Real name: Simon Utrecht Other known aliases: None Occupation: Professional criminal, former politician. Current group affiliation: U-Foes. Past group affiliations: Worked for the Leader and the Master. Major enemies: Hulk, Avengers, Heroes For Hire. First appearance: Incredible Hulk II #254 Origin: Incredible Hulk II #254 Description: Simon is covered with a colorful filmy substance. He is 6' tall and weighs 195 lbs. He has no visible outer ear and solid white eyes.
10 STR 0
14 DEX 12
20 CON 20
12 BODY 4
18 INT 8
13 EGO 6
13 PRE 3
6 COM -2
6 PD 4
8 ED 4
4 SPD 16
8 REC 4
40 END 0
29 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 79
Powers and Skills
12 4/4 Armor
24 Life Support,doesn't breathe,doesn't eat/sleep/excrete,safe
in vacuum/pressure,safe in heat/cold,immune to disease
10 13 Mental Defense
84 MP (Telekinesis) (105),Gestures(-1/4)
8u 12D6 EB (Telekinesis),vs physical defense,Double Knockback
(+3/4) 10
5u 22" Flight (Telekinesis),x32 Non-Combat 4
4u 6 OCV Missile Deflection (Telekinesis),deflect all attacks,
reflect at any target
5u 4" Tunneling,12 DEF Increased Def 1
3 High Society 12-
4 Martial Disarm
3 Navigation 11-
3 Oratory 12-
3 2 Rng Levels: With EB.
3 Tactics 13-
Powers Cost: 171
Total Cost: 250
Base Points: 100
15 Accidental Chg,"Flight goes off randomly when hit by
radiation.",uncommon,occur 14-
20 Distinctive,"Yellow body with colored stripes.",concealable,
15 Hunted,"By authorities and heroes.",as powerful,non-combat
influence,harsh,appear 8-
20 Normal Stats
15 Psych Lim,"Casual killer.",common,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Overconfident.",common,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Power hungry",common,strong
10 Public ID,"Simon Utrecht"
15 Rep,"Telekinetic villain.",occur 11-,extreme reputation
10 Unluck,2D6
Disadvantages Total: 150
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250
Explanation of the conversion: According to Omnibus the cosmic radiation the U-Foes were exposed to had made them difficult to control mentally, so I gave them Mental Defense.
Note: In the alternate time line depicted in New Warriors #11 to #13
Simon was a member of the mutant underground lead by Magneto.
Powers: Simon was transformed into an being of kinetic energy.
He is completely self-sustaining and bristling with power to move objects
away from himself through a form of telekinesis. Initially he just used
this power to push away objects in a simple attack, but he later devised a
number of more skilled uses of his power, including the ability to fly
at supersonic speeds and
to redirect attacks from himself to other opponents. He is even able to
deflect energy. Simon's powers are second nature to him, and take very
little effort to use. Vector's body is covered with a filmy substance that
provides minor protection from harm.
Character created by Marvel Comics.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
Last Updated - July, 2004