Real name: James Darnell Other known aliases: Jimmy Occupation: Professional criminal, former fuel scientist. Current group affiliation: U-Foes. Past group affiliations: Worked for the Leader and the Master of the World. Major enemies: Hulk, Avengers, Heroes For Hire. First appearance: Incredible Hulk II #254 Origin: Incredible Hulk II #254 Description: Jimmy is composed of solid radiation. He is 5'9'' tall and has no measurable weight. He appears to be a black and pink humanoid figure made of energy.
10 STR 0
14 DEX 12
20 CON 20
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
13 EGO 6
13 PRE 3
4 COM -3
4 PD 2
5 ED 1
4 SPD 16
6 REC 0
40 END 0
25 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 60
Powers and Skills
4 4/4 Damage Resistance
30 EC (Radiation) (30),"Radiation body."
30a) 75% Damage Reduction (ED),resistant
20b) 75% Damage Reduction (PD),resistant,Not vs. lead.(-1/2)
32c) 10D6 EB (Radiation),Var FX(+1/4) 6
30d) 20" Flight (Radiation),0 END(+1/2) 0
21 Life Support,doesn't breathe,doesn't eat/sleep/excrete,safe
in vacuum/pressure,safe in radiation
10 13 Mental Defense
1 Navigation 8-
3 2 Rng Levels: with EB.
3 SC: Chemistry 12-,(INT based)
3 SC: Inorganic Chemistry 12-,(INT based)
3 SC: Physics 12-,(INT based)
Powers Cost: 190
Base Points: 100
10 Distinctive,"Constantly gives off low radiation.",easily
25 Distinctive,"Pink and black energy body.",not concealable,
10 Enraged,"If his sister is hurt.",uncommon,occur 14-,recover
15 Hunted,"By authorities and heroes.",as powerful,non-combat
influence,harsh,appear 8-
20 Normal Stats
10 Psych Lim,"Follower mentality.",common,moderate
10 Psych Lim,"Casual killer",uncommon,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Power hungry",common,strong
10 Public ID,"James Darnell"
15 Rep,"Radioactive villain.",occur 11-,extreme reputation
10 Unluck,2D6
Disadvantages Total: 150
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250
Explanation of the conversion: According to Omnibus the cosmic radiation the U-Foes were exposed to had
made them difficult to control mentally, so I gave them Mental Defense.
Powers: Jimmy was transformed into an being of radiation. He is completely self-sustaining and bristling with power. As X-Ray Jimmy is a solid mass of radiation is almost immune to physical harm and can generate a variety of radio-active blasts, such as x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays.
Character created by Marvel Comics.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
Last Updated - October, 2001