapped bodies with her sister Phoebe, she was played by actress Alyssa Milano. In the episode where Paige shape shifted into Glen's girlfriend Jessica, she was played by actress Erinn Bartlett.

Paige Matthews Powers: Paige is a powerful witch/Whitelighter hybrid with the gift to move objects by calling to them. She can wink out of existence by orbing herself, or move great distances and other dimensions, carrying other people with her. She can also heal with a touch and cause harm to others by calling on their internal organs. Paige can detect supernatural evil, which gives her a evil chill. She recently started to learn to track her charges and shape shift. She can cast a variety of spells. She can see ghosts and spirits.

Paige briefly was able to borrow the powers of her past self, the Evil Enchantress, who could summon winds and lightning (A Knight To Remember 4.06).

When she swapped bodies with her sister Phoebe she hah Phoebe's powers, but couldn't control those powers (Enter The Demon 4.04).

Piper was once shrunk to a few inches tall by a magic wand (Size Matters 4.05).

While she was a vampire Paige displayed the standard abilities of one. She had fangs, enhanced strength, could cling to ceilings, transform into a large bat capable of flight, had enhanced hearing, and could sense the location of her prey from great distances. While she was a vampire she was vulnerable to sunlight and holy water, turned evil and was under the thrall of the vampire queen (Bite Me 4.18).

Paige was briefly transformed into a super hero by a witch with the power to make his drawings come to life. In this form she had super speed, strength, was able to stop bullets and had superior hearing (Magic Wears a Mask 5.05).

Paige was turned to stone by one of the titans, but was cured using a combination of magics. She was then transformed into a war goddess to combat the titans, but later returned to normal. When she was a war goddess she displayed enhanced physical abilities, the ability to teleport, near invulnerability and a comprehensive knowledge of combat tactics.

Links to other Paige pages:

  • Conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - July, 2004 (

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